April 23, 2010

Hey angel, you duh sexy. (:

Justin Boobie.
Justin Biiieber! D:
Bieee- Boooo. x))

-IheartMyChonny (:

Not much to blog about today. Fun, kinda. :| I couldn't help but think of him all day. Even though I said I would forget about him. Fck. Vanz just IM'd me that he was smoking. :O

Ugh. that's a no-no boy.
But I can understand why you do it.
I guess. ):
I just wished you'd quit.

Anyway, today had band practice. Shiz. Kinda fun I guess but Kuo Han was naughty to the maax! HAHA! but yeah, he's a coo~ person. (: Then yeah that's all we had today.

Won't stay long. Watching Ms. Swan & MyChonny.
Hey Angel, YOU DUH SEXY!
-_____-'' cheerleading selection session!

I know all my stuff is pink (:

chess. *sigh

fck time.

Feel the gayness (:
vee out!