June 19, 2010



FTW! After 2 hours of searching for a good blogskins I finally found one (: Then after 1 & 1/2 hours of editing the skin, I got the kind of skin that I wanted! Yaaaaaay for me! :D It's sooooo colourful raaaight? I love it!

Moving on, today was pretty much boring & kinda depressing... for me! D: Probably cause sayang sounds kinda dull when he texts me. :\ He still hasn't told me what I did & he probably won't tell me at all. So that's that for me. I'll see him on Monday, so until then there's pretty much nothing I can do.

He went watching today, no idea with who. (: BUT he says Toy story 3 was nice (y) NOW I WANT TO WATCH D: Oh well, today; mom, dad & me will watch TV until it's soooo late. :b
I love my parents! :D

I've nothing to blog about. SOOOOO.. (:

Tomorrow, I will blog plenty-- Most likely. :b Until then ;

She, only I will know told me what I needed to know.
I now know what I should do. (:
Thank you, err you! HAHA

I feel happier. ISH.
