July 28, 2011

issues go away

I love you guys

I'm tired,
of everything.

Anyway, hello. I'm sorry I always breaking my promise about blogging and stuff. I don't know why all of the sudden I became inactive with blogger. I would make up a reason but yeah. Another reason was because mom and I kind of had a fight. A big one. It took us awhile to talk and make up, it was because of PMS. 

But enough of that, I wouldn't wanna start a wrong rumor about my mom being mean or anything cause she's not. She just has bad days and so do I. Then again, everyone does.

So today was kind of messed up, just like my other days. 

I can't remember half of what happened today but I'll try my best to remember. 

I got the Harry Potter shirt we designed. It's good, not bad. Matches any kind of pants. 

and the scarf. Calvin Jong helped me buy the scarf.

Next goal: Tie

To those who have something against me, if you have a problem with me please say it straight to my face not behind me. And second what have I ever done wrong? To make people not trust me. To make them all say things about me. To take me for granted..


I can't think. 

I have issues. Big serious issues.

I was suppose to  blog something happy like
Form 5's who are graduating.

Yes, I was really sad while tweeting this. I don't know why I'm posting it here, just to post anything.

sorry jiji, and thank you for always not taking me for granted.
and to s and k