April 30, 2010


Warning: this is my second attempt to blog, my freaking browser keeps dying! So if you don't wanna read a terribly long post, I suggest you close this now. (:

Secret Date.

So remember that secret date I was talking about? Yeah well, I should tell you about it now cause it is after all over now. (: -- We [me, KaiTi, Stephanie, Azzam, Samuel, Ah Kyeong & Syafiq] went to mall cause we "kambangs" wanted to celebrate Syafiqs' birthday!

Stephanie actually arrived earlier that all of us but she just ate at "kokocan" (whatever the spelling is idk.) I arrived at around 1 plus & went straight for Best Eastern. I actually saw Zhi Onn & Shin but yeah they didn't wave at me. Like fck. I saw Steph after that. We were about to head to Utama Grand to look for birthday candles when all of the sudden KaiTi miss called us; which meant he was already at Best Easter. WTF! HAHA. We had to walk back to Best Eastern.

But that okay. & anyway he was wearing PINK (: So it made it okay. PINK is (Y)

Then, we went to Utama Grand & searched everywhere for the birthday candles. FTW we couldn't find it! D: but we asked one of the Sales Lady, who obviously hangs her tongue out when she speaks! She says "Stechinery" instead of "Stationary" -_______-'' After that, we went to the stationeary section (: BUT we found no birthday candles.


THEEEEN.. That's also when we saw Ah Kyeong & Samuel. We went after that cause the guys seemed bored. Steph was hoping that the donut shop had candles. But guess what... We bought the donuts [ 3 oreos, 1 rainbow donut w/ sprinkles, the one w/ nuts & chocolate ] yeah and there was totally no candles there!

When we bought the donut we went to the cinema to check on the movie so that later when Syafiq came we could watch. There was only two options. "IP MAN" OR "IRON MAN 2" Of course we chose Iron man! (:

We had to wait for a while so we just hang around at food court & ate away those donuts. Took photos & Syafiq sang "happy birthday" I know I know, "why is he the one singing?" well he said it's embarassing when we sing it; -- So he sang it loud for us. :D

Time time time ran as we took photos & joked around.

Exactly 2.25PM, we walked back to the cinema and sat at those stairs. (: Talked about shiz I don't remember. We bought drinks only cause we were all chewing down some special chewing gum imported from Hong Kong (Steph brought it!) X)

We watched IRON MAN 2 from 2.30PM to 4.30PM

I know Syafiq liked it too ; and so did the rest, it was funny! & they had hot babes. Now you know why they like it. :p

We all walked around for awhile AND saw POKLEN people! D: Ohmaaagahhdd! I just don't adore poklens. :O Then Samuels' mom called us, it's either she was angry or just really scary like that but she talked so loud. I didn't know if I was gonna laugh or roll over under the table! D:

So anyway, we all went to the bathroom. (: Cause we were having so much boom booms' after all the drink we had. HAHA! C: trust me you don't wanna know how much. JOKE!

We went down after that to defrost outside The Mall. (: It was after all "kinda" cold. On our way out we saw Leonard Low & FYI, KaiTi kinda looks JUST LIKE him! Like for shiz. We talked about it over & over!

Skip some parts.
Ate at Pizza hut after that ; without Samuel & Ah Kyeong though cause they had to go tuition. ): SAAAAAAAAD KALIAH! We had fun though. Cause yeah, it's us. Why wouldn't it be fun? See whaat I mean by "the kambangs" (:

Pretty much it. *sigh
Happy Birthday again kawan Syafiq! (:
I know you're only 14. *nods nods, winks winks.

Some thoughts.

the new one I mean. ):
I don't know what to do anymore.
I feel so fcked up.
I just want to drop and get this whole thing over with!
But somehow, I don't know how & no one will tell me how.

Also in my head is
Jackie Chan! :D
My freaking Idol.
I lovehim so muuuuch!
It's cool that he survived the whole stunt thing till now.
Have more Jackie!

Let me say.
gusto kita pero hindi kita mahal.
kahit anong gawin ko, ikaw lang ang nagbibigay nang paru-paru sa tyan ko.
maybe a little lang. *sigh
but who cares.
I must get over it.
Right? :S

All those (: & :D
some don't mean a thing.

Abang, sorry about talking to her.
I thought it was you. :|
Don't hate me.


you're girlfreng is scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaary! :O


H.I.A.T.U.S soon. |:

pics soon.

My thoughts don't matter do they? |:
I feel the tears coming.
What to do?!

Feel the gayness? probably.
vee out!

April 29, 2010

Secret date (:

Heyaaa dahlings (:
Thursday was the usual, class and like freaking awesome time with friends! (: HAHA.

It was a good day today. But I might blog randomly today & I kinda don't have any pictures today. |: sorreeii! tomorrow yeah? cause tomorrow I have a secret date with my special dahling kambangs! :D *hintHint to Steph, Sam, Syafiq, Azzam & KaiTi*

HAHA! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow (:
That's why it should be a good day tomorrow.. OR ELSE
I cry. :p

Stephy & Mira.
HAHA! - kinda not all the details. :p sorry. you can ask Mira & Steph if you want.

Today cause.. si si si.. I'll call him "blue" (I can't put his real name here) was arguing with his girlfreng (who is a total biatch! eeeh) and Steph was like "I hope they break up, the girlfreng looks like she's bullying him." (BIATCH WAH THE GF!)

Anyway, then Mira said something and laughed about step talking about "blue" that I have no clue about. Then Mira saw the mop & used it against her. X) SO Stephy laughed, all of the sudden Mira chased her with the freaking mop. And Steph had to like run to Science class and hide! LIKE FTW!


As a friend I just wanna say. "you're girlfriend is sooo scary!"
As a girl I wanna say. "like omg, wtf are you still doing with that boob?"
As a bro, Lemme say this. "BRO!, what is in yer mind?! dump the shiat ass already"

Abang (:
Sorry I got "angry" at you for fun. Hehe.
It was an accident. I didn't mean to slap you for real.
I'm sorry like for shiz!

I kinda have a new _boygreenwonder_ ):
And it hurts! D: SO baad cause I don't want to do this anymore.
I know it won't work either but I still keep that thing in my head where..
I can't share you either; so if she wants you (: I love her, so I'll give.
If she wants to.


What else?
Oh I think that's all my mind can think of? (:
Can't wait for that secret date.

Mids CRAP!

Feel the gayness RANDOMNESS? (:

vee out!

April 28, 2010

Freedom will come.

When I get older ;
I will be stronger.

Wavin' flag- young artist for haiti!

Eveeeeeeening all (:
Sorry couldn't update much. |: was so tired & *coughs*lazy*coughs* sorry akaii?

So I won't stay long, downloading so much songs & I kinda want to watch greek (IF I CAN) and sleep early? GAHD! Mid year is almost near! *dies* I hope to pass, if I don't ; my parents will be disapppointed and I'll have to emo again. AHAHA!

So I'll upload pictures today (: Lazy to type eh.

Happy Advanced Birthday Sayang Syafiq! ((:

how old are you kan? I wonder.
Stay gay always & half immature.
Immaturity keep us young yeah?

Chocolate (:
She's gone now. ):

It says "steph|: is a boobsnatcher (cause they are!) and Abang KaiTi is an Ass snatcher (:

Muiz so sexaaay kan? x)) HAHA

Tien (: & Karyn :D

Lynne & Alai!

My sexaay kambangs (: TIEN was taking the pic so yeah. |:(:

Mira, Me, Stephy & Abang KaiTi (:

My Kambangs (: (L) Azzam was taking the pic this time! (:): I still love it. This year they are the friends that make me smile.

Stephy, KaiTi, Samuel, Mira, Alai, Tien & Me.

Taken by Orang Utan (: - Muiz Idrus.

this picture makes me laugh!

Alai, Stephy, KaiTi & Azzam.

Miraaaaaaaaa & Stephy (:

I love you guys. (:

Feel the gayness (:
vee out!

April 25, 2010

Oh dear Laksa.

Eveeeening dahlings (:
I feel kinda drunk due to all the Laksa.

So how is this Sunday for you? :D Good I hope, so I don't have anything to tell you except for this day. Urhm, today yeah I went to church with my parents and little brother. After that, we went to mall for lunch and cause my parents were gonna send me to band practice.

Yeah we ate lunch there ; damn packed today! D: it was so hard to find a sit! dang. Anyway, after lunch Stephanie went with me and my fam. So awesaaaaam! It was fun cause we were all like joking in the car. EHEE :D

I love my family. (:
I love stephys' mom too.
I love her too
I hate him too. :p

then yeah the rest of my day was about beating the top of my snare drum. :p It was okay today cause we played alot of music and shiz.

I cut so many parts, sorry! :p

I'm in a rush cause i wanna watch dear John. :D
That it? D:
Err.. yeah.
And GAH! I haven't done my English!


Ah, Stephanie just LOVES HER SAXAPHONE! (:

Angelina and crap! -.-'' I forgot his name! anyway, I love this teacher! damn funny man.

HAHA! theory was awesome! teacher Anuar sounded like he was rapping! x))

Angelina! (:

waiting for Azzams' pics & Stephanies' one too! (:

Feel the gayness Laksa (:
vee out!

April 24, 2010

Romeo & Juliet

"For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."
- William Shakespeare.
Romeo & Juliet

It's funny how old English was just simply replaced by modern "LOL" English. It's rather sad really, how time took away all those beauty. I admit the English then was super hard! But it was still awesome. (:

Anyway, I just ADORE Romeo & Juliet. I was watching the anime "version"of it, though now i really really really! wanna watch the movie. From old to the new kind. :p Yeah.

So you don't wanna know anything about today, cause I just ended up like coming home and not going for the cheerleading selection session. ): Fck i know but yeah nevermind. Class/School was the same, people are all down and emo. |: I hated it but what can I do but make those silly things I do for fun. *sighs. I just wished they would stop making me feel bad by having this year as my year (I don't know what that meant but yeah who cares.) I know I can't make them happy nor force them to but yknow. Ahfckfckeet.

Then yeaaah-- we just bought ayamku, some movies to watch and mirienda. After that yeah, we went home; ate lunch and watched the whole day. The Romeo & Juliet anime thing I was talking about. Laid all day. (: So relaxing, I wanted to sleep but I couldn't! D: Addicting story.

So yeaaah.

I wanna learn about old English now. I want to read books that William Shakespeare wrote yknow. It sounds gay, true but still you can never know what you'll find. :D

Romeo & Juliet (Y)

Feel the gayness? (:
vee out!

April 23, 2010

Hey angel, you duh sexy. (:

Justin Boobie.
Justin Biiieber! D:
Bieee- Boooo. x))

-IheartMyChonny (:

Not much to blog about today. Fun, kinda. :| I couldn't help but think of him all day. Even though I said I would forget about him. Fck. Vanz just IM'd me that he was smoking. :O

Ugh. that's a no-no boy.
But I can understand why you do it.
I guess. ):
I just wished you'd quit.

Anyway, today had band practice. Shiz. Kinda fun I guess but Kuo Han was naughty to the maax! HAHA! but yeah, he's a coo~ person. (: Then yeah that's all we had today.

Won't stay long. Watching Ms. Swan & MyChonny.
Hey Angel, YOU DUH SEXY!
-_____-'' cheerleading selection session!

I know all my stuff is pink (:

chess. *sigh

fck time.

Feel the gayness (:
vee out!

April 22, 2010

Letting you go now.

Hahaaa! Eveeeeeeening! (:
Warning: might have a long, slightly random post today. :p

Ohohohohmagaahd! I was browsing through youtube and I saw Dean Geyer ; some random singer I never heard of and he is so effing sexy! O.O He sings nice songs too. :}


Anehway, :p Today was fun! We went to the movie thing at the mall. THE MOVIE WAS BORING! Like to the maaaax! x)) It tortured us for almost 2effinghours! :O It was about the environment which is cool for me cause I freaking love nature but c'mon! seriously? A whole hour of documentary? People could've just watched National Geographic at home! D:

Though while the nerdy ISB people were watching, and some of Science class ; were watching. Me, Stephy, Karyn, Soo Yoong, Tien, Syafiq, Azzam, Alai, Kai Ti and Samuel made noises. -____- but yeah, didn't last long cause some weird fat teacher came and got mad. Si Hitam also ended up scolding us! :p *babi ahh!

then then, yeah after an hour and a half! The movie ENDED! yaaaaaaaaay! :D We stayed back while the others left cause teacher Anuar wanted to check our attendance so while he talked about something ; Azzam took pictures. (: Me, Stephy, Kai Ti, Tien, Syafiq and Alai posed. :D Eheehe. (: I love them! (I'll just wait & see if Azzam posts them at facebook ;D)

I can't waait though. :p I'll probably kacau him about it. SORRY TO HIM.

After that we went rushing to Jollibee cause we were so damn hungry! When we arrived there it was straight to the cinema ; no lunch! -____- I know right?! Err.. after that we saw the whole Science class going to the bus so we had to wait for our turn which took forever but NO WORRIES! hahaaa! we all hanged out together-gether! WHICH WAS SO EFFING AWESOME!

*sorry my story is kinda blurry cause i skipped some part :p*

The whole class like played that "machine-like-football-thing" I don't know what it's called. )): How sad! but yeah it was so fun! we actually sang the "oleh-oleh" song in public (: My classmates are soo daring! :p Then yeah the bus came to pick us up. :| fckeet. HAHA! we were having so much fun! But but yeah we left for school.

The bus part was hilarious! x)) Gosh! Fong should know he can NEVER beat me in comedy. He speaks baad English! it's so effing true! I'm sorry but it's the hard and painful truth. LIVE WITH IT you arse. -____- but anyway it was still funny. Long story short; "the iban thing" is what we call it in school. :p

-skipthepartwhenwegethome :D-

yeah and that's pretty much. Fair warning, don't watch HSBC-HOME! D:

then tomorrow I've got band practice! -__________-

Saturday is Cheerleading Selection Session. :O

Anyway, Congrats to Mina for winning against SAS (: [noobkia]
then again, you're awesome at basketball pork! ;p
*true fact.

Like my new blogskin?
Comment at me tagboard yeah?

Might not post pics today either. Really tired atm. (:
We shall see.

hold on (:
but i might give up now.
and let you free. ):

actually I did!
HAHA, all so serious! (: "table cup"

At the bus :D

Waiting for the bus!

The ticket.

Feel the gayness yet? (:

vee out!

April 21, 2010

fun toime with momeh. (:

Eveeeeeeeeeeening (:

Today was a good day, it really was. I mean for me. I'm sorry if it wasn't for you but it's the first half day that moms' ever had in four years. (: And I'm glad she's happy with that. Eheehe. It's been a long day and my legs still damn hurt! D:

So the day was kind of rough but of course it went smoothly and fun. :D After school ; Mameh, Nigel and I went to the mall for some standing order thing? IDK :p but after that we went and ate at food court. Better than any other shop. x)) joke! joke!

We ate at Jollibee, chicken stripes are always good to eat! :D We actually saw Frankie! He works there ; at Jollibee I mean. Then we walked around to *ahem*digest*ahem* the food. Hahaaa! Went around looking for some shoes for mom. She found some good ones but weren't her size ): oh well. Then we... what did we do after that? O.O crap I FORGOT!


OH! we went down to Utama Grand and bought some stuff for dinner (: Nyummy SHRIMP! yeah then we went up again cause mom had to go back somewhere while i went and "eased" myself. hahaaaa. I saw Ching Yen, so sexxy nia the baju. :p

After that we went window shopping (though I don't know if that's what you call it cause Giordano has no doors or windows! O.O) at Giordano. (: I love the shirts there. The words make me "ROFLMFAO" then mom and I bought a watch, each. :D Mine is pink and hers is Brown. (Post the picture tomorrow.)


Oh we ate DQ. LARGE for me. x) Medium for Nigel. Don't know why he ordered medium when all you need for a large is like 50 cents. -___________-" Hahahaaaa! then we took pictures cause mom wanted to post her first half day in four years into facebook. My mom so cool kan? Even I don't take that much pictures. OH no actually I do. :p Yeah then we went home.

-Skips this part-

We went for a jog. Mom and me. (: AND WE GOT EFFING CHASED THAT BREATHED LIKE IT JOGGED! O.O WTF? HAHAAAA, mom and I just laughed about it after we got home which was like when the sun started to go down. x)) It was actually funny, you would've been scared at first but if you look back at it, you'll be laughing so freaking muuuuuuch! :D

Mom and I are still laughing about it. (: Ahh, I love my mom.

Yeah so lemme stop here! :d Earth Day tomorrow! Blarty heck. buuuut yeah mall tomorrow ; which I hope will be fun! :D

I'm sorry to all my friends with problems ):
I wish I could help more. *sigh.

O I I _boygreenwonder_
don't be so mean. Or I guess you can.
Smile always! ((:

Calvin Jong is flooding my tagboard! (:
Iloveyou dahling~ :p

Me (: eating DQ!

Ehhyer! :D

Nigel & mother dear at DQ.

Momeh (:
Feel the gayness (:
vee out!

April 20, 2010

all those pieces of me (:

Eveeeeeeeening (:

All those little pieces of me (:
all of them flew away.
They all flew to you.
Everyone I love.
Everyone I care for.
I'll collect them when I fade.

Ohmaagahd, it's an okay okay day. :p
No crap.

Anyway, the usual fun at class. PE was awesome! (: HIGH JUMP BABEY! hahaaa. It was awesome, I mean every kind of jump except "triple" sucks for me. I'm terrible at triple jumps. D: no idea why. Then then.. Hitam felt like being mean to me today. pak .|. The rest is kinda long and I'm tired. No one was bad mood again (: which was good cause well you know how I hate cutting and shiz.

I don't think i wanna post something long today, cause I seem to have forgotten what happened today.... AGAIN! -___- I feel so old for forgetting.

Randomly stuck together. ;D

Sayaaang, you suck (: And yes I mean you Syafiq. hahahaaa!
OMGieffingmissyou. D:
WHY?! why can't you get your own originality babe? -___- yousuckasssomuch!

I hate complicated things.
I'm gonna shutup now~

This to you my long lost friend. And to every troubled soul out there. Even if you don't read it. I hope my prayers reach you.

There would've been a time; anytime, where I would've slapped you and said I hated you. There would've also been a time where I came up to you and talked some sensed into you but I knew it would hurt you and I knew how you don't like people butting in your life so I just stayed quiet but now is enough!
Enough. Stop. Right now.
Live the life you were given. Don't waste it. Don't harm it.
You only get one chance. Only one life on earth.
So listen. And stop.
I'm here. I'll listen. talk to me.

No pics today! D: unless i get the edits done. by later. (:

Feel the gayness (:
vee out!

April 19, 2010

we're awesome lidat (:

Eveeening (:

My bestfriend ; the other one, the totally gay one. Stephanie (: is awesome for reading my blog. I love you daaaaling! hahaaa. I know Mina reads it from time to time, she just keeps it a secrets.

If you're reading my blog, thank yous. If not, it's okay. REALLY :3

Today was totally an awesome day. NO ONE was in bad mood, no one was pissed, no one fought. Everyone was in the right mood. (: It's nice when everyone is happy. Anywaaay, if I tell you about today I might never shuut uup. So I WON'T talk about it.

effing in the mood. Kinda.
I have another video that I'll post in youtube. :p Aaaaand, I have so much pictures again! D:
Mostly about my classmates! (: They posed for me. HAHAAA, Syafiq sang songs and I video'd it but then I FORGOT TO SAVE IT D:
MAHAI! -.-"

WE'RE AWESOME LIDAT (: forgetting to save and do things. We always forget something as a whole class, we eve get scolded as a whole class even if it's just one person who's suppose to be scolded. :D

Homyfacker, he's finally kinda okay. (: Buut he has this new "chick" D:

neverrmind laaar.

Okaay, Imma shut up and hope tomorrow is a good day ler. ((:
crap feeling poklen now. :O NOOOO!

still hoping for the best . (:

AHH, blarty, I can't upload any of the pics! D: someone is downloading so much! ):
GO to MY FACEBOOK! IT's all there! :D

Feel the gayness (:
vee out!

April 18, 2010

shut yer *vajayjay, em' not poklen!

Eveeeeening again (:

It's not bad today.
kinda fun. In a way.

I didn't go to band practice again. ): Teacher Anuar is gonna scold me again especially si Cicak. Fckshet. :O I hope I don't die tomorrow. I didn't let that ruin my day anyway. (: that's the good thing about my mom working in Chung hwa.

*you know, I don't think this is how someone is suppose to blog. D: buuut oh well not like anyone reads my blog everyday. ((:*

Today is kind of a long story, I was kinda mad at mom & dad for not remembering I had band practice. While they were out having facials' and shiz but yeaah. I had time to relax myself. (: They came home around-- I don't remember! x)) sorry.

All I did today was edit pictures. Listen and download songs. Fix my bag and Message Loui (: Stephanie was busy the whole daaay, I guess. I didn't wanna kacau her at band. see what a good friend i am! hahaaaa. I haven't heard from anyone else the until now. Except for Mira during the morning.

Speaking of Mira freaking Mustappppa! Happy Birthday yoja chinguuu! ((:
Hope you had freaking fun!
Missed the party but yeah.

shuuut yer *vajayjay! em' not poklen! will never be one! D: (no offence to the poklen peeps!)

So I don't wanna take to long talking. Don't wanna bore whoever is reading. :p
Thursday better be one heck of a daaay. *hint hint* going to mall to watch movie with the whole Year9SC peeps and my class. -- in small words. FIELD TRIIP! ((:

mom is totally making me laugh about her stories ; first days are always funny! :p
I don't say you're such a plastic anymore.
I say you're such a paper. x))
Ahh~ i love my mom (:

AHH, crap. Ivan is suddenly talking about green. ):
He is soo not fine inside.
He must be sad and alone.
I'll keep praying for him. ))):
this is how sad i am for him

> I can't cheer up.
> my gayness keeps lowing down each day.
> I don't even care about others much, sometimes.
> I scream and not care about myself.
> I cry to much each night before sleeping.
> ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):

And no one even listens and tells me advices.

Anywaay. Pictures? More at facebook (: (baby brother and I being vain)

Isn't my baby brother cool for being vain with me? (:

PSP (:

I just randomly edited that.

My band drumstick.

RAWR! <3>

"red and black is the new crazy!" my brother and i always wear this kind of colours. (:

more tomorrow :D

Imissyouboygreenwonder. (:
Keep smiling, so I can smile too.
I don't know why I'm so hung up on you.
Hope you feel better.
Be safe and Always remember all your friends love you. :|
I--don't love you. but like you a little.

I wuv chuuuu girlfriend!

moms' playing cafe world again! O.O
It's baaack!
heheee. mom always makes me feel better with her jokes <3P.S
I love Gokusen (:


I don't care if you hate that my blog is colourful! :p

Feel the gayness (:
vee out!

April 17, 2010

It's a day when everything goes wrong and you just say "meh."

eff this day.

I'll say "meh, I've had worst days."

Eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeening (:

Sorry about blogging awfully late today. As usual I'm not in that mood to be so gay and lively. ):
Lately, I've found no life in me. It's so effing weird but still got a little gayness in me! ((:

see my gayness level is still high! ((:

I don't wanna talk about anything right now. D:
I'll talk when I'm not blinking my eyes like some weird freak.
I'll blog again tomorrow.. possibly.

Band practice tomorrow *u.g.h
I want to go to acts29 tomorrow and see if coughstevencoughs is there. ):
I worry for him. *sigh.

Imissgreen (:

Happy Advance Birthday Namja Chingu! :D
Mira freaking Mustappppppaaa!

Feel the gayness (:
vee out!