December 26, 2010


Seasons Greeting Mates!

I have a massive hangover and I think.. just think that I might have a massive amount of food about to exit through my mouth. I'm sorry, really for the lack of updates and the huge amount of apologies I've been asking from you guys. I've just had a lot and I mean a lot of things in my mind and I still do. It's almost 26th December and Christmas is about to end rully. I can't really say that this was the best Christmas I've had but I guess it wasn't so bad. 

I spent half of Christmas Eve at tumblr and the rest.. including half of Christmas itself at my godmother's house. NOW, I'm not literally saying it was fun cause we as it turns out.. someone my mother disliked (and I might too) was there, so it wasn't really a "family" gathering. Food was great, Grandma cooked my favorite also another reason I love her. 

We distributed gifts at 1.30AM; I got 1 original converse shoes from my godfather, Robert and A very very very fancy watch collection (Quartz) from my Grandma. My godmother hasn't given me hers yet but I already know what it is, so yeah. At 2.45AM, well my godfather took the booze out.. we drank, we laughed, we watched and we had quite the morning. hahaha, I literally mean it.

We arrived home at I have no idea what time, slept at no idea time either.. probably 3 something? whatever, then we woke up at 8AM today to go to church. I still have a hangovur and I'm sleepy as fudge.We went to mall, had lunch, hang out as a family (my parents, me and my brothers) then bought some PS3 games and went home to play slash have a movie marathon. 

Yes, our parents don't buy as presents anymore. Why? cause we're teens and they're always buying us things we want. Anyway, I'm still thinking of what to give the girls. Ay, I'm a tad dizzy again. Pictures some other time aye? ;)

Oh, and I'm tad happy about being in the same class next year.

Thanks, let's wish 2011 is a better year. I can't wait for Misfits.

cheers mate,

December 21, 2010

Butterfly, fly away.

I hate annoying facebook users.
I hate annoying people who only look for me when no one is around.

Usually at this time of the month, I'll be doing some non-stop updates and be saying "Advance Merry Christmas" plenty of times but lately I just haven't been so up for blogging and not to seem so mean. I guess it's cause I never know what to say to anyone anymore. Everyyyyone is assuming I either don't want to talk, don't like them or lying to them. I seriously don't get it. 


well, whatsoever. no pictures at the moment and can't update much cause yeah I have no idea what to say. Also to lazy to do anything. 

P.S:  Will read tagboard soon, soon.
P.P.S: Got tattoo'd. :)

December 18, 2010


Question; If I liked a girl, would you still consider me a friend?
not that I do like one, just asking.

This is the thing about December/holidays and me. I tend to enjoy it so much that I never notice my weight anymore. My plan of losing weight over the holidays are pretty much a huge fail because I kenot lose weight! Everyday after dancing, I get so tired/lazy and hungry that I pretty much munch on junk food to restore my energy. I barely notice how much I'm eating and I never did until mom had to go around and say "are you getting fatter?" I was like sdskdjcksmfnmsfdv, you're joking right?

I stared at the mirror for 45 minutes and then checked the.. what's that called, the thing where you check your weight? god, I'm getting dumber too. Yeah, I went to check my weight and bam! I am so not gonna put my weight here, tf.

I know I'm not the type to care about my size and weight but THAT weight is unacceptable even for my mom and brothers. I'm okay with like the weight I had BEFORE school holidays' just not this one. I don't like the one I have now, so I've decided to cut on food - though it's kind of hard with all the chocolates my big brother brought back from Philippines. I guess I have to try harder.. especially after dancing.

Anyway, yeah. My big brother's here for 16 days. That's the update that you get for today, editing wishlist and adding:- 

  • sack boy doll
  • sack boy keychain
  • sack boy shirt
  • Poreotix shirt made and non-made
  • Final Fantasy 13, PS3 game
  • that pink hand bag, yes hang bag from Hua Ho Manggis
  • iTouch (or was that there already?)
  • B.R.W <3
  • anklets
  • Patrick Star collection :3
  • date for dance crew gathering, say whut?
k. pictures soon. with love.


December 15, 2010



I want everything to happen this Christmas, to get what I need, to earn what I want.

mtfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu is off to kill me with his hugs. ;)

I'll be back with an update soon.


December 12, 2010

Asian family gathering, ftw.

There are people who just change you entirely

I guess I'm entirely sorry for the lack of updates, December, not only for me but for everyone else is quite a busy month. I'm sure you all agree to that. Anyway, here's the update I've been meaning to blog about.

This was during the preparation for my uncle's 50th golden birthday party. We were somehow called the "D wonder sons, nieces and nephews" why? oh god, cause we dance Nobody & Lollipop. Laugh all you want, what choice did I have?

The birthday was unforgettable, it wasn't so well planned but it still ended up to be amazing. There was 5 good things that happened: 

  • I managed to get a new dress. shut up.
  • I didn't get embarrassed for dancing with my 12-13 year old cousins.
  • My grandmother & aunt Leah (who I haven't seen since.. well, ages) came and will be staying until March.
  • My dad and mom decided that we could stay/sleep at Mangrove Paradise Resort, so we checked in.
  • The birthday celebration didn't end just there but more of that later.

I didn't take pictures during the night, we slept at around 2am?
  • woke up at 7am
  • enjoyed the scene then went to Auntie Vangie & Uncle Noel's room
  • chit chatted, took photos and prepared for breakfast
  • ate breakfast. Nasi Lemak, ftw
  • took out decorations from the restaurant
  • went swimming for 4-5 hourse, no, I no have duh sunburn
  • the last picture, after swimming and showering. 
  • might be spending New Year's there.

  • Dad picked us up at 12.30 from Mangrove
  • sent Auntie Leah & Grandmom to Auntie Lisa's house
  • went Gaydong
  • Got my contacts
  • Ate at Food court, Jollibee! <3 and met up with Stephy
  • Saw Ht, the Chinese Mafia Boss :) (A)
  • Chit-Chatted with her for an hour maybe?
  • Went to Face Shop, got forced to wear Eye liner and buy an eye liner
  • Ate Fondue at Swensen, TWICE
  • went earring shopping
  • drank Nemo while dad, Nigel and mom ate

  • My baby cousins wanted to play PS3, so we slept over at there house
  • slept at midnight
  • chatted with Ate Cel about Ek
  • doesn't the picture explain what we did? &
  • The picture looks funny right? It looks like nothing changed, except the light passing through the window

  • Around 3PM, we all decided to have ASIAN GATHERING at mall
  • we had our dinner at food court, many many many food :3
  • so, my cousins (Nate, Josh, Karen, Kathy) and I decided that we should take a photo in the booth- the one inside the Arcade, so we took a photo
  • 20 minutes later we got the result and we all shared it equally
  • when we showed it to the older people, they kind of.. liked it
  • so the WHOLE family decided to go INSIDE the arcade
  • HA HA HA, it was so funny, everyone was staring at us
  • and the woman behind the desk got a little annoyed, she wouldn't even smile. fcker
  • we all got one each, different pictures each
  • then the last picture, uh, there's three photo's where we were at Jerudong Park (yesterday)

  • we couldn't play any rides cause we arrived there at 10.30PM
  • we dropped by kaling shop and bought drinks & food
  • then we walked to the huge diamond place with the fountain and we took photos there
  • took plenty of photos, played at playgrounds
  • took MANY photos
  • MANY MANY MANY photos (some ares still in the camera & with ninong [godfatherrrrr] buboy)
  • after all the running around, talking, laughing, eating we decided to go home - it was nearly midnight
  • before we went home of course, the younger ones (my cousins) played the human snake & ladder game, that took 10 minutes
  • dropped by uncle Noel's house to get out clothes and PS3
  • then went home
I'm sorry if you don't get any of the stuff or don't care about any of what I just blogged but then again I don't care what you think (A) :) kthanx. 

I might be sleeping at my Aunt Lisa's house today. :) If my parents ever get home. -.-


December 10, 2010

quick whut

Update as soon as I get home with my laptop. :(
been having tons of sleepover.

In reply to veena 's post.
  • she's pretty
  • she's honest
  • she's witty
  • she has an amazing smile
  • she's funny
  • she's amazing
  • she's fun to be with
  • she's caring
  • she's her
  • and  I love her for that
  • she's beautiful even though she just shows 10 % of herself
  • she's cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute
  • and no matter what, she has an amazing personality
  • and also, no one can replace her
  • she might not be so tall
  • or she might think she's not beautiful but she is
I JUST HAD TO. Blogged just for that.

  • My uncles 50th birthday. GOLDEN bitch
  • Slept last minute at Magrove Paradise Resort
  • Phone call with Calvin Jong <3
  • Swam at Mangrove Resort
  • sunburn -.-
  • Mall with mom, Nigel & Stephy <3
  • Shooppping
  • Got contacts now, so hard getting used to it, no colour k?
  • had to BUY and WEAR eye liner.
  • Promised Stephy and mom that I wouldn't say no to there modifications
  • found out that I might curl my hair before christmas.
Right now
  • At my cousins house
  • Had 3 days straight of family time <3
  • Grandma's here btw! and auntie Leah (haven't seen her for ages)
  • Playing Ps3 and shit with my cousins!

At cousins house, playing. ;)
will edit tomorrow when I get home and post pictures soon.



December 7, 2010

diffuse wuman

How do you know if you're really making a mistake? 

Hectic. Hectic. Hectic. Hectic. This month is very hectic- been busy with dancing, preparing for my uncle's 50th golden birthday party and stuff. He's 50; he plays Call Of Duty, Black Ops and plays nerf guns. How awesome is that? Thought I'd just mention it. :)

Anyway, Not much to tell right now. Same old same old and people are enjoying their holiday at Singapore, KK, KL and shit. I don't really mind but I do admit I feel so lonely and pathetic here with no friends to hang with. What can I do right? it's usually one of the perks of December. 

I am kind of having fun though, eating junk food all day with my parents, cousins and relatives. :) Like yesterday, I had Brownies and Mee Goreng as my dinner then just today we had Pizza for dinner. (A) Loverred it <3 

I am also kind of having some problems, not family, not love or life or friends just some kind of other problem. It's kind of hard to explain, I'm not making sense right now am I?



mameh and dadyo vain-ing with me :)

Daddyoh <3


aside from Ryan, Rupert and Joseph.

I'm learning a lot of dancing from Poreotix.

Pictures you've missed somehow.


December 5, 2010

with a bang I go


There comes a time in our life where mistakes just turn into a routine, an everyday thing and the pain doesn't affect you anymore.. but there also comes a time in a certain day in a certain moment someone comes along and turns that routine upside down. Puts a smile in our face, tells us everything is going to be just fine or if you're lucky that someone will share that pain with you. throughout it all.

2010 is coming to an end, true. Memories made, mistakes causes, life changed, dramas written but through it all each one of us gained a little some of those. Others found love, peace at heart, forgiveness, friendship and so far found.. themselves. I admit that the middle of 2010 was a very emotional time for me but as usual.. December seemed to have brought me back up.

I'm grateful for many things this year.
  • friends. new friends and old friends, for growing closer and not apart.
  • for love. for having to fall in, fall out and fall in between. 
  • for family, for having them around. for the love they give.
  • for life itself, even though I felt as if my life was suppose to be mine. I am still grateful.
  • though I am ungrateful for bad results AND maths.
  • I would like to make a difference. Change someone, something small. since I've never done that..
  • not be a complete failure or disappointment.
  • I would really like not to falter, give up or anything.
  • to achieve something. save, buy things I want and stuff I want.
  • mature incredibly. 
I am grateful for my family, for they have stuck with me through it all. For not putting me down.. For forgiving me. Also grateful for friends, new and old. Despite me being an annoying and stubborn girl.. they've, you've all taught me many new things and thank you for being around through the dramas and annoying mood swings. For that I am, most grateful. For both my family and friends.

Stephanie M. Chun Mei Mei
  • Thank you for the everlasting love you've given. For sticking with me even though I've been a complete and idiotic immature best friend. You've been my friend for 8 years, 2011 is our 9th year and I'm grateful for having to meet you. Always grateful. I hope you'll forgive me for anything I've done in the past or I'm going to do in the future. With you I have earned not a only a friend, not only a best friend, not only a classmate, not only a childhood friend but a sister too. :) I hope you know how amazing you are and no matter what you should'nt let anyone bring you down. You're amazing, just the way you are. I love you and Thank you again, for being there when I need you.
Lim Xin Jie
  • You've been a good friend to me, for always being there when I need you. You've been someone who I can run to when I'm down and I'm grateful for that. I hope you know that too much bad words can kill, hahaha! (A) AND YES, I've given up saying so much bad words. I still love you no worries. :) Thank you for being the psycho in my life story.
Hui Tien Ngu
  • boobs. boobs. boobs, why are yours so comfortable? I'm kidding, no wait, am I? 0:) I love you Tien for helping me out always, for comforting me when I'm down. Thank you for always being there, for the sarcasm you teach me everyday. Thank you for teaching me to be a tough person.
Tyler Eugene M.
  • I don't get why you have to be bisexual, it's not that I don't like bisexual guys but you know me.. parents.. friends. They tend to judge and I don't want to drag you into that kind of drama. Thank you for being around during the dark times, for the sad moments. baby, I love you.
Lynne Liew
  • Cookie, I love you. :) Thank you for helping out during that day.. the day I told.. yknow. ;) I'm grateful for being friends with you. For everything you've said and done for me. Thank you.
Dong Kai Ti
  • BAMF. ish. (L) he's evil and he's always trying to make me unwanted but despite everything he loves me. He's always there to make joke and make me laugh but he's still a bizth. T^T makes me wanna punch him sometimes but he understands me and I'm grateful for that. Ever since the year started he's been around, helping just not showing. And bro, thank you for making me laugh and teaching me to be a wuman. ;)) YOU'RE THE BOY OUR MAMA'S WARN US ABOUT.
  • from a stranger to a classmate to friend to close friend to a guy  who became my first love. Thank you for still being my friend even though you found out the feelings I had for you. You've taught me so many things.. for everything you've said to me. Thank you for smiling at me each day and giving me a reason to get up in the morning and god.. go to school. For pushing me to study harder and try to accomplish something in my life. I've let go but I still love you.
Calvin Jong
  • What can I say about you? I love your attitude. I love you strong personality. I love you. I'm sorry I've never managed to help you with your problems but you've always helped me with mine and comforted me through it all. Thank you. 
Hazimah a.k.a Ms. Donut
  • Thank you for the hugs. The smiles you've given me, the stories and secrets you've shared. I've learnt a lot from you and honestly, before we became friends.. truth was, I disliked you. It wasn't a bad thing, I disliked you because people liked you for who you were (and still are). You were funny, witty, sexy, beautiful and amazingly interesting.. I guess out of envy I didn't like you but I do now okay? I love you. More than ever and it's amazing how much you've managed to stay strong all this time and I admire you for that. 
Alveena Chiuh
  • I've said this so many time. I've typed it so many time. I've thought it so many time. Okay, now that sounded really weird. What I'm trying to say is, you're amazing veena. You're cute in every way, you've an amazing personality. You don't have to be anyone to impress anyone, if they don't accept you for who you are then they don't deserve to know you at all. Thank you for the endless advices, for listening to me always. I love you and I hope you never change. 
Karmina Dionisio
  • I LOVE YOU. end of story. Always there when I need you, always keeping communication, bringing life in mine. Thank you. You're my rocker, my shorty my wife? loljk brah. 
Jackie Kong
  • You bring light into my dark and dim life. I'm glad to have met you this year. You're funny and I love your attitude. :)
I guess I just wanted to say it for one last time. To this people who cared so much this year, for making me feel loved, cared at and important. Thank you and I love you guys for everything.


December 3, 2010

trouble is a friend

♫ I got a pocket, pocket full of sunshine. 

I'm so so so so so sorry for the lack of updates, I've been busy with dance practice, preparing my uncles 50th birthday surprise party, cleaning up my old books and well, other stuffs. Well here's what you've missed so far..

December 1, 2010.
As you know my mom is like a teacher and she has to work in all the time report here and there to school so December was a really really good month for her since it means no more work. She suggested (yes, she's the one who wanted to go out and not me) that we go out; by we I mean me, Stephy and Sharon and xin jie if she was here but she isn't, girl is like at the freaking cat island. Anyway, we went to mall to hang out and do stuff. We couldn't watch Rapunzel cause dad wanted to watch it as a family, we're cool liddat by the way.

So mom, me and Nigel had to go to school for a while cause mom had to do some work, only some and she could leave any time she wanted. Unfortunately, we had to take the bus cause dad was off somewhere and couldn't pick us up and no one we knew was going to Gaydong. Yes, mom took the bus.. surprising isn't it? :p Then we arrived to like walk around and wait for Steph and Sharon. 

I had my eyes checked, like refract and stuff. My astigmatism increased again, it's really high I can barely see tiny tiny letters anymore. :( I feel so blind. Mom had me order contacts and yes! they're transparent. Now she's excited about getting my hair curled and my teeth having braces on March. Ay, it's called a major makeover. Baby brother also now wears spectacles. 

We didn't really do much; ate in Pizza Hut, ate in Swensen as tea break then we went shopping at face shop. Sent the girls home and around after that, I no longer remember

in the car home.

Swensen <3

Sharon waiting for us to finish refracting.

Pitcha Hat, loljk.

saw this in Swensen, wtf is mikshake? 


December 2, 2010
Steph left for Singapore. :(

Woke up around 10AM cause had a dance practice plus had to go to my aunts house. After my dance practice we (my family) hang around my uncles house, I got to play with my cousins.. 


Anyway, long story short we went out around 6PM to watch Rapunzel and have dinner at The Mall. It was a good movie, Zachary Levi sounded really good. :3 whut? he's hot.

That's short. I'm lazy.
Other pictures in mom's camera and Stephy's camera. 
