June 30, 2010

oh time.

I'm sad that time flies so fast whenever things go so right. :\

Today was a really really really uber tah the max nice day. ((: We had rehearsals for tomorrow and in a way, it was sad. Cause we wouldn't be able to hang out and sing like crazy. I REALLY WISH WE HAD A GLEE CLUB. --' It's been fun you guys, you brought me closer to who I really am. In a way. HAHA! :b

Aaron hugged us today like it was the last day we were gonna see each other, you better not Ron! We'll go raid form 4B & C ((: We go and hiao Zimah, Afy, Aaron, Hafidz & Edmund too! I can easily hiao Muz & Mirin cause their class is like super near! Heeheh. :}

Muz said bye like it would be the last hang out, Afy wouldn't be debating with me anymore. --' Angelina and Zimah won't be able to go LALA anymore. Something like that? --' Mirin wouldn't go "it's theeee climb" or go insult me. )): SAD. We all study in the same school but it feels like we don't, huh. weird right? OR is it just me, probably just me. usually is.

We had to sing three times today for rehearsal. I'm bad at singing. --' *sigh. 
Tomorrow better be a good day. ((:

Blog soon, pictures too!

Oh time. )): 
why do you make all the good times fade faster than the bad times?


June 28, 2010

what happens, happened ; just live life


It's Monday! D: It's MONDAY! Seriously, Monday and I didn't have a bad day! ((: How awesome is that? Well for me I mean. I usually have this thing with Mondays where I turn boh mood. SO HURRAH for today! I guess today was good day due to my friends. Especially XinJie & Stephanie. I love how supportive my bestfriends are.

As usual, we didn't have assembly and I really don't know why we haven't had any assemblies. --' so awkward and just when we wanted one! D:  And we had FOUR periods of  physical education. -- it wasn't that bad I guess, we had fun but we ended up uber tired! I couldn't even talk for awhile cause my throat ended up being soooo dry. If that was even possible.. OH! dehydrated! that's what's called! :b

Then as usual we had trilingual practice ((: It was fun, ish in a way. I guess? I'm gonna be really sad when it's all over, somehow trilingual month was the reason I got to talk to Zimah, to Muz, to Amirin, to Aaron, to Afy, to all of them )): I hope that it doesn't end up all of us not talking to each other anymore. That would be uber sad. BUT hey, we all study in the same school so what am I doing being all dramatic?! --' man, I suck so bad. but it's coo`~ ((: The song today was okay ; had certain changes but it was okay. We didn't have time to jam around in the music room. I think cause my mom wasn't in the mood for random songs. OH WELL but she sat around with the rappers and chatted with them like some mafia boss. :b


Anyway, that's that today. Lazy to blog more. :b We're having another practice tomorrow somehow I'm half lazy & half excited. :D I'm so bipolar..? is that the word? fck, i forgot!

Dear big brother, I love you. You just give me reasons to make fun of you sometimes. ((: I loveee you & I is duh miss you. Like tah the maxx. (((: I love your VIDEO! funneh funneh. -- my brother is the one wearing green just in case you press it.

Picture time! ((((:

Kang ((: so pweetty!

Zimah & Afy!
Scurry la the expression, loljk! peace!

Steph & Ah Jie! ((:

 Hafidz, Harris, Muz 

Macam mafia gang :b

Muz & Aaron. -- Aaron being retarded. SEE his face? 
NOW see Muz! ((:

Sharon stuck to the drums.

Oh Eminen ((:
 you make me happy.

She is soo adorable ((: 
I want yer glasses, kay?


Ooh baby, colours!

HAHAHA! ((: To end my post. Hangover.

He texted during PE class. --'
I had DEJAVU again today. --'

What happens, happened; just ocntinue living life.

June 27, 2010

Blocked --'

Have you ever had the feeling of wanting something and when you got it, it wasn't what you thought it would be like? -- Does this make sense?

It's been quite a long day, had band today and it was kinda okay. He didn't go to band practice today. --' and it didn't take forever for me, Steph, Venessa and Angelina to figure out it was cause of me. I feel guilty but I guess I shouldn't right? But how would I know if the decision I made what the right one? FCK.

Okay, forget that. --'

Band was kinda fun, we practiced new songs which were pretty much all hard. FML for not being able to do the roll. --' I'm left handed so you get the idea that my left is very cacat. Also, I randomly ran towards the heavy rain and took a shower. LOL! Technically not really take take TAKE a shower. Just run around and shout the stress away, I havta say it really kinda worked. ((: OH THE STRESS.

Nothing else to blog about. >:]

Practice tomorrow! YAAAAY! no afternoon classes! ((: -- FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-- it's Monday tomorrow ; 1500M! NOO, shit, shit shit shit shit! --' God help me.

It better be a good day tomorrow & sorry no pictures today! I'm using moms laptop, mine is kinda on vacation. (;

That's it. I'm done!

Oh & he blocked me in facebook. --'
signing out.


June 26, 2010

tiga budayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (y)

I did the right thing, right?

Look at what mom found on one of her books! D: WTF? ((: My stomach so buncit kali. BUT I think it still is. :b

So haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai, man that really sounds like sohai in my head. HAHA, seriously, today was fun but tiring but fun. ((: We had rehersals for the trilingual practice and it was really really really uber fun. Me, Zimah, Steph, Angelina & Sharon fooled around on stage, we sang plenty of songs.

Man, I'm not in my blogging mood. HAHAHA! whatever la.

--' Muz is so mean for bullying me. He kept calling me pervert ; just cause mom touched his butt for a few seconds while he was facing the other direction he thought it was me. I know he knows he wasn't me, he just really likes to say I'm the perv. --' faaaaaaark you Muz. :b

THEN THEN, the song is really ending up to be nice (y) everyone is doing a great job. I really like the part Zimah goes "tiga budayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" cause it's like long and high pitch & she can do it. ))): I FEEL HURT ZIMAH! hahaha, joke ((: You have an awesome voice!

I'm kinda glad mom works in Chung Hwa, cause if she didn't; I wouldn't be joining the trilingual singing thing and I wouldn't have met Aaron, Muz & Mirin. I wouldn't have gotten closer with Afy, Hafidz, Zimah, Sharon and Kang. ((: Friends make me feel alive, especially... now.

HAHAHA! When I arrived home, I got this really odd text and I didn't know who it was so I didn't reply it. :b It was actually Aaron, Sorry I didn't reply earlier. It was kinda scary cause he was all like

"ayy come school tomorrow and bring the money okayy... i'll be wearing a black coat"
wtf? --' wrong number kah?! *runs to mom* MA! d'ya know who this is?
mom: *looks at it* uhhh, noo?
--' don't reply loh. *close phone*

He miscalled me after 10 minutes or so that's when I replied him la. :D SUCH A DOUCHE.
I shall post loads of pictures now! (((: I hope your eyes burn. LOLjk.

During rehearsals today.

Sean being retarded. ((:

Sharon playing with her drums.

Aaron and Angelina!

Playing around with the keyboard ; Xin Jie, Kang & Mira

LOL! Angelina :b

Sharon :D

Zimah, Maznan & Cikgu Mazlin's anak ((:
They looked so cute, almost like a family.

Kwan lao shi going bananas over the drum sets. :b

I feel alone. LOLwtf? Joke, they look cute together.
I read in Zimah's blog it's their 5th Monthsary ; Congratulations!

Sean is [V], I'm MTV, Steph is STARWORLD ((:

During one of our practices and we were hanging out at Canteen.

I swear the fan talked to me O.O

Mira. :D

MMMM, Tien & Zanna ; Me like Zanna's hair, so sexay.

She was giving Lynne the cheetos. ((:

yumyumyummmmm :q

LOL! Lynne sucha monstar.

Can you guess who? ((:

LSY ((:
Happy Belated Birthday!

Kuo Han begging mom for her forgivness cause he couldn't join the dance. :b

P.S: mom won't allow me to quit band. --' FML.
P.P.S: I should Change my link now.

Can the school please give us our freaking privacy!

I'm sorry, kay?


June 25, 2010

It's all up to me.

Life is not a fairytale, Love is not a fairytale. To be more frank, reality is never gonna be fairytale. It might exist someday but not today and most certainly not in the next 3 to 4 years. I know this how? I just do but it could be different for you. You decide what fits, it's all up to you.

What do I want in my life?
What am I gonna do for the next 15 years?

I don't know, do you?

it's such a bad day. --'


June 24, 2010

say what you want to say.

I don't care.

Had loads of fun today, practice was really good though the dance practice wasn't that good cause we couldn't have any. --' I'M SO SORRY TIEN! D: I didn't know what Mazlin would pressure us with the songs but heyyy at least we got to complete it all.

I-- am sleepy so I won't blog it all today, reblog maybe? (((((: Post pics soon too!

I missed Chonny's live video.



June 23, 2010


Todays trilingual practice was kinda shit! Just cause of Mazlin. --' She had to go and kepo on the Amirin & Muz rapping lyrics. It was already OKAY! jeez man, what's wrong with you guys. And then Sam-- err that teacher had to go and change the whole lyrics. WHAT THE FARK? --' I'm was so freaking pissed of just now. Like seriously.

BUUUT my modda was mo' pissed. :b shhhhh, don't tell anyone okay? ((((: She was so stressed out cause yeah, we love Amirine & Muz more la. :b HAHAHA! She's not even a teacher in charge. fck. So my day pretty much was stressful and tiring with the dance practice and that. Plus he had to go and ruin it. --' Don't ask who's he. ((: okay? kay!

Then, the dance was completed today; the whole choreography was done by Chiaw Fei. ((: THANK YOUUU BIATCH! I heart youuuu! :b SO all we need now is like dancer, mostly. --' I hate recruiting. SO IF YOU KNOW ANYONE, WRITE IN MY TAGBOARD OR MSN ME! :D You'll be greaaaaaaaaaaaaaat help. I promise.

I'm sorry to tom toms for ruining her awesome relationship with inbox man. ))): It feels like it's also my fault for some reason annnnnnd her, not tom toms another her, man-- I have so many nicknames for people. :b HER, does she make fun of me? ): WHY? no life kah? --'

OKAY, random.

I hate the lyrics. --'
Mom gave the "We gon' pick it up even though we still struggling" part to Edmund.

OH and also, I ate that dirty chicken but Steph didn't give me two bucks. :b SAD.
LOLjk. ((((:

see that!

agarrrrrr-agarrrr, kolomeee, kicap & chicken.

Now, I shall be off helping my mom edit the freaking lyrics. ((:



June 22, 2010

what do you expect from me?

here I am.

I'm to tired for reblogs. --' Trilingual practices are making me really tired for some reason; my voice aches & my legs hurt due to all the dancing. I'm probably gonna be always lazy to blog and shit. pfft, sucks I know but I'll be around to check my tagboard; so if I have the urge to blog then I will. :D PROMISE!

Today has been a long day, I have to look for violin notes & print out the edited lyrics. ((((: Though, Tri practice was awesome today, Muz & Amirin rapped really coo`~ today. HAHA! I wonder if tomorrow will be better. It's the 3rd day of school. THREE, lucky number. ((: So, until then.

Mom doesn't like her, said she looked gay with her face. :b
Sang ALL Lady Gaga songs today. (: funny!

You can be angry, you can distance yourself from me.
I don't know what you want me to do.


June 21, 2010

here I am.

I'm struggling for my youth. I can' find me and I can't understand what I need or what. Nobody knows neither do I but I know one things;

Is that here I am, Making mistakes. With no one to tell me what to do and how to do it. I'll figure things out. Just not right now. So until then, I'll be patient and discreet about what I blog. ((:

Today was a long day, practice and shiz but..

REBLOG WHEN I CAN! I'm uber tired! D:


June 20, 2010

Lotsa words, Lotsa Pictures (;

Dad is currently watching 'V' (;
That's why we love our dad, he's always so.. RELAXED!

Happy Father's Day Dad!


Good Afternoon! (: So it's Father's day, have you greeted your father on this special day? I bet you have. Though I did read on tumblr that most people have problems and trouble with there dad & it's okay. Just go straight to you dad, smile and say "Happy Father's day dad" It's worth it; cause you never know what could happen. Like people always say "you won't know until you try." So go on & give it a try.

Anyway, today instead of forcing dad to go out and watch toy story 3; we did what he wanted to do! Stayed home & did the all time uber family hang out. We ate chips, bread, coke zero and watched television the whole day, I mean half of the day. I'll post pictures when I'm not lazy to upload the pictures from my phone to the laptop. It lags okay! :b

So yeah, Dad's happy and content just staying home & spending time with his family! :D How awesome is my dad? The anime-technology addict. Oh you should see his collection of DVD's. He even has a whole box-- when I say "box" I meant cuboid shape, not cube. :b

Enough about that! HAHA, I'm feeling paiseh to talk so much about dad kaliah. He's awesome. Period. (: So as you can see my last day of holiday involves watching the television with my family, cool enough for me & trying to finish up my Mathematics & Bahasa Melayu homework. I wonder how school will be tomorrow though with the whole E incident. Kinda exciting! :D

Also like 20 minutes ago, I was blog hopping and noticed the Regina knows Mina, Mark Jay, Dalvina & Jason! O.O So small eh this country! HAHAHA! Mina's hair looked... funky! MAN, I need to kacau her. And NOOOW, I miss Mark, Jason & Dalvina. D: I MISS ACTS29! FTW!

ALSO adding to today's agenda; when holiday ends, I shall focus on this 15 things.

1. Focus more on my high school life.
2. Study more harder and get higher marks.
3. Never be fooled by anyone.
4. Enjoy life while I'm young.
5. Don't date a guy until AFTER high school.
6. Stay single & happy.
7. Quit Extracurricular Activities; which might include me quitting band.
8. Get new violin. Hopefully. :b
9. Force mom to let me go violin classes at Virtuoso.
10. Change my blog link after 10 days.
11. Discuss about going for mathematics tuition.
12. Attend mass more often.
13. Grow hair longer.
14. Go boxing again.
15. Accept the truth always & be honest.

That's pretty much it. I've also stopped hating her; I could care less about her now. I don't believe in the "keep you friends close, Enemy closer" thing. As long as she doesn't bark on my tree, I won't bark on hers. (: kay? Kay! AND YES! I'm letting go. Everything 'you' said makes sense & My brother thinks so too & so does my bestfriend. I'm not in too deep, I can still get out and besides not many people know about me & him! phew! :D

'You' thinks that he's just gonna hurt me and cheat, I already felt that the first time I liked him but I took the risk and it was fun while it lasted but now it's over. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm happy. ((: I love being single, kay? <--press! I believe what 'you' says, she's a nice person. SHE \m/ HAHAHA! wtf?

Pictures for fun! (: Most were taken on 28th May 2010.

We were about to jump but momma saw me and called me. SPOILER. loljk (:


Nadhirah, Me & Angelina!

I'm a certified freak kali :b
Nadhirah & Me

what in gays am I trying to do? fck, I'm weird. :D

what were we talking about? :}

Angelina (with the hand on top of us), Me, Steph, Kang & Nadhirah

I posted this in tumblr too! I love this cause me & Angelina was singing Baby by Justin Bieber!

Sean, Angelina, Me, Steph & Kang


I somehow love this shot. :b
And lastly

Ahr, I need braces. D:

people will think I'm mean when I do what I will, won't they? :\
BAH, I just won't care.


Forget all the last posts. Like since the beginning of my blog.
Ignore the words that said "I love you or I like you or I need you"
I never truly needed anyone yet. I never loved anyone yet, I guess I said what I said cause I was.. Lonely? If that's the word. :\ BUT it's stupid of me to feel lonely.

Happy Father's day to God our father!
And to my awesome Dad (:

June 19, 2010



FTW! After 2 hours of searching for a good blogskins I finally found one (: Then after 1 & 1/2 hours of editing the skin, I got the kind of skin that I wanted! Yaaaaaay for me! :D It's sooooo colourful raaaight? I love it!

Moving on, today was pretty much boring & kinda depressing... for me! D: Probably cause sayang sounds kinda dull when he texts me. :\ He still hasn't told me what I did & he probably won't tell me at all. So that's that for me. I'll see him on Monday, so until then there's pretty much nothing I can do.

He went watching today, no idea with who. (: BUT he says Toy story 3 was nice (y) NOW I WANT TO WATCH D: Oh well, today; mom, dad & me will watch TV until it's soooo late. :b
I love my parents! :D

I've nothing to blog about. SOOOOO.. (:

Tomorrow, I will blog plenty-- Most likely. :b Until then ;

She, only I will know told me what I needed to know.
I now know what I should do. (:
Thank you, err you! HAHA

I feel happier. ISH.


June 18, 2010

what the hell did I do?

what did I do?
what did I do?
what did I do?
what did I do?
what did I do?
what did I do?
what did I do?
what did I do?
what did I do?
what did I do?

I'm sorry, I can't blog today. ):
I really don't know what I did that made him say the things he said.
& he won't tell me.
I hate this.

I'm off.


June 17, 2010


Everyone for me, is unique in their own way.


I have to be honest with you, I've been staring at my screen for about 25 minutes trying to figure out what or how I should blog. I feel so fucking useless today. :\ But while I was doing that, I also stared relentlessly at my phone waiting for a text message from him.

Stupid right?

Lately I admit, I've been having mood swings & I totally have no clue why. I go from happy to sad to stress to really really depressed. I'm so messed up. Let's not talk about that right now. Like I said, I stared at my screen almost forever and during that time I decided to do 15 things.

1. I really want to kinda grow my hair again.

2. I want to scream on top of a cliff or something.

3. I need to stop disliking her/them.

4. stop being jealous over my boyfriends ex currently his bestfriend. I should just trust him.





5. I need to really focus on my studies for my future.

6. Chocolates actually make me feel drunk.

7. I need to go learn violin again.

8. I miss him.

9. I miss him.

10. I miss him.

11. I need a new sketch pad.

12. I have to care what others say.

13. I need to hate my school for stalking on us.

14. I need a new blogskin. D:

15. and lastly, I need to learn greek.

I know I'm weird, I don't care. :b

Moving on, I love Auntie Rancy's work! She's a producer in ABS-CBN (largest film producer in the Philippines) and she likes teasing us with her photos. She takes pictures with Filipino celebrities ALL THE TIME. HAHA, see why I like her work but yeah she complains alot about it cause it's really a hard work. :b

PGT Velsaco Brothers! (:

OMGEE, Robin Padilla. *drools. I want a hug too! LOLwtf?

I also just remembered that I really want a beanie. BEANIE BEANIE! I don't know why I can't find any in Brunei? -_____-



this! :}

Also, I don't understand why the school is not giving us any privacy. -.- They should know that there's a difference between school and outside of school, we're not students outside of school. It's kinda unfair for us students.
so jobless issit?

Chung Hwa, tsk tsk.
don't so kepo can?

Sayang. )':

I think I'm done. I need to finish up on my Geography.

Say NO to drugs, Say YES to GaGa!

That's why Lady GaGa is here.

to show us how.
