April 19, 2010

we're awesome lidat (:

Eveeening (:

My bestfriend ; the other one, the totally gay one. Stephanie (: is awesome for reading my blog. I love you daaaaling! hahaaa. I know Mina reads it from time to time, she just keeps it a secrets.

If you're reading my blog, thank yous. If not, it's okay. REALLY :3

Today was totally an awesome day. NO ONE was in bad mood, no one was pissed, no one fought. Everyone was in the right mood. (: It's nice when everyone is happy. Anywaaay, if I tell you about today I might never shuut uup. So I WON'T talk about it.

effing in the mood. Kinda.
I have another video that I'll post in youtube. :p Aaaaand, I have so much pictures again! D:
Mostly about my classmates! (: They posed for me. HAHAAA, Syafiq sang songs and I video'd it but then I FORGOT TO SAVE IT D:
MAHAI! -.-"

WE'RE AWESOME LIDAT (: forgetting to save and do things. We always forget something as a whole class, we eve get scolded as a whole class even if it's just one person who's suppose to be scolded. :D

Homyfacker, he's finally kinda okay. (: Buut he has this new "chick" D:

neverrmind laaar.

Okaay, Imma shut up and hope tomorrow is a good day ler. ((:
crap feeling poklen now. :O NOOOO!

still hoping for the best . (:

AHH, blarty, I can't upload any of the pics! D: someone is downloading so much! ):
GO to MY FACEBOOK! IT's all there! :D

Feel the gayness (:
vee out!