September 30, 2008

no idea what to call this?

I remember in one of Bishop's talk during FOP, it was called leaving a legacy. I wonder if i'll be able to leave a legacy, cause whenever time passes by, i fade away. Your probab;y wondering " WHAT THE HELL IS WITH VIEL? " HEck, i myself have no idea. I think the marijuana is kicking in. xP EHEHE.

But seriously, what legacy could i possibly leave in this world. My weirdness? HAHA, Chyea sure. I mean you guys have to be honest and tell me 1 thing that you guys hate about me,i won't get pissed. PROMISE. I know i can never reach the standards of.. oh i don't know EVERYONE. duh..! eh, i'm so perasan, xDD.

I tell you, i can never be Jolly like Manuel, Nice like Khatleen, Cool like Sarah, Fabulous like Chiaw Yuen, Awesome like kuya Joven, Funny like Nica or I am speechless about Karmina. they all have one thing in common and that is there all so, so talented. And me? tsk tsk.. i don't know where to start..

PLEASE IGNORE ME.. xP i'm probably BOREDDD..

What's the worst thing that could happen?

People gossip alot of things, gossip CIRCULATES. They talk about it as if it doesn't happen to them either. And when you confront them, god what do they say? " Oh c'mon, what's the worst that could happen? ". What's the worst could happen is that the person might actually HATE YOU. Or even NOT talk to you for the REST OF YOUR FREAKING LIFE.

That's the thing about people, some can be so sensitive and some are just to idiotic to not know. No offense. Okay not really idiotic but they can be so, so, clueless.? Clueless of what the person would feel. And they think it's so FUNNY? CHYEA RIGHT. Your probably to what i'm saying now, xP. I guess i'm having a BAD DAY. People sometimes just don't realize when a person is having a bad day or not.

The world should just send me to the friggin' black hole, erase my exsitant. I've been watching to much ANIME.


Heyy, how is/was your holiday? good or bad? My holiday is kinda creepy, i haven't been out of the house for quite sometime now, the only time i got out was during Iman's birthday and uhhh FOP. But i guess it's ayt, staying at home and sleeping is good plus i get to watch all day, except when Nigel steals it away from me, xP.

Yea, FOP was awesome, i guess. Brought back uhm i guess you could call it UNSTABLE memories. It was kinda cool hanging around with old and new friends. I liked most was the Taize night even though that was the time i had this so called UNSTABLE memories. I was actually astonished because i got to bond with new people and other friends, like Nigel, Tyrone and JM. hehe. It was a great day, i had an awesome time even though they said i looked kinda emo.

It didn't really last for so long, the emoness. i ahd a little chat with bro. Joven, he was ayt. He's cool. HAHA. But something he said just makes me have this nightmares and i have no idea what it is. Probably the ' DO YOU PRAY ' Part. EHEHE xP
Yup. This is/was how my holiday went. HOw WAS YOUR HOLIDAY? FUN I HOPE.

September 5, 2008

Now,i'm feeling like i'm on drugs

NOw,I'm sitting on a chair i have sat on for 9hours. Doing FRIENDSTER, THIS AND OTHER STUFF I DON"T REMEMBER. well anyway, I watched this KOREAN movie last night and there was this really hot/ cute guy. What was his name again..uhm...oh yeah JANG GEUN-SUK. Just so you haven't heard i am ADDICTED to korean stuff. You ask me how to read i can. But still THis is the dude; JANG GEUN-SUK

I know i have a weird taste for guys, yea, yea, yea save me the talk. Joking..xPP but i still love it, he's one uhm..good actor.. I'm bored. There's no where else to go, no sites to visti.. Oh i got a dedication to this people.Heard it from Manny's blog and it suits you guys, you guys are sassy and I LOVE YOU..hahah i think i ate too much chocolate..For you guys..!!

-Chiaw Yuen

and for you people's who love this song..!!

My Birthday..

My Birthday.

Yeap,my birthday.The day i was born,obiously..!
This day started out great and ended up perfect. Even though my eldest brother was not here.It was quite okay.
When i came to school, everybody in my class pretended not to know.But they all starterd to say
happy birthday before break.Calvin was saying
"burtttday" non-stop. But Stepahnie forgot,it was okay though not everybody remebered.

Anyway,thanks to the people who greeted me happy birthday..
Okay,so let's begin when we arrived at the Mall.~~

When we arrived at the mall we went to Mister Pizza to eat.
-2 Large honey Garlic Pizzzaaaaa..
-Sprite and Mashed potato.... xDD
there was this funny thing too, mom wantet tobasco so she asked me to go to the lady by the counter and ask her for some.
So i went there and i said it like this
"excuse me,can we have tobasco please?"
then i stood there while she was putting ice in the jar,finally she said
"oh,you duduk sana first.saya ambil."
"oh okay, thank you."
Then when i sat down i told mom to wait, so xiao qu kuai that lady you know,Few hours later tha pizza half way habis,she h asn't arrived yet.
So still we waited..
Then mom said
"ayiah..baka pagdateng nya ubus na yung pizza,ano to-tobascohan naten?"
then me and my dad just laughed..
Then really man,we finished the whole pizza and she didn't come at ALL..hahahah xDD
but it was okay..

After we payed my dad and me just laughed when we saw her.
SO after that we walked around and went to Chong hock and one of mom's parents shop. It took forever,well not forever just
quite long.Then we headed to swensen..We ordered
-Cheese Stix
-French Fries
-Banana Split
-Chocolate crunch
-2 Sticky chewy ice-cream.

I was really stuffed.Then we again payed for it and went to INCOMM.We looked at the phone and i wanted one phone there. The Nokia 5000d for
$1oo something.but well it was just that so i didn't get in.After that i bought a shirt with a BIG #3 on the back..HAHAAHAH..xDD Well that was it, My birthday.
A great enough birthday for me.

SLide and Watch


Wait wait..before i post today's happening let's go back and have a flashback..
Okay?,this was last month, August 31st 2008.

The day before this was coffee bean with ate Su lee and boy i was stuffed with chocolate fudge cake with
chocolate ice belnded which the next day made me so high.So let's go to the subject at hand.

This day was the closing ceremony.I was invited to join the dance for the theme song again.
I was okay with it eventhough it was exam week,practice were on going for 2 weeks and i was always
tired. But It was only during the morning,sometimes maybe afternoon but only if we have afternoon classes.
My school hours was always canceled but it was quite worth it. Anyway, this is how the whole day began
and ended.I woke up the usual,i took breakfast and shower.I waited around for my parents to finish and then we headed out.
When i arrived which was about 5.45,oh we woke up really early again cause dad needed to go to KB again. So
anyway,when i arrived no one was there and i was totally ALONE except for my brother who was around with
his friend then left me.!I waited around eventually all by myslef and walked here and there,but after awhile
i got really bored and ended up walking to miracle school?

Ehehe,when i was at miracle school, i saw Sarah and Jay-R. Oh and also..aHem...When i opened my eyes, i was out
of miracle school.And back at Chung hwa world. I was walking all the way to the hall,which felt like climbing a hill..!!
I saw,fung Ching Yen and Shadz waiting around.Anyway, i myself waited..soon Christine and Sean came.
Again we had nothing to do but chat around and wait forcrazy-alif and the rest. Boy, it sure took so long that
Christine wanted to find alif so while we were walking to the office to find alif,Chiaw yuen and Chiaw Fei arrived.
I came to them and said hi and say more blah blah's which i don't remember..So after blah blah's and blah's.. Alif, Iman and Azim arrived.

Alif said a few blah's and stuff when finally they opened the hall door an d we went in and so did a bunch of people.
We came in some of us went to the stage,some toilet and some just stood around.I don't remember why or when but Chiaw fei
gave us PATCHI..!!! which again made me go crazy,eheheh..Then She went to toilet to try her recycled chocolate/candy shirt.
HAAHHa..but it was a nice one..I left her with her designer,FUNG CHING YEN and went out to find Azim. We went because he wanted
to show me a cat?..Yea then Iman came,then we joke d around..
" we put it up..a chigy-chigyy boo.." favourite jokee..
Oh then we went in, had fun with Chok..very fuunnnnyyy dude~...while Iman gave her cadbury chocolate to people. Me and Azim were left singing..
He was singing not ME.Yea but idiotic Nicholas came,so gila that guy, make me run here and there.. but i got tired and left.

AAAHHH~ this will take forever, so let's skip going up stage and doing fashion, changing and picking ties.Yea ,then the whole thing began. Me and the rest
were taking pictures for memories,especially Iman cause she's going to macau first.WE MISS YOU IMAN..!!hahaha..then skip the whole program including ours
and then it was time to go. We all said bye's but we will never forget was a fun and lov ely moment where we all bonded and had the fun of our lives.
So this was English month for me, different from all the other i 've seen.This showed me to stand up for myself even though i'm quite fat.