September 30, 2008

What's the worst thing that could happen?

People gossip alot of things, gossip CIRCULATES. They talk about it as if it doesn't happen to them either. And when you confront them, god what do they say? " Oh c'mon, what's the worst that could happen? ". What's the worst could happen is that the person might actually HATE YOU. Or even NOT talk to you for the REST OF YOUR FREAKING LIFE.

That's the thing about people, some can be so sensitive and some are just to idiotic to not know. No offense. Okay not really idiotic but they can be so, so, clueless.? Clueless of what the person would feel. And they think it's so FUNNY? CHYEA RIGHT. Your probably to what i'm saying now, xP. I guess i'm having a BAD DAY. People sometimes just don't realize when a person is having a bad day or not.

The world should just send me to the friggin' black hole, erase my exsitant. I've been watching to much ANIME.