April 28, 2010

Freedom will come.

When I get older ;
I will be stronger.

Wavin' flag- young artist for haiti!

Eveeeeeeening all (:
Sorry couldn't update much. |: was so tired & *coughs*lazy*coughs* sorry akaii?

So I won't stay long, downloading so much songs & I kinda want to watch greek (IF I CAN) and sleep early? GAHD! Mid year is almost near! *dies* I hope to pass, if I don't ; my parents will be disapppointed and I'll have to emo again. AHAHA!

So I'll upload pictures today (: Lazy to type eh.

Happy Advanced Birthday Sayang Syafiq! ((:

how old are you kan? I wonder.
Stay gay always & half immature.
Immaturity keep us young yeah?

Chocolate (:
She's gone now. ):

It says "steph|: is a boobsnatcher (cause they are!) and Abang KaiTi is an Ass snatcher (:

Muiz so sexaaay kan? x)) HAHA

Tien (: & Karyn :D

Lynne & Alai!

My sexaay kambangs (: TIEN was taking the pic so yeah. |:(:

Mira, Me, Stephy & Abang KaiTi (:

My Kambangs (: (L) Azzam was taking the pic this time! (:): I still love it. This year they are the friends that make me smile.

Stephy, KaiTi, Samuel, Mira, Alai, Tien & Me.

Taken by Orang Utan (: - Muiz Idrus.

this picture makes me laugh!

Alai, Stephy, KaiTi & Azzam.

Miraaaaaaaaa & Stephy (:

I love you guys. (:

Feel the gayness (:
vee out!