March 28, 2010

Goodbye good moments. :|

*sighs* I can't believe it's school day tomorrow! :| It's goodbye good moments and hello bad moments. :p I'm jokin' but seriously-- I don't feel so good about waking up early-- just for school *fail* I mean it, my good moments are mostly about camp, acts. pshh. :|

why? why does time fly so fast?
and! :(

can't i just press rewind? and go back to all those good memories :(

You know-- i'm thinking of acts29 people, thinking about them makes me happeh, smile and like go "wowzaah!" :) Ilovethem. I miss them and i miss camp. I miss the good stufff. *sighs* I don't even want to go to school tomorrow. pfft.

Anyway-- I don't have photos about today. I mean today was just AMAZING! The whole thing was just awesome :) I love it. ARGH! I can practically go on forever! but i won't-- cause yeah school tomorrow, vee must sleeep early :D I'll be back tomorrow- ish.

I miss green! soo much.
He sat beside me today, he was wearing green. :) and he felt like saying something to me! It was so keeyut. But yeah-- we're just kawans. :| but i wish i can talk to him again. SOON!

I miss Loui too. :( see bye good moments! :| wish tomorrow is a good day too. *sighs*

I miss- I tell you. them all!
Here's one random post: --

– Name: viel (:
– Birth date: 03.09.1994
– Nickname: vee.
– Eye Color: brown.
– Hair Color: black.
– Zodiac Sign: virgo.

–The shoes you wore today: crocs ;p
– Your weaknesses: snakes and si keeyuuut. ;p
– Your fear(s): fear and heights.
– Your perfect pizza: honey garlic pizza and pepperoni!
– Goal you’d like to achieve: alot eh. :D

– Your best physical feature : none!
– Your bedtime? usually 10-ish or 11. depends.
– Most missed memory? idk :d

This Or That…
– Pepsi or Coke? coke!
– McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonald's ?
– Adidas or Nike: none of the above..?
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea (:
– Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate :d
– Cappuccino or coffee: neither.

Do You…
– Smoke: no! neverr.
– Curse: sometimes.
– Sing: mmhmm.
– Dance: mmhmm.
– Take a shower everyday: DUH! ;p
– Have a crush: yes (:
– Do you think you’ve been in love? kinda?
– Want to go to college: yes!
– Like(d) high school: maybe..
– Want to get married: idk yet!
– Get motion sickness: neverrr. ;)
– Think you’re attractive: not really.
– Think you’re a health freak: no!
– Get along with your parents: yes (:

In the past month…
– Gone to the mall: Nope.
– Eaten an entire box of Oreos: kinda.
– Been on stage: yes. (:
– Gone skating: nope.
– Made homemade cookies: nopee.
– Gone Skinny dipping: HAHA! NO!
– Stolen anything: nope.

– Played a game that required removal of clothing: me? never!
– If so, was it mixed company: i said never right?
- Flashed anyone: flash? hahah, no.
– Been beaten up: punched yes, beaten up, NO!
– Shoplifted: naah.

– Age you hope to be married: 27?
– Numbers of Children: 1 or 2, maybe?
– Describe your Dream Wedding: that's for me to know.
– What country would you most like to visit? Korea! ???

In the opposite sex..
– Best eye color?: any.
– Best hair color?: no blondes la!
– Short hair or long hair?: short hair ;pp
– Height: taller or same height.

– Number of people I could trust with my life: 7+ ?
– Number of CDs that I own: i've got so much, i can't even begin to count.
– Number of tattoos: ahem.. none.
– Number of piercings: 1 pair. (:

Personal Quiz
Who were you with yesterday? my dad, mom and lil' bro.
What woke you up this morning? the rain!
Where are you? at home.
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? YES! I HOPE IT WILL BE!
Do you like anybody? yes. (:

Ever thrown up in public? HAHA, no!
Passed out because of alcohol? no too.
What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW? for some reason.. LWK, Green, Loui & Brown. and also tomorrow and today! :|

What kind of home would you like? depends i guess.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Doctor, Journalist or Nurse.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? college?

Do you like candy necklaces? yakk, no. ;pp
When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? i don't remember.
Do you listen to music every day? yes!
Do you still go trick or treating? we don't do that here.. so yeah..
What was the last thing you ate? some kind of pudding.
Are you a fast typer? i guess.
Have you ever moved? not really.
Have you ever won an award? yeap.
Are you listening to music right now? yes!
How long ’till your birthday? 6 more months?
When were you the saddest in your whole life? when i feel alone..
What time is it? 7.29PM
Do you use ebay to buy or sell? not really..
Who makes you mad? hoe's, backstabbers, liars
Have you ever heard a song written about you? yes?
Something you want to happen in 2010? oh i don't even know where to begin.
Summer 2010?
Honestly, do you miss 2009? honestly? no


1. What do you do when you’re mad? idk.. i never notice..
2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? i usually hold my anger.. i think?
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? yes.
4. Do you swear when you’re mad? sometimes.

1.When was the last time you actually cried? during camp.. when pastor chris was talking about throwing shame away.(:
2. Ever cried yourself to sleep? most of the time, yes.
3. Do certain songs make you cry? mmhmm.
4. What usually makes you cry? idk..

1. Are you usually a happy person? mostly yes.
2. What makes you the happiest? when people laugh and feel better. (:
4. Do you believe in yourself? yes, kinda.
5. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy? liars.;pp

vee out :)