May 29, 2009

Reincarnated, bollocks.

Third time's a charm, so they say. I have no idea why I'm here once again. I feel likE I have something to day but I can't put it in words, like tongue tied. Inside i feel a certain glitch-like feeling of curiosity, anxiousness and somewhat anger. I don't know anger for who or what exactly I just do. the feeling is; i can't say overwhelming but in a way it is but no the word I'm probably looking for is.. undescribable.

Today, at this exact time. I am in fact.. REINCARNATED. at leas i can feel a little bit of that and in a way I feel joyful and pleased. :) but then again life is still the same. I'm bored out of my head, like really gila bored. Staying in the same country makes me so adventure-less. I want to travel, go to places I've never been to, fly to never lands. Shout on top of mountains, scream to the world "SUCK IT UP" I don't know why i chose that word. I miss a person, /I love this person but I don't know his name, gosh it might even be a she`~ ;( *sigh*

Alas, the night must end with a sigh. As the world is about to sleep. I bid farwell to my friends and family afar. To my ancestors and to my beloved. wherever he is, wherever he goes. The night in Brunei still remains the same. But the heart of mine, shall never satisfy on it. In time, in time i shall fly. CIBOII.

Yours forsure truly,
3 days encounting.