May 28, 2010

fly me to the moon.

zo freaking kaling!

I is the tired to bored. :p
I want to blog but maybe on Sunday cause tomorrow I KNOW I will be uber tired.
I want to fly to the moon, with him. (;
I do sayang you.


Be Back Tomorrow.

uber fun today. SO HYPER NIA! (: NERVOUS!


May 27, 2010

when you look me in the eyes.

I is the bored & the tired.
it's zo zo zo zo effing KALING roight?


First of, I love it that Lee Dewyze won American Idol! (; I love love love love it! HE IS SO AWESOME! :D

Yeah moving on, just the usual rehearsal with the band for sports day. I still play tom-toms & yeah he didn't tell me. Which sucks for me. :| BUUUT can't force him to tell me now can I? *sighhhhh. Sucks so much to be me right now.

ANYWHOO, there's band practice tomorrow & it's YayFriday! OR is it BooFriday? yknow.. I'm talking shit right? :D HAHA!

So funny shits that happened today. DOWN THERE! REALLY long soooo, don't read it. :p

When we were at the canteen, after rehersal I mean. As usual we didn't have classes & we were like suuuperrrr tired. SO we (Angelina, Steph, Kang & me) went to the canteen & saw Sean there. So we like hanged out there. TALKED about stuff, they tried hitting my bruise which they did for like 5 times. For some reason I think it's more darker now. x) HAHA! stupiad la them. (; BUUUUT yeah, I was like shouting & everyone just... STARED! I'm serious, I had to say sorry to this malay dude beside me cause I was shouting straight in his ear!
THEN! Hafidz had to point out the girl with HAIRY ARMPITS. -___- nice bro, niiiicee. YOU HAD TO REMIND ME.
So eventually we ended up laughing & joking about her first.
After that, for some weird reasons we started drifting to something else like a song.
I think that would be my fault for like being so high. :p
YEH! we sang baby, me & Angelina. HAHA! Hafidz, Amirin, Nadhirah & Aaron were like hiding & saying "we don't know them, seriously, we don't"
We were even sweared at by Shins' group.

Really tingly feelings that happened today?
He had to look me in the eyes. HE JUST HAD TO! wtf? seriously, of all the things to do. I admit It was so cute but seriously?!
Did he really have to? ): Now I feel like shit cause iomgactuallymh.
He gives me that one of a kind feeling. I think?
where butterflies come & eat me up. :s
That certain tingly feeling. *sigghhh.
He says he likes staring at me cause i laugh when i do & he just smiles.
I hate you, yknow?
I don't want to fall deeper, you mahai.

Really hated moments.
I admit I was kind of jealous.
He's not mine or something.
He knows I was. He knew I wasn't in the mood & he texted me if I was okay.
I lied & said yes.
I wasn't.
He knew I wasn't, he just said "I think you're jealous"
Think vee, think of an excuse.
I was like "whaaa? nooo, yes, maybeeee? :D"
& that ended his questions.
If he knows I'm jealous why does he have to keep doing it?
Why can't he still answer my question?!
really TIEN moments.

I love Angelina Chiuh & Stephanie Chun.
for many reasons.

YEAH, I'mma private this blog! TAG ME IF YOU WANT IN OR JUST MSN ME (;


I like staring at your eyes. But I laugh so you won't notice I blush. :D
Oh how i feel when I look into your eyes.

May 26, 2010

Oh how you make me feel.

Oh how you make me feel.

Haaaaaaaaaaaai! (; I is super tired, so I won't blog so long today. Just a few things to update since my last post.

1. Gotten slightly darker. :p
2. My hair got longer? HAHA!
3. I play the tom-tom, Bass drum, Snare drum & the cymbals now.
4. KANG is my pantai! :p don't ask.
5. He's gonna tell me tomorrow if he likes me. :|
6. We got our uniform for band except mine & Steph's. (;
7. Angelina, Sean, Me & Tien saw some girl with hairy armpits! :D It was so funny, we couldn't stop joking about it till we had to separate ways!
8. Ngu Hui Tien is asian, I'm orang PUTEEY & Angelina is Latin. :D
9. I is worried about Dhirah :s
10. I like you so much.

YEAHH! that's today. HAHEHIHHUUUH! I suck i know roight! I'm not happy, I'm not sad, I'm just average. SO LEMME stop here.

Like eeeeeeeeeet? I know I do, hair extensions for SEAN STEWART (;

Ciaomahaikia (;

wish me luck?

May 25, 2010


HAHEHIHOHUUUH! (; Kaling hyper kaliah!
I is bored though. -.-
Be blogging more laturr.

idomissyou. alittle biiiiit. :p

May 24, 2010

She's MY bestfriend biatch, in yer face!

zo freaking kaling today! finally!

SO, it's not bad today. BUT i bet it's the opposite tomorrow. ): I hope not though. I mean I want it to be another good day; with no shit & no drama.

SHIT that happened today.

Me & Stephanie did something really shitty today. Texted the guys we like "I like you, okay? & I know it's stupid & I know you don't care" We both got replies & for some reason, XinZaii thought that it was sweet what "mine" replied. -_-
I halfway passed all my exams. Alang alang pass. ):
He said he cared & shiz. It's hard to talk about when I don't know if he really is telling the truth.
I love Nadhirah Idrus! HAHA, Kaling!
I love Stephanie Chun!
& then.. Alai said "aeroplanes" instead of "airplanes" which was really cute. She also read my message. *sigh. that girl ah.
I bought Lynne ABC special instead of Angelina.
HuiTien makes me smile. (;
He made me smile.
Siti is awesome! & I always find it nice to hang with her.
Shared shit with Siti.

Yeah pretty much all. (: yknow, ILAVMYBESTFRIEND. & my friends who have been helping me alot. BUT mostly HER. S.

Calvin Jong
for supporting me all the waaaaaaay. (; I love you babeh!

Hui Tien
For always being her & making things seem better for me. (; ILAVYOU!
& I hope you know I'm always here for you.

Lynne & Alai
For always cheering me up without even knowing it. You guys are always there to make the worst fade. I Love you guys!

Syafiq Maarof
For hearing out a girl in need. For keeping the secrets you're suppose to. (; I've never loved a "unfeminine" guy more!

XinZaii the KALING! (;
I love the way you're always making my day by talking to me. For always listening to my problems. Thank you Kaling!

Angelina Chiuh
For giving the right advice & saying the right words. (;

More towards my beach. For 8 years.

Stephanie Chun
For always being there for me, for always trying to cheer me up. I love the way she makes thing seem easier. I admit at times there are fights & there are some weird things. I sometimes feel like I'm never gonna get better than her BUT I will ALWAYS love her & put her first.
For being friends with a retard. (; Thanks Luv.

HA, so dramatic! (;

I do sayang you. More than you know.

May 23, 2010


No clue on what to do.
I'm sad & down.
Just cause of one freaking bastard, why can't I go on just like I usually do?
I'mamajorloserforstilllikingyou. D:
Please let me go, tell me you want someone else & not me.

Please? )))):

I had it. THEN, I lost it.
TRUST NO ONE. :3 & you might live to see tomorrow.

no mood to blog.
ciaoMAHAIcb. (;
cut cut cut cut? can kah?
Kaling veeeeeeeeeeeeouuuuuuuuuuut!

May 22, 2010

I can't go back to the old me.

I don't know you, but I do want you.
zo Kaling! (;

Not a bad day today, I guess. (; Had loads of funny shit go on! HAHA, like for example falling on the floor while singing "wavin' flag by Young Artist" My ocheh hurts but I still love it.

ah, I need to force mom to get me credit soon. ):

My "ocheh" even has a name. Lynne Stephanie. SO KEEYUT roight, the name? (; I named them after the people that made me fall. HAHA, Stephanie says it's karma. RAAH! Karma my arse la. :p But yeah, that made the morning lively cause EVERYONE talked non-stop about it. :D I love the colour too, it's like red, blue & purple. SUUWEET.

Angelina & I acted so weird today BUUUUT, I'll tell you tomorrow. I IS SUPER SLEEPY.

I don't wanna stay long; my eyes are weak, my feet'sa hurtin', my head'sa achin' & I am so siccck. ): I want to feel fine.

Nothing today. Just post everything else tomorrow okay? :D SORRY!

I love CHMS band.

I had a choice & I made a decision.
I can't go back to the old me
& repaint my story white.
It's been stained for a long time now.

I still am in like with you, slightly. ):
Thanks for trying to be so nice.

veeee ouuuuuuuuuuuuut!

I like you for you.
Don't forget that. :|

May 20, 2010

it's to cheerful to think of. (Y)

SECOND POST, sorry, but's it's all I can do to cheer me up. (;

HeeChul has weird eyebrows! D: SEE! YVONNE!

HeeChul can actually look like that! wtf?

I am so getting 'injuned' by Stephanie & XinZaii. (; ALOVEET.

VocaPeople! (Y)

HOT! & awesaaam.


please hit the reset button.

My mood died since this morning.
zo I'll keep praying cause right now I feel like my heart is about to crash.

Hey, I have no freaking mood to blog or do anything. ): I regret having to see THIS Thursday & I seriously don't know who to trust anymore. wtf I know. I don't blame S. it wasn't her fault or anything. But I can't help but freaking CRY! D:


fml. :| SOMEONE, please. I'm beggin' you, hit the reset button. I can't help but feel sad & alone. I hate him but I still have that freaking stupid feeling for him. ): I HATE THIS! I can't cry in front of mom nor tell her bout' this shit. ARGH!

Thanks to XinZaiiKALING for trying to cheer me up today! (;
I don't blame S. I still love her, I'm just reflecting on what to do.
fck, he messag'd me awhile ago & his sister was asking me what's wrong. :|


I'm not gonna keep doing this, I'll just cry it out with someone or just by myself. ): I need my big brother to tell me "I told you so." PSH! ANYWAY! I had a good-ish day, so whatever la.

Leave me alone to die. :o


I think I wanna private my blog or just change the link or just delete it all the way. Lemme think about it.

you need to tell me with more enthusiasm.

CRAP, I have to see him tomorrow. -___-

Thanks for telling me S.
I really hoped you told me earlier before I went deeper.

Kaling? (;
vee out.

Lemme think.

May 19, 2010

I'm not gonna cry.

I've got nothin' on you baby.

Kaling (;

I'm still so tired I feel like I'm about to collapse on the floor. :o SERIOUSLY! but I couldn't help but come. How can I resist a few minutes of blogging, right right right? Alot of stuff actually happened today, not that mind blowing but you get my drift.

Teacher Carolyn is now our new form teacher, not Kalpana.
♥ My sunburn still hurts like so much.
♥ I managed to get 42/80 in my maths, which according to my friends is a pass but according to my mom "pasang awa"
♥ will be killed by Cikgu Sham for not joining the cadet march.
♥ I'm going back to tumblr.
♥ I might officially meet the hotness monster. (;
♥ I got invited to Zanna's birthday party. But I don't know if mom & dad will allow me. :|

♥ He knows.

yeah that's that. He knows. He's not mad or anything, He actually asked me what I would say if he mm'd back & all I could think of freaking saying was "I would say, aww"


yeah, that's what I said. You want to know who it is don't you? The "he" hehehe :b *winks at S.* SECRET! (: ULAVYOU STILL! what else ah. -_______-

white. white. white.

YELLOW! speaking of yellow!

& now I'm really blank. Pictures? Ehehe, random pictures again. I always forget to ask Azzam for the pictures we took during Syafiqs' birthday. DAMNSHIAT, I know.

HAHA! it's so funneh!

I forgot that we got rehersals tomorrow for the sports day. D: not another sunburn ah. ):

I like (Y) this song! (; Ahmirs' are awesaaaaaam!

I found it in vinlys' blog (; SAM TSUI is so fruuriking hawt! The song is nice cause they really have a nice voice.

I like you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisss much! x

but i feel like something's wrong.
or about to.

vee out! (;

May 18, 2010

when a heart breaks, it doesn't break even.

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathin'

Kaling (;

No I'm tired today! & this time I'm effing serious! My back hurts, can't raise my hands up, my head hurts & I think I've got sunburn! D: Everything hurts! ):

But that don't stop me from coming for awhile.

Again I say.
Happy Birthday Farzanna
I hope you had a blast today Luv (;
Have more to come & even though we're not that close;
I consider you a good friend.

& now i'm collapsing. :|
some other time.


I like you, like that luh. x)


FMS. fckMyStudies
should have just placed FMM, fckmyMATHS.

when a heart breaks, it doesn't break even.

vee out!

May 17, 2010

say it.

AHAAAAI, I can't stop saying that yknow!

I'm waiting for you to say it, maybe I got the signs wrong? OH WELL! ): Anyway, I can't stay long. I is lazy & sleepy but I'm just talking to mina at the moment. I'm also doing the English thing. (;

Go on. ):

Don't look at me like that, I'll poke yer eye out!

Farzanna ♥ !

& ABDUL MU'IT (; you better go to school tomorrow.

Monday-Thursday : I bully him & he won't bully back.
Friday-Sunday : He bullies me & I don't bully back.

Fair kah? :p
& you're so mean again for leaving me all of the sudden in facebook. pfft.

vee out!

May 15, 2010

It's when I know, I like you.

Kaling! (;
Words speak louder than words. :D

So I guess I'm back again for the day. Stephanie just made my day! (; I love you dahling! We shared so much emo pics & I suddenly thought of him! ): I haven't talked to you the whoooooole day!

I do miss your stupid face. ):

I don't wanna really push you though. :p


How I wish.

My type of guy should do this. x)

Kind of. (: You don't have to be perfect. Just be..


& Also..

I miss being a kid. Sometimes, I want to go back to that time.

It's when I really know, I like you.
I just hope you can be that guy.
The kind I like.
Can you handle that?

After all, I'm not like any girl. (;

vee out again! (;

I've been shattered but I'm easy to fix.

So this Saturday is kind of dull for me ; nothing is happening YET. I can never be to sure (; Everyone today is probably out, hanging out at the mall. I hear that at 8PM they're gonna have some kind of performance. I'm not sure. But I'm kinda satisfied just having to stay home. I know I'm such a loner.

I don't care. (;

Won't take up much time or anything, nothing to blog about & I am lazy to post even random pictures. :} Thanks for stopping by & reading most of what I've blogged. Have a great Saturday!

you're serenity.

I've been shattered & been broken so many times,
But I'm not that weak, I can be strong.
& I'll be easily fixed.

I'll see if I'll come back later.

vee out!

May 14, 2010

I gotta keep holding on.

I really could use a wish right now.

O I I, I am so malas but I'm still blogging okay! (; Today was alright & band was okay. We had to learn four new songs! Chung Hwa Anthem, Drum Solo, Trumpet Voluntary & Auld Lane Syne. The hardest one for me was Drum solo & Auld Lane Syne. D: It was so freaking hard. But oh well, I'll have to get use to it.

Anyway, I don't have much to blog about ; there's no school tomorrow which is like awesome for me & err.. Nadhirah asked if I could go to the mall tomorrow afternoon which I highly doubt I can go to. ): Eeeh.

I need to get out more. ;p

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Blog again soon kay? Random pics ahead! (; you've been warned & alittle bit of emoness? We'll see.

I love this picture! (; BUSTED! HAHA! But damn Eric Dane is so fine.

Carter Jenkins looks so... INNOCENT!

Ain't he just McDreamy? (;

Ashton Kutcher is one fine meat. x)

I wish I had the kind of friendship they have. (': They're bestfriends even though they're different genders. *sigh. The world we live in sucks.

*drools. EunHyuk & Si Won.


Random design. (;

*vomits* HAHA, abang with a weird hair.



I miss ero. ):

I'll have the pics from Azzam soon? Patience.

words can't bring me down.
I am strong & I know..
I gotta keep holding on.
Even though I feel like bursting out with tears.


I don't know who I am anymore.
I never told you.
I can't wear this mask any longer.
I can't believe I still like you.
I don't know what I want anymore.
I miss everything about you.
I keep lying to ;

I miss the know what to do. :\
Forget it.

Kaling. (;
vee out.