June 26, 2010

tiga budayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (y)

I did the right thing, right?

Look at what mom found on one of her books! D: WTF? ((: My stomach so buncit kali. BUT I think it still is. :b

So haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai, man that really sounds like sohai in my head. HAHA, seriously, today was fun but tiring but fun. ((: We had rehersals for the trilingual practice and it was really really really uber fun. Me, Zimah, Steph, Angelina & Sharon fooled around on stage, we sang plenty of songs.

Man, I'm not in my blogging mood. HAHAHA! whatever la.

--' Muz is so mean for bullying me. He kept calling me pervert ; just cause mom touched his butt for a few seconds while he was facing the other direction he thought it was me. I know he knows he wasn't me, he just really likes to say I'm the perv. --' faaaaaaark you Muz. :b

THEN THEN, the song is really ending up to be nice (y) everyone is doing a great job. I really like the part Zimah goes "tiga budayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" cause it's like long and high pitch & she can do it. ))): I FEEL HURT ZIMAH! hahaha, joke ((: You have an awesome voice!

I'm kinda glad mom works in Chung Hwa, cause if she didn't; I wouldn't be joining the trilingual singing thing and I wouldn't have met Aaron, Muz & Mirin. I wouldn't have gotten closer with Afy, Hafidz, Zimah, Sharon and Kang. ((: Friends make me feel alive, especially... now.

HAHAHA! When I arrived home, I got this really odd text and I didn't know who it was so I didn't reply it. :b It was actually Aaron, Sorry I didn't reply earlier. It was kinda scary cause he was all like

"ayy come school tomorrow and bring the money okayy... i'll be wearing a black coat"
wtf? --' wrong number kah?! *runs to mom* MA! d'ya know who this is?
mom: *looks at it* uhhh, noo?
--' don't reply loh. *close phone*

He miscalled me after 10 minutes or so that's when I replied him la. :D SUCH A DOUCHE.
I shall post loads of pictures now! (((: I hope your eyes burn. LOLjk.

During rehearsals today.

Sean being retarded. ((:

Sharon playing with her drums.

Aaron and Angelina!

Playing around with the keyboard ; Xin Jie, Kang & Mira

LOL! Angelina :b

Sharon :D

Zimah, Maznan & Cikgu Mazlin's anak ((:
They looked so cute, almost like a family.

Kwan lao shi going bananas over the drum sets. :b

I feel alone. LOLwtf? Joke, they look cute together.
I read in Zimah's blog it's their 5th Monthsary ; Congratulations!

Sean is [V], I'm MTV, Steph is STARWORLD ((:

During one of our practices and we were hanging out at Canteen.

I swear the fan talked to me O.O

Mira. :D

MMMM, Tien & Zanna ; Me like Zanna's hair, so sexay.

She was giving Lynne the cheetos. ((:

yumyumyummmmm :q

LOL! Lynne sucha monstar.

Can you guess who? ((:

LSY ((:
Happy Belated Birthday!

Kuo Han begging mom for her forgivness cause he couldn't join the dance. :b

P.S: mom won't allow me to quit band. --' FML.
P.P.S: I should Change my link now.

Can the school please give us our freaking privacy!

I'm sorry, kay?
