March 26, 2010

Another day goes by

I really friggin' miss camp. :|
but what can I do.

So it's another day and unfortunately, I have nothing to blog about. I miss early morning chats with my roomates, with Loui and Charlyn. *sighs* Anywho.. I found more photos in facebook. :) Charlyn hasn't uploaded the photos we took so I'm stuck with this ones first. :)

I don't exactly know who is in the picture. Only Kuya Ivan, Gabriel Ivan Donesa and Sheila (i think?)

Kuya Ivan and me :D

Our team banner- by Abigail :D

My Patrick inside the plastic.. before Steven popped it. |:o

Our group photo. :D

Jinna and I playing the bread and butter game.

Abigail using her human brush (Jinna) while the rest of us block the sun out. ;p

Talk about munchkins. ;p Me, Loui, Abbey, Keasha and Martina.

Last day of camp, Me and Loui talking.

was this lunch? Or was it breakfast? OH! dinner! Me, Loui and Keasha.

Little people. ;p kidding! :D Martina, Abbey, Charlyn, Keasha, Me and Loui

Loui and me :) (top and bottom)

Yeah, that's all the pics I'll post here for now. Cause some of the photos are (N) (N) D: so bida! Hehehehe. :) Anywho, I miss school too. Kinda. i mean school can be fun when you have friends and all.. so yeah, I miss them too. Ampf.

So.. I'll be back later. I still have some "other" stuff to do. :p

I miss you too Z. (for safety purpose i scratched the first part of her twitter name)

vee out. :)