May 31, 2009

I am hunger. :(

Morning guys, its 12 something and i am hunger, really hunger. Woke up around 9 and dint eat breakfast cause yea, malas. now i'm regretting it. -__________-'', i am gila hungry. ;( oooh, help me. anyway.. were suppose to leave now for gadong but mom still busy. so yea, i'm argue-ing . FCUKING assembly.
I am
HUNGER.. :(((

Your truly,

vieLance. <3333

May 30, 2009


Mygosh today really literally rocks`~ I mean for the fact that we didn't have class cause of the children's day thing but i actually got to meet Desmond, he was actually ayts. Nice, funny but a bit weird. He's sooo passable but as usual Lance is overpassable.

This how the day goes:
I wake up as usual, early early like almost 5AM. take the usual routine, shower, eat and nap for a few minutes. After that we were ready to go but not to school, we went to the standard chartered thingy THEN we went to school.

I saw Xin Zhaii lah, Eng Keat then we like chatted chatted there but not with Keat lah i meant with Haqimie and Xin Jie.. it was still early so not much people arrived yet. Then, i went with Pey wen to the first-aid club, i dint go back class so i just hang around with the first aiders. it was so funny, we were like playing with the first aid bag and they were like..

Chin: HAHA
Me: I know i'm like confession of a FIRST-AIDER.
Alif: LOL, yea you even got a theme song-- he was singing something but i forgot!
Me: Yea, you know in the entrance movie when Isla Fisher was waving her bag and said GUCCI mine will be FIRST AID.
Chin and Alif+ Shadiiq: HAHAHAHA

Even if you don't understand whaat i just said, it was so funny. HAHA. Then, yea the reest of the hours passed by... Desmond arrive. He was like nice to meet you, casual and all.. Wearing his weird glasses. No offense Desmond. :P Then anyway.. yea, we hang around. He was so cool, i thought he'd be lame and all but he was actually cool. We talked about lance, it so good to be open to him and he never bullies me. HAHA suck it alif`~

This one goes to ISS and TIONG CHONG. haha, it was fun when Desmond arrived but i was kinda shy shy at first. I was like crap, what do i say? what do i do ? luckily, it was break. I saw my favourite gang. Calvin, Xue yi and Eric Lee. We talked and Kacau a bit then i saw ISSSSSS and Dwarfyy. LOL-- > Tiong chong loh. HAHA, i sat with them first.. then we like talked and so on.. Shadz was wherever i went.. trying to get lance.. in your face man`~ LOL. anyway, Chong was like his usual so dumbass, joke lang. he was retarded and ISS was so weird too. Blowing on my face with rice in it... eeeeh`~ -____________-. wtf ? anyway when i was already feeling UNnervous.. i said toodle-doo too iss and Chong and went to Alif and Desmond.

We talked so long i forgot what time it was, he told me.. he would let me meet lance. ccht`~ asiff.
But who cares, if there's a chance i grab it. :LOL. So yea, pretty much it. We went to mom's school around 12am. Yeap, the rest of the day went like that. Now i have things to fix and shout at.. see u again later.
Pics for you.

Winkieeee, me nada neck loh.

Fei and mee, Fugly hair.

Freako, sTephanie and me. No neck again`~ -_________-

Yours truly,


May 29, 2009

Reincarnated, bollocks.

Third time's a charm, so they say. I have no idea why I'm here once again. I feel likE I have something to day but I can't put it in words, like tongue tied. Inside i feel a certain glitch-like feeling of curiosity, anxiousness and somewhat anger. I don't know anger for who or what exactly I just do. the feeling is; i can't say overwhelming but in a way it is but no the word I'm probably looking for is.. undescribable.

Today, at this exact time. I am in fact.. REINCARNATED. at leas i can feel a little bit of that and in a way I feel joyful and pleased. :) but then again life is still the same. I'm bored out of my head, like really gila bored. Staying in the same country makes me so adventure-less. I want to travel, go to places I've never been to, fly to never lands. Shout on top of mountains, scream to the world "SUCK IT UP" I don't know why i chose that word. I miss a person, /I love this person but I don't know his name, gosh it might even be a she`~ ;( *sigh*

Alas, the night must end with a sigh. As the world is about to sleep. I bid farwell to my friends and family afar. To my ancestors and to my beloved. wherever he is, wherever he goes. The night in Brunei still remains the same. But the heart of mine, shall never satisfy on it. In time, in time i shall fly. CIBOII.

Yours forsure truly,
3 days encounting.

May 28, 2009

I love PIF.

I came across a certain diary, in this diary a letter was placed. To Viel, a friend, an emo and one of the loser's i know. I thought to myslef whose diary could it be ? there was one topic that caught my eye.

Pif: Vee, take my book inside the library. Puh-lease ?
Me: Why should i ? :P
Pif: Because..
Pif: HEHE. xP i knew you couldn't resist me.

The diary wrote,

Dear Diary,
I have a wish for my friend, whose problems seem to not go away. She can be loyal and at times can be a bitch but i hope she would be happy once again. Cause' her happiness= idiotic her.

x0x0, PIF.

HEHE, thanks PIF. Happy Birthday to PIFFFF`~ Adam's sister. :P Anyway out of boredness. I think i can't trust anyone anymore, not stephanie, Fei, alif, Chin. YET. i might change how i feel. You never know. I am an IDIOT.

I hate her,
I love him,
I miss her,
I hate this.
Marijuana anyone ?

Yours truly,

bonao day.

Fcuk this day, i mean it wasn't that bad but its so bonao. I came to school as usual lah, it was fine when i entered then i chatted with my friends la. ciboi, p.w so talkative about the whole mall thing. eeh`~ gila. but anyway, i left later and had the test but it went more bonao cause we dint even study yet we brought our books. HAH, we played at the conference room. Bassir, Haqimie, Sing SIAO and Yik Siong all tried to bully me. but forget not.. i am AWESOOOME. i made everyone happy, sure being with them is fun. they make me smile. i have no idea how and why. but then Sing Siew so ciboi bully me more. he's so cute, he looks like anime. HAHAAHAH.

Bahasa test was so easy but geography was so BONAO. so hah eh, 18 pages again. ccht`~ Malas to think about today, but all i know was Sing siew is so dead. LOL, no lah. just brb later. kayy ? malas wah/. then then i feel emaw. betrayed by CALVIN JONG.

Bored and Emaw.
Yours Truly,

May 23, 2009


The times i spend with you, i hadn't notice that in me something was already growing. But i know, i can't share you. for now.

How can i let something like this happen ? Me and aaa-puut. I just can't tell you who, it's a very big matter. What is wrong with me ? Why is it always like this ? AAAHHH. -.-, this sucks. Whatever, i'll figure things out`~

How's my new blogskin ? Nice, not nice, no ? hmm, i'm bored and i really don't wanna sleap nor study, i'm afraid the day would end and it's back to reality. >.< nebeer, i don't want tooo. Shit, i feel really bored. Oh, belated belated belated birthday to Siong Wei. :) HEHEHE, hate you man. I really think i should stop now. BUT i can't, mom still working and nigel's still playing. Yea, yea, yea. hmm..


I don't wanna see Puweeya.
Million Cheers.

Leaving something behind.

I read this totally depressing book wrotten by Mitch Ablom, it's called Tuesdays with Morrie. It was so sad, his professor was dying and yet the man still had the strength to help others. If you actually read it you'll understand it more better. It was just so... touching. :) I mean the book itself focused on death, forgivness, love, family, marriage and etc. Everything in the book is true, life is to short to hate, to envy and to whatever.

I wonder in our generation, what would we leave behind? For our next generation to see, to feel? LOL, who knows right. ANyway, enough of the tuesdays with morrie. Today, as usual was normal. I dint see priya which was a good thing. But when i went home, god i saw her and her big, scary eyes! eeeh, gali man. She's a nice teacher but she just ain't my favourite. :P The test today was so easy like cboy man. they all changed tehir seats again to tou kan. LOL, Fong and Siong Wei wanted to tou kan mine but we couldn't cause the teacher was like staring at us. :(, but Fong also got to see mine. Giler that guy.

Then we went home early, and yea i spent time with Catherina, Steph and Fei at canteen. and and with Wei Qian. Bradley was all PMS again. Sheesh`~ what is wrong with taht dude?? He's not even cool, what a nerd. DUFUS. :P jukking. Then yea i read and read and read till i finished it.---------> IN ! DAY. FRAGER. LOL so yea, that's pretty much the day. We miss dad and abang but yea 8 more days till dad comes back`~ :) YEHEYY.

million cheers.

May 21, 2009

it's back.

It's back and men i got lots of shit to tell you guys. but.. unfortunately i'm pemalas. pfft`~ we had priya's birthday,\ she ada 9 cakes so she keeps saying. :/ as if everyone is so happy to be with her, i mean she can be so eeeh. :) no offense lo! anyway yea though i like her cakess.. damn oreo cake tasted so cb nice. HAHA, and then we also had the ogdc shit just now. So gillerr, i got fined so many times. Harhar, tadi the police all laugh at me. waliu`~ sing siew and the others also got some excpet Sia Chin Ei. (So li hai!) :P anyway, did you knoow abangkuu yang gila was here? yeap, he was tehn he wasn't. LOL. he left yesterday only with dad. Before he left though we did go escapade. ----> post pictures next time. okeii? and and hmm.. Yea nothing else to say ehh.


oh, we also watched the Star trek. So nice kan? Iloveet. <3 chris pine again, then john cho. LOL
Okeii, be back later.
