November 26, 2010

pursuit of happyness.

I'm a teenager,
I'm not anybody,
I'm not pretty,
I'm just your ordinary teenage girl and I..
I'm happy.

I'm still in pursuit of happyness.

I'm merely a 16-year-old teenager, I have mood swings, unbelievable disappointing school results, a large amount of rumors going about that I'm a lesbian, have an emo-cute-unbelievable loving friends who during the holidays' don't call but still lovely anyway and bunch of other idiotic things that a normal teenage girl has to go through. I'm normal, I hate to admit it but it's true and I have no choice but to accept that.

I'm young, immature and I don't know what I'm doing or saying most of the time. I'm sad, depressed and lonely half of the time and that's normal, I've accepted that fact. I guess what I'm trying to say is, we're teenagers, we tend to feel sad and have feelings we can't explain. It's normal, it is.

I have a baby brother and older brother (bad idea to post his picture) that love me and I love them.
Parents who never go and make me feel unloved. Only help me do nothing but find my way.

sexy sisters who help me with things I can't do. :)

two biffles that I'll shoot once I see but still love.

Friends that give a damn. 

"viel = (R)"  -Em Shams. 
"even if you do live in a cage you'd still be the most updated person ever which makes you "I-live-in-cage-with-a-super-high-tech-satellite-dont-play-play" -Ht.
"you're like music vee. you make us cry, laugh, sometimes both but you can't do that if you're always sad" -Amy.
"you're a bitch, an awesome bitch" -Ty.

Syafick. :p

except Samuel and ahem.

I love you guys.

Friends I'm glad to have come closer to this year. :')

Jackie. :)

Wen Mee and Regina, I don't know where her photo went. -.-

Muzzeh & Mirin

so I'm an average teenager but I can be anyone you make me to be. 

I suddenly had the urge to make this post because I'm slightly afraid of what people are assuming, I'm not some mental, emo girl all the time. I have reasons and I don't always tell the whole story cause you gotta admit, no one cares about what you're going through.. not unless they're really your friends. I'm not trying to offend anyone or hurt feelings but I make slight sense don't I?

And mind you, I fell in love with him. Then learnt that I should let go of him if I love him.

Whatever, I'm high.
I'm ordinary, right?

I'm a rainbow, I'm a rainbow, I'm a rainbow mutherfuqcka! :))

I'm still grounded but it's okay.
