July 28, 2011

issues go away

I love you guys

I'm tired,
of everything.

Anyway, hello. I'm sorry I always breaking my promise about blogging and stuff. I don't know why all of the sudden I became inactive with blogger. I would make up a reason but yeah. Another reason was because mom and I kind of had a fight. A big one. It took us awhile to talk and make up, it was because of PMS. 

But enough of that, I wouldn't wanna start a wrong rumor about my mom being mean or anything cause she's not. She just has bad days and so do I. Then again, everyone does.

So today was kind of messed up, just like my other days. 

I can't remember half of what happened today but I'll try my best to remember. 

I got the Harry Potter shirt we designed. It's good, not bad. Matches any kind of pants. 

and the scarf. Calvin Jong helped me buy the scarf.

Next goal: Tie

To those who have something against me, if you have a problem with me please say it straight to my face not behind me. And second what have I ever done wrong? To make people not trust me. To make them all say things about me. To take me for granted..


I can't think. 

I have issues. Big serious issues.

I was suppose to  blog something happy like
Form 5's who are graduating.

Yes, I was really sad while tweeting this. I don't know why I'm posting it here, just to post anything.

sorry jiji, and thank you for always not taking me for granted.
and to s and k

July 24, 2011


mai lebanese so sexy

So really hai

I didn't go to school cause I was terribly sick but no one seems to believe that because I tweeted that I went out instead of resting. I was sick, like really sick. But I went out anyone to support xinjie's dance and to surprise people who thought I wasn't gonna go. Plus, I seriously need fresh air!

Mom: "All of your friends were looking for you!"
(This makes me so happy but she's exaggerating, really she always does that but I love it when she says it anyway.)
Me: "Orly?"
Mom: "YEAH! They're asking about that thing.. later..."
Me: "yeah, the dance thing"
Mom: "you wanna go? I send you"
Me: "Really?"
Mom: "Go change, I send you"


Mom never sends me anywhere last minute and neither does my dad but she sent me anyway which was kind of really weird for me. Ha. Anyway, after the dance competition...

we went to check out............
the guy in red.


I just realize now that he is actually... not that bad. I know someone in church who knows him.
-le researching time-

No seriously, after the dance we went to do crazy stuff. Even went in stores to try shoes and clothes. I didn't really come out cause.. yeah, I'm a phat basturd. And we went to that Apple store and took photos. Yup

mai bebeh

wasting credit....... loljk

o mai sexy lebanese




then we ate dinner with Wen Bin, early dinner. I didn't stay long and eat much cause dad came a tad early. After dad picked me up, we went to Pasar Malam with Auntie Yian. :) I love her, she's so nice and she makes mommy do bad arse stuff.


so kiuts


HEHEHE, dad looks like he doesn't wanna share

Pasar Malam was full, well, it's actually always full but yeah. I saw old CHMS students there. We ate dinner there, ate cotton candy and played those light thing you throw in the air. Yuh, we did that until 10.30am! HA. Nigel's first time in Pasar Malam.

I actually became better rather than sicker

Is a very interesting day. I went to Padang with my Lebanese and Rah rah because
I don't know because I'm cool person?

Honestly, I have no idea why I went. Maybe cause Donut was going and being around Donut makes me chill. Yes, I have different moods with different people. Like when I'm with Stephy makes me feel giddy. Yes, something like that. Anyway, I did some journalism too.. accidental journalism. The tourists were interesting and I can just interview the boys in school. 

France, City Of Love~ 

Rah, me and Donut

mai lebanese and I

New Zealand <3


black and yellow, black and red, black and rainbowwwwww

booty call


like a boss

And yeah, today was simple. 
Simply Amazing.

"boobies" -Donut

oh momma

ending with this photo
thank you for a great time Rah and Donut. 

sorry, I have insufficient words right now. 
and I'm sorry for the lack of posts.

don't take me for granted.

July 18, 2011



I'm tired of the same shit. I'm tired of hearing people saying it's not you when clearly I am the one who has damn issues. Why can't people just be honest, tell the truth for once. It doesn't hurt to do that, just so you know. I'm so damn tired. I feel like an idiot for always trusting, for always putting my hopes up. Never again. Never.

I'm lazy to blog out stuff that has been happening cause as you can see, I'm in a hell of a mood. Here are photos on what I've been doing.


I watched Harry Potter bee tee dubs and it was amazing, it's like so late to be saying that but I wanted to say that anyway. It's the best thing that happened this month and some outing with Stephy. J Lai isn't working for me, at the moment. I need a miracle. 

And when I come back, which hopefully is soon I'll blog all about the movie and stuff.

Till then,

July 5, 2011




I hate today.
It was alright but still. At first it was, really was but then people just kick the shit out of you and all the joy starts jumping out one by one. And to top that, they don't even realize they did something wrong. I don't get shit I'm saying. Anyway, things have been getting weird in school. Especially with me and pretty smile. Urgh.

I don't get why some people just can't shut their mouth and not gossip about this kind of stuff. I really really....... am so pissed of right now. I have to hit something. I should do that, k.

Busy week, shitty week ahead. 




Is it possible to hate someone you've never met before?


July 1, 2011

So Hello

WHY HAIIIIiii thurrr...
look it's an umbrella!

So hello. It's kinda awkward to say hi now since I haven't been posting so much stuff here. I just haven't got the time to go online through the laptop and well.. blog. I do apologize though and uh...


and uh, I'll try posting more stuff here when I can. Anyway, what's been up with you all? In case you're wondering what happened and what's been up with me. You can always click here to find out. It's the only place where I update stuff on my everyday life, my love life and what else is going on with the world.. not really, cancel the last part. TEEHEE

we wanna wear this for the HP 7 P2 Premiere
 if we had one.

but no, this is for something else. ;)


Rakin's hand. (A) It originally says "the female dog" word but I changed it cause my mom stalks me. :p

yes, he only noticed now.


my hair..-- oh my god who is that behind.. yeah no.

I want this note, mush has two but of course.. he spends that.


I'm hoping you're better in bed than June was, he was alright but I know you can do better. HA! I am so damn awkward. Guys don't have those kind of names.. WHY AM I SO DAMN AWKWARD? But anyway forget my rambling, there's so much I want to tell you but too little time to tell you all of that. If you're one of those close friends I see in school and you're reading this, well, you already know what's been happening with me. And if you're one of those distant and afraid to ask friend then don't be shy! come and ask me all you want. I'm free to chat anytime. Except during recess cause I'm a fat bastard and I need my food. So that leaves after school, which is very relevant cause I take my lunch at school during Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. If you don't really care.. then why are you reading this part? 

 oh and
and and

So, what else can I blog about? Ah! Have you seen the Form 5 C tee's? There are so supercalicalifragilisticexpialidocious! click here if you haven't seen it yet but then again, you're probably a student in CHMS, so you must've already seen it OR you're a big fan of emshams cause she's an awesome blogger and I'm an awkward bitch. I KEED but seriously.

Today I hanged out with Flo, Elin and Stephy at The Mall after we went to Cindy's Etude branch opening thing. I only went for awhile cause I kinda came late. It wasn't my fault that I was late, my mom was the one who was gonna send me but she came home really late. Plus, she locked us out of the house with no key. How did she open the door? she picked the lock.

My mom's a pencuri! (thief)

Yes anyway, when I arrived. I went over to Cindy just so she can see that I actually went! HEHEHE but after that we went over to Hot Point to eat. NOMNOMNOM the food smelled good but I didn't actually eat eat cause this afternoon I wanted to wear a blouse and look all nice but I felt so fat..

and I am fat.

unlike this two.

But ignore that, I just ate ice-cream. Their ice-cream sucked, it had something inside it that made the whole sundae taste so bad. -______- but you can't waste food so I ate it all and drank some of stephy's milkshake. (sounds so wrong.) I don't know how long we stayed there but we took photos, talked about guys, life and I now know how it is to hang with Elin.

we think alike. there were so many same things that we said at the same time.

Flo wanted to cut her hair but time was kinda fast, so yeah. And most parlors there are expensive! so she didn't cut her hair at all. Supposedly we (me and S) were gonna watch Monte Carlo but that backfired cause we wanted to go home at 5. We parted ways at 5pm, stephy went to buy..

an asparagus!
no photo. :( I'm sorry!

Then we hang at Coffee Bean while we waited for our parents. Talked and stuff, noticed cute guys. Wished for cute guys. HA! And saw Rakin. Did I mention that we also saw Joel Ong at the cinema area? yeah, we did but I didn't really say hi cause.. I don't know, I just didn't want to. Problem?

couples. straight row. we = forever alone.

Yep, pretty much that. I hope this was enough to make up for the absence. I still love you, yeah? ;)

never buy this.
