June 20, 2010

Lotsa words, Lotsa Pictures (;

Dad is currently watching 'V' (;
That's why we love our dad, he's always so.. RELAXED!

Happy Father's Day Dad!


Good Afternoon! (: So it's Father's day, have you greeted your father on this special day? I bet you have. Though I did read on tumblr that most people have problems and trouble with there dad & it's okay. Just go straight to you dad, smile and say "Happy Father's day dad" It's worth it; cause you never know what could happen. Like people always say "you won't know until you try." So go on & give it a try.

Anyway, today instead of forcing dad to go out and watch toy story 3; we did what he wanted to do! Stayed home & did the all time uber family hang out. We ate chips, bread, coke zero and watched television the whole day, I mean half of the day. I'll post pictures when I'm not lazy to upload the pictures from my phone to the laptop. It lags okay! :b

So yeah, Dad's happy and content just staying home & spending time with his family! :D How awesome is my dad? The anime-technology addict. Oh you should see his collection of DVD's. He even has a whole box-- when I say "box" I meant cuboid shape, not cube. :b

Enough about that! HAHA, I'm feeling paiseh to talk so much about dad kaliah. He's awesome. Period. (: So as you can see my last day of holiday involves watching the television with my family, cool enough for me & trying to finish up my Mathematics & Bahasa Melayu homework. I wonder how school will be tomorrow though with the whole E incident. Kinda exciting! :D

Also like 20 minutes ago, I was blog hopping and noticed the Regina knows Mina, Mark Jay, Dalvina & Jason! O.O So small eh this country! HAHAHA! Mina's hair looked... funky! MAN, I need to kacau her. And NOOOW, I miss Mark, Jason & Dalvina. D: I MISS ACTS29! FTW!

ALSO adding to today's agenda; when holiday ends, I shall focus on this 15 things.

1. Focus more on my high school life.
2. Study more harder and get higher marks.
3. Never be fooled by anyone.
4. Enjoy life while I'm young.
5. Don't date a guy until AFTER high school.
6. Stay single & happy.
7. Quit Extracurricular Activities; which might include me quitting band.
8. Get new violin. Hopefully. :b
9. Force mom to let me go violin classes at Virtuoso.
10. Change my blog link after 10 days.
11. Discuss about going for mathematics tuition.
12. Attend mass more often.
13. Grow hair longer.
14. Go boxing again.
15. Accept the truth always & be honest.

That's pretty much it. I've also stopped hating her; I could care less about her now. I don't believe in the "keep you friends close, Enemy closer" thing. As long as she doesn't bark on my tree, I won't bark on hers. (: kay? Kay! AND YES! I'm letting go. Everything 'you' said makes sense & My brother thinks so too & so does my bestfriend. I'm not in too deep, I can still get out and besides not many people know about me & him! phew! :D

'You' thinks that he's just gonna hurt me and cheat, I already felt that the first time I liked him but I took the risk and it was fun while it lasted but now it's over. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm happy. ((: I love being single, kay? <--press! I believe what 'you' says, she's a nice person. SHE \m/ HAHAHA! wtf?

Pictures for fun! (: Most were taken on 28th May 2010.

We were about to jump but momma saw me and called me. SPOILER. loljk (:


Nadhirah, Me & Angelina!

I'm a certified freak kali :b
Nadhirah & Me

what in gays am I trying to do? fck, I'm weird. :D

what were we talking about? :}

Angelina (with the hand on top of us), Me, Steph, Kang & Nadhirah

I posted this in tumblr too! I love this cause me & Angelina was singing Baby by Justin Bieber!

Sean, Angelina, Me, Steph & Kang


I somehow love this shot. :b
And lastly

Ahr, I need braces. D:

people will think I'm mean when I do what I will, won't they? :\
BAH, I just won't care.


Forget all the last posts. Like since the beginning of my blog.
Ignore the words that said "I love you or I like you or I need you"
I never truly needed anyone yet. I never loved anyone yet, I guess I said what I said cause I was.. Lonely? If that's the word. :\ BUT it's stupid of me to feel lonely.

Happy Father's day to God our father!
And to my awesome Dad (: