May 14, 2010

I gotta keep holding on.

I really could use a wish right now.

O I I, I am so malas but I'm still blogging okay! (; Today was alright & band was okay. We had to learn four new songs! Chung Hwa Anthem, Drum Solo, Trumpet Voluntary & Auld Lane Syne. The hardest one for me was Drum solo & Auld Lane Syne. D: It was so freaking hard. But oh well, I'll have to get use to it.

Anyway, I don't have much to blog about ; there's no school tomorrow which is like awesome for me & err.. Nadhirah asked if I could go to the mall tomorrow afternoon which I highly doubt I can go to. ): Eeeh.

I need to get out more. ;p

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Blog again soon kay? Random pics ahead! (; you've been warned & alittle bit of emoness? We'll see.

I love this picture! (; BUSTED! HAHA! But damn Eric Dane is so fine.

Carter Jenkins looks so... INNOCENT!

Ain't he just McDreamy? (;

Ashton Kutcher is one fine meat. x)

I wish I had the kind of friendship they have. (': They're bestfriends even though they're different genders. *sigh. The world we live in sucks.

*drools. EunHyuk & Si Won.


Random design. (;

*vomits* HAHA, abang with a weird hair.



I miss ero. ):

I'll have the pics from Azzam soon? Patience.

words can't bring me down.
I am strong & I know..
I gotta keep holding on.
Even though I feel like bursting out with tears.


I don't know who I am anymore.
I never told you.
I can't wear this mask any longer.
I can't believe I still like you.
I don't know what I want anymore.
I miss everything about you.
I keep lying to ;

I miss the know what to do. :\
Forget it.

Kaling. (;
vee out.