April 18, 2010

shut yer *vajayjay, em' not poklen!

Eveeeeening again (:

It's not bad today.
kinda fun. In a way.

I didn't go to band practice again. ): Teacher Anuar is gonna scold me again especially si Cicak. Fckshet. :O I hope I don't die tomorrow. I didn't let that ruin my day anyway. (: that's the good thing about my mom working in Chung hwa.

*you know, I don't think this is how someone is suppose to blog. D: buuut oh well not like anyone reads my blog everyday. ((:*

Today is kind of a long story, I was kinda mad at mom & dad for not remembering I had band practice. While they were out having facials' and shiz but yeaah. I had time to relax myself. (: They came home around-- I don't remember! x)) sorry.

All I did today was edit pictures. Listen and download songs. Fix my bag and Message Loui (: Stephanie was busy the whole daaay, I guess. I didn't wanna kacau her at band. see what a good friend i am! hahaaaa. I haven't heard from anyone else the until now. Except for Mira during the morning.

Speaking of Mira freaking Mustappppa! Happy Birthday yoja chinguuu! ((:
Hope you had freaking fun!
Missed the party but yeah.

shuuut yer *vajayjay! em' not poklen! will never be one! D: (no offence to the poklen peeps!)

So I don't wanna take to long talking. Don't wanna bore whoever is reading. :p
Thursday better be one heck of a daaay. *hint hint* going to mall to watch movie with the whole Year9SC peeps and my class. -- in small words. FIELD TRIIP! ((:

mom is totally making me laugh about her stories ; first days are always funny! :p
I don't say you're such a plastic anymore.
I say you're such a paper. x))
Ahh~ i love my mom (:

AHH, crap. Ivan is suddenly talking about green. ):
He is soo not fine inside.
He must be sad and alone.
I'll keep praying for him. ))):
this is how sad i am for him

> I can't cheer up.
> my gayness keeps lowing down each day.
> I don't even care about others much, sometimes.
> I scream and not care about myself.
> I cry to much each night before sleeping.
> ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):

And no one even listens and tells me advices.

Anywaay. Pictures? More at facebook (: (baby brother and I being vain)

Isn't my baby brother cool for being vain with me? (:

PSP (:

I just randomly edited that.

My band drumstick.

RAWR! <3>

"red and black is the new crazy!" my brother and i always wear this kind of colours. (:

more tomorrow :D

Imissyouboygreenwonder. (:
Keep smiling, so I can smile too.
I don't know why I'm so hung up on you.
Hope you feel better.
Be safe and Always remember all your friends love you. :|
I--don't love you. but like you a little.

I wuv chuuuu girlfriend!

moms' playing cafe world again! O.O
It's baaack!
heheee. mom always makes me feel better with her jokes <3P.S
I love Gokusen (:


I don't care if you hate that my blog is colourful! :p

Feel the gayness (:
vee out!