March 31, 2010

there are reasons for everything. yes-- really, they do. :p

You know this morning was really, i don't know how to explain it! I mean it's been good so far :) So-- I'll just "try" to blog about today.

Yeah, so I we were late for school. :p like we had a physics quiz like thing and I.WAS.LATE! I was rushing to get to my seat and do the paper! D: buuut yeah it wasn't that hard. Only some part. Kambangkuu eh, then i actually fail. I hope not though. :) yeah then we had classes and classes and classes-- OH! but during Geography we went to computer lab 1 :) we studied for one period then the second period we just did internet stuff. :p

Tien, Alai, Me, Mira and Syafiq-- went reading hollywood gossips, plurked and twittered. :D It was fun, kinda. Until the bell rang and we had Bahasa Melayu. -__________- same ole' same ole' stuff, cikgu talks, we talk and she talks, some listen and then we have to do some work. HAHAHA, so mean right? No lah-- she's cool with it. :) After that was---- PHYSICS. *dies* He just talked to himself again.


We went home-- I watched scrubs. HAHA! only show in Star world. :) Then yeah, here I am :D
So that's pretty much it-- I kinda watched "E NEWS & DAILY 10" too! Loveet.

So that's all folks-- I miss "green", "smiley" and everything else that's fun and good. ;p And and tomorrow is April. :)

Happy Advance to my brother :D
10 more ish days!

You make me drop, I don't like you but I do? what is that? seriously, I want you to be here with me. And I miss you. So much. :} maybe?

I regret telling him/her about blogger. -____-
she/he uses all the words i use, my style and he/she blogs like she/he is so awesome.
Getahlife sheesh!

vee out :)

March 30, 2010

Out of boredom :p

Out boredom-- I won't blog again later cause I'll be tired. So here's what you get for today.

HA! Relief. :D THANK GOODNESS! I'm so tired-- especially after running that, that, that, what's that again? err.. oh! 100M, *dies* My legs hurt and they will forever! kiddin' just bored la. :D So yeah-- I can't go facebook! -______- curse yah school site. ;p

I am just so

buuuut yeah-- i hope the day still goes right :)
I'm off for now. :D
And I still miss "green" and maybe "smiley" too.

vee out :)

March 29, 2010

Tired D:


buut who cares-- it was an "okay" day. ;D Not bad, just okay. Thank god for that! :) He does thing mysteriously. Really-- he does. Anywaaay, today was the usual-- study, talk, eat, study, study, fall asleep in class and thought of green. :| I couldn't shut up about him. *bangs head on laptop* but yeah, my friends didn't mind cause they were curious too, of course I didn't talk about him that much.

Only Venessa knows :) n' Loui.

I read the note Loui wrote for me :| I feel half happy for her but kind of saad for her too. :( *sighs* Love-- you suck! HAHA, but moving on! :D I don't wanna post so much about today. I'm so tired and malas-- I can barely say "woohoo" loudly! D: weird right? but yeah :| so malas--

I'm gonna click "x" soon.
I miss you green! D: so effing much. I hope to see yah soon.
Even though K-- gives me butterflies. :( I still ahem green.


P.S: If I don't come back like soon or whatever-- it means I started on my H.I.A.T.U.S :|

vee out :)

March 28, 2010

Goodbye good moments. :|

*sighs* I can't believe it's school day tomorrow! :| It's goodbye good moments and hello bad moments. :p I'm jokin' but seriously-- I don't feel so good about waking up early-- just for school *fail* I mean it, my good moments are mostly about camp, acts. pshh. :|

why? why does time fly so fast?
and! :(

can't i just press rewind? and go back to all those good memories :(

You know-- i'm thinking of acts29 people, thinking about them makes me happeh, smile and like go "wowzaah!" :) Ilovethem. I miss them and i miss camp. I miss the good stufff. *sighs* I don't even want to go to school tomorrow. pfft.

Anyway-- I don't have photos about today. I mean today was just AMAZING! The whole thing was just awesome :) I love it. ARGH! I can practically go on forever! but i won't-- cause yeah school tomorrow, vee must sleeep early :D I'll be back tomorrow- ish.

I miss green! soo much.
He sat beside me today, he was wearing green. :) and he felt like saying something to me! It was so keeyut. But yeah-- we're just kawans. :| but i wish i can talk to him again. SOON!

I miss Loui too. :( see bye good moments! :| wish tomorrow is a good day too. *sighs*

I miss- I tell you. them all!
Here's one random post: --

– Name: viel (:
– Birth date: 03.09.1994
– Nickname: vee.
– Eye Color: brown.
– Hair Color: black.
– Zodiac Sign: virgo.

–The shoes you wore today: crocs ;p
– Your weaknesses: snakes and si keeyuuut. ;p
– Your fear(s): fear and heights.
– Your perfect pizza: honey garlic pizza and pepperoni!
– Goal you’d like to achieve: alot eh. :D

– Your best physical feature : none!
– Your bedtime? usually 10-ish or 11. depends.
– Most missed memory? idk :d

This Or That…
– Pepsi or Coke? coke!
– McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonald's ?
– Adidas or Nike: none of the above..?
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea (:
– Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate :d
– Cappuccino or coffee: neither.

Do You…
– Smoke: no! neverr.
– Curse: sometimes.
– Sing: mmhmm.
– Dance: mmhmm.
– Take a shower everyday: DUH! ;p
– Have a crush: yes (:
– Do you think you’ve been in love? kinda?
– Want to go to college: yes!
– Like(d) high school: maybe..
– Want to get married: idk yet!
– Get motion sickness: neverrr. ;)
– Think you’re attractive: not really.
– Think you’re a health freak: no!
– Get along with your parents: yes (:

In the past month…
– Gone to the mall: Nope.
– Eaten an entire box of Oreos: kinda.
– Been on stage: yes. (:
– Gone skating: nope.
– Made homemade cookies: nopee.
– Gone Skinny dipping: HAHA! NO!
– Stolen anything: nope.

– Played a game that required removal of clothing: me? never!
– If so, was it mixed company: i said never right?
- Flashed anyone: flash? hahah, no.
– Been beaten up: punched yes, beaten up, NO!
– Shoplifted: naah.

– Age you hope to be married: 27?
– Numbers of Children: 1 or 2, maybe?
– Describe your Dream Wedding: that's for me to know.
– What country would you most like to visit? Korea! ???

In the opposite sex..
– Best eye color?: any.
– Best hair color?: no blondes la!
– Short hair or long hair?: short hair ;pp
– Height: taller or same height.

– Number of people I could trust with my life: 7+ ?
– Number of CDs that I own: i've got so much, i can't even begin to count.
– Number of tattoos: ahem.. none.
– Number of piercings: 1 pair. (:

Personal Quiz
Who were you with yesterday? my dad, mom and lil' bro.
What woke you up this morning? the rain!
Where are you? at home.
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? YES! I HOPE IT WILL BE!
Do you like anybody? yes. (:

Ever thrown up in public? HAHA, no!
Passed out because of alcohol? no too.
What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW? for some reason.. LWK, Green, Loui & Brown. and also tomorrow and today! :|

What kind of home would you like? depends i guess.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Doctor, Journalist or Nurse.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? college?

Do you like candy necklaces? yakk, no. ;pp
When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? i don't remember.
Do you listen to music every day? yes!
Do you still go trick or treating? we don't do that here.. so yeah..
What was the last thing you ate? some kind of pudding.
Are you a fast typer? i guess.
Have you ever moved? not really.
Have you ever won an award? yeap.
Are you listening to music right now? yes!
How long ’till your birthday? 6 more months?
When were you the saddest in your whole life? when i feel alone..
What time is it? 7.29PM
Do you use ebay to buy or sell? not really..
Who makes you mad? hoe's, backstabbers, liars
Have you ever heard a song written about you? yes?
Something you want to happen in 2010? oh i don't even know where to begin.
Summer 2010?
Honestly, do you miss 2009? honestly? no


1. What do you do when you’re mad? idk.. i never notice..
2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? i usually hold my anger.. i think?
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? yes.
4. Do you swear when you’re mad? sometimes.

1.When was the last time you actually cried? during camp.. when pastor chris was talking about throwing shame away.(:
2. Ever cried yourself to sleep? most of the time, yes.
3. Do certain songs make you cry? mmhmm.
4. What usually makes you cry? idk..

1. Are you usually a happy person? mostly yes.
2. What makes you the happiest? when people laugh and feel better. (:
4. Do you believe in yourself? yes, kinda.
5. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy? liars.;pp

vee out :)

March 27, 2010

"Ihy" can't always mean "I hate you"

"Ihy can't always mean "I hate you" and saying it to a guy can't always mean it's true. It's true...

Good Afternoon! how is today doing for ya'll? i really as usual, don't have anything to blog. :| I'm so bored that's all i can say right now! :( wanna entertain me? HAHA! Kiddin' la. So. I'll just post random photos--- for some reason i kept typing "ransom" so weird. I had to redo it 5 times. :D

Anyway, I promise soon, maybe on Monday.. I'll have something to blog about or this Sunday; if Angel can pick me up for acts29. I really really so badly want to go. I want to see everyone again. I mean, I'm a catholic but I just like attending acts29 y'know. :) but yeah.. It's not like i'm converting to Christian. I like where i am now. As long as god is with me, i'm happy. :D

They should "MS. AWESOME" :D

I just love this photo *poke* :D

I want to wear shoes lidat. ;p

HAHA! this picture is so cuuuute. ;)

I saw it yesterday while my plurk died. :D so funny!

#NP: The Anthem by Planetshakers. :) (for non-muslim people)
So that's all for now. I'll be back, if I gots me anything to post. :)
I miss you green.

vee out :)

March 26, 2010

Another day goes by

I really friggin' miss camp. :|
but what can I do.

So it's another day and unfortunately, I have nothing to blog about. I miss early morning chats with my roomates, with Loui and Charlyn. *sighs* Anywho.. I found more photos in facebook. :) Charlyn hasn't uploaded the photos we took so I'm stuck with this ones first. :)

I don't exactly know who is in the picture. Only Kuya Ivan, Gabriel Ivan Donesa and Sheila (i think?)

Kuya Ivan and me :D

Our team banner- by Abigail :D

My Patrick inside the plastic.. before Steven popped it. |:o

Our group photo. :D

Jinna and I playing the bread and butter game.

Abigail using her human brush (Jinna) while the rest of us block the sun out. ;p

Talk about munchkins. ;p Me, Loui, Abbey, Keasha and Martina.

Last day of camp, Me and Loui talking.

was this lunch? Or was it breakfast? OH! dinner! Me, Loui and Keasha.

Little people. ;p kidding! :D Martina, Abbey, Charlyn, Keasha, Me and Loui

Loui and me :) (top and bottom)

Yeah, that's all the pics I'll post here for now. Cause some of the photos are (N) (N) D: so bida! Hehehehe. :) Anywho, I miss school too. Kinda. i mean school can be fun when you have friends and all.. so yeah, I miss them too. Ampf.

So.. I'll be back later. I still have some "other" stuff to do. :p

I miss you too Z. (for safety purpose i scratched the first part of her twitter name)

vee out. :)

March 24, 2010

Love Revolution Camp.

My fellow Campers. :)
My life renewed.
It's a start of a new life.

"Asma hotel, Room 518 is an awesome room :D"

22nd-24th was awesome!
AHHHH *seizures* kidding! ;p

Hey! Long time no blog :) How have you all been? Good, I hope :)
Anyway. I'm actually suppose to blog really long today but I'm just so exhausted! :( My body hurts; my legs mostly and yeah my sprained ankle. :| but I'll try my best to blog stuff about camp.

Uh, yeah, i went for the acts29 camp :p and it was AWESOME! I mean everything about it was amazing. Especially how pastor Chris did his sessions! I literaly hid from him cause it was like he was talking to me! D: so scary and enlightening at the same time :DD It was really awesome. god really had a purpose for letting me go there and I just hope that i will be able to go to next years' one. :)

first day.
so the first day wasn't so bad. when i arrived there i was actually so nervous and like didn't wanna be there.. luckily, Charlyn was with me! :) cause of her i also met Keasha! Keasha is awesome! HAHA, funny too. then yeah, we sat around waiting, Joshua said "hey" while we waited. He's not bad. He's a nice person. Anywho, after that.. we went up to our room. My roomies are uh.. Keasha, Martina Joy and Abbey Sarah. (they're all so short! no offence ;p) then we went down and did the whole group stuff.

I was in Love Lock with Charlyn and Keasha was in Love rock :D with LOUISAA! naw, i wish the four of us were in the same group :( it would've been more fun. Anyway, my group was kinda quiet at first cause it was mostly boys and the girls didn't talk much. Our group leader is err.. Abigail! :D (love her but sometimes she's scary) and Sam. And our team cheer and war cry is:

we got pop;
we got rock;
we are love lock and we're hot. :D

war cry:
(girls)Love (boys)Lock x2
We gonna kick you off your socks!
then some actions! ;p

yeah, then we did loads of shiz that i don't remember now. HAHA, sorry. i'm forgetful. Food was awesome thought. HAHAHA! it really was. I sprained my ankle too. :| I think not much stuff happened the first day. so yeah.

second day.
Errhm, second day was better ;p more fun, more lively. We went to the beach- tungku beach! It was fun! everyone was so happy and no one felt lonely and shiz! :D We played loads of games. Like like.. uh.. OH! Jinna was turned into a human brush! SO FUNNY NIA! then after that was the paint fight! Ace of hearts, Love Runners and Angies' group teamed up and tried to kick our team off but nooooo, cause my team is awesome! :p then we had lunch, and other stuffs.. Sessions and awesome hang outs. :) And god, one session i think the third on- NO MORE SHAME. Pastor Chris told us some good stuff, and during our praise and worship, I cried so much beside Angelina :| I felt more closer to god and i knew that no matter what i do, god will always be with me :)

We also watched Shaun, Hui Ting and Sing Haw dance, they are.. GOOD! :D amazing i tell you! So sexy ah. LOL! then..

I actually came to know Loui more :D she's awesome, we talk about lots of stuff. Mostly about green and brown :p and what we're gonna do and stuff la. She's fun to talk to, she gives advice! IWUVHER! :) in a friend way.

yeah then the next day was actually our last day so we asked. NO! begged! pushpa to allow Loui and Charlyn to our room. 518! We went to Pushpas' room to ask her; we saw Jason, Sing Haw and the GenRev leader. Abbey and I argued about Sing Haw. Cause she kept saying he wasn't cute, so i asked Sing haw and he also kept saying no! :( so i said shush and he was so cute! HAHA!

Yeah so Loui and Charlyn slept in our room :)) while Keasha, Martina, Abbey and Charlyn did some weird video stuff.. Me and Loui talked about some.. stuff.

Oh, did i mention, we got locked out of our room cause of MARTINA -___-

third day.
Loui and I wanted to talk so we wanted to wake up earlier. She woke up like 6.30Am and i woke up after her. We showered and the rest woke up so argh.. I don't feel so hyper right now. :/ You get the point right? can i cut day three? we talked non-stop and stuff. *dies* okay.. im gonna stop typing loads of stuff. I'm gonna cut stuff now.

Yeah, we watched a video of some guy with no limbs. It was okay. :D then it was prize giving time.. I forgot who won 3rd and 2nd and Love Guru won 1st. D: I thought our team wouldn't win anything but yeah suddenly Sophia and Abigail looked at me and called me up the stage! HAHA!
I won "best female camper" YAAY for me. Did i mention the Q & A session with Pastor Chris long? yeah it was funny! Not funny! HILARIOUS!

Then it was bye bye time! Malas type other stuff. Maybe I'll edit later. If I'm not to tired. and more photo's too. :D

I loved camp, simple and I miss it. :) I'm glad i came.
No Regrets.
No pain.
No mistakes.
3days was enough for me to know god loves me.
NO more SHAME.

I won that :) Best Female Camper. My PATRICK :D

them awesome camp-coms! Pastor Chris Long, Jerald, Peh Han, Angel, Pushpa, Michelle, Sophia and Shaun :D

During one of the warm up sessions, SING HAW and HUI TING teaching "single ladies" dance. It was so fun! :D

My roomates. (start from me) Keasha, Abbey Sarah and Martina Joy

Steven and me :D This picture is really bad, cause (Loui said) my shirt makes it bigger. and i look retarded cause he was saying funny shiz! I was like laughing so much!

I loike green.- so what?
Green Imisshim. D: I know Loui misses Brown too! HAHAH

vee out. :)

March 6, 2010

Under Construction!

