November 30, 2011

So many words left unsaid

Just turn around and come back.

So as of yesterday, the seniors are no longer seniors and my batch are now the seniors. Does that make sense? I swear it made more sense when I said it in my head but now that I say it loudly, I'm just like "wut". But nehmind, if you don't get it, try to get it.

I have a feeling this post will be very long and will take awhile to do before officially publishing so yeah, I should begin right now.

Miri trip.

I don't have much photos.....yet because the 4 other journalist that came with me and the band have not uploaded any photos. I seriously regret not taking any photos but what to do, I was busy taking videos and my camera was like out of battery the whole time (no charger so yeah)

Overall, the 2 days 1 night trip was amazing. I didn't meet alot of people but I met just enough people to not regret going to Miri. People did however, add me in facebook even though they didn't know me. I think they were like "oh look, it's the girl with the video camera" or something. lol It would have been better to bring a senior journalist or someone my age (no offence to the ones who came with me) but they just sat around and were always feeling "tired" for no apparent reason. So in my opinion, they need to be sent to boot camp or something.

Yeah, on the evening that we left. That was the best part of the trip. People hugging, I think I started that hugging thing l0ljk.........or am I? No seriously because I hugged Jeremy (this really cute 13 year old who plays saxophone) and he hugged back real tight. It was so heartbreaking~

Did I mention how good the band is there? It makes me want to go back to band which I might consider doing since yeah, I miss playing in band. You can read HERE for a better blogpost and a few photos.

2011 Senior Prom.
big arms, man legs ergh and double chin. I will get rid of that next year- PROMISE

I actually woke up early just to prepare everything for the night. I bought the trophies, did the sache, the decorations, helped with putting the chocolates on the plates and everything else. I was so tired by the time it turned 3PM. I had to go here and there-- you guys are so lucky I love you all. HAHAHAHA After all that, I went to Anisah to do my make up and hair cause my mom was demanding it. I'll prolly do that next year because yeah... 

Again, not much photos here because I was very busy running around trying to make things go according to plan. So yeah. I really regret not taking photos during this event. :( Because everyone looked so good and everyone was taking photos and and and it would be the last time I'd see them wearing something so formal. Plus Pretty smile looked really good. Really good.


But it's okay, I think the photographer took loads of photos which by the way hasn't been given to us yet. :< nyahhhh, angry viel is angry. No I'm kidding. Anyway, their prom would've been better if only they actually danced on the dance floor! Some just sat around and didn't even want to respond. I felt kinda disappointed but what to do, right?

I couldn't blame them though, the DJ wasn't playing so much interesting songs hence the no one dancing part. Thank god Fairie was there and put some good songs together, at least some people actually started dancing and that was a really good thing. The band was good too, they played some good songs and yeah. 

Brandon, Vanessa, Terry and Martin. (Band)

The slow dance part, oh don't get me started on that part. What is wrong with two friends of different sex actually dancing? Why does everyone have to make a big fuss about it? Friends can slow dance too, just so you know. Not everyone is in a relationship. 

I m not angry, just stating a fact beeteedubs.

But yeah, the dance floor was filled with girls slow dancing with each other and boys slow dancing with each other (more specifically Han and Ed) lol but yeah people danced. Some guys had the balls to actually dance with a girl. SO UH YEAH Mom kept asking me if I danced with pretty smile, she kept repeating it and for the love of everything sacred I almost cried when I said no. I did feel a tear drop when I told her he danced with this one girl


Anywayyy~ the night ended okay, I guess. Tay said their prom was "okay" and yeah. I guess that's okay enough for me.

Prom King: Brandon Devela
Prom Queen: Mah Sei Ying
Best dressed: (male) Soon Ai (female) Sing Yee [she totally deserved it]
Best couple: Wen Mee and Yap [they really really really deserved it, they're cute together omg]

I just wanna thank Stephy, Han and Ed for helping me out with everything. And to the band who played for the night cause they were really helpful cause they thought I was "stressed".

Terry and Michelle

Han, Stephy, Flo, Z, Ed and Calvin

Graduation night.

Congratulations seniors! :)

Now that I think of it, I have more form 5 friends this year than I do in all the other years. I guess that's why I'm sadder this year than I was last year.

So uh yeah, this year I was chosen to be the student chairperson and I don't even remember why. At first, I just volunteered to help with the certificate giving and everything but for some reason I suddenly became the student chairperson. -_____- I think it's cause of the dragon lady. She always says things that manipulate me.
Anyway, the graduation night was... I don't even know how to describe it. Everything was changed last minute by that... that lady, she didn't even give out the ribbon which was supposedly the highlights of the graduation. 

Yes the "you've changed my life" ribbon. Only the board of directors were given the ribbons like seriously wtf. 
It was meant for people who made a difference to your life and all that but she kept insisting to give the ribbons only AFTER the graduation event ended. But did she give it? No, she did not and instead she went around hugging people thinking that they liked her. No one likes you, not after the whole you ruining the graduation night. Also, she kept screwing me over and telling me I don't know the procedure to the whole event. Uh hello, you should talk to the 2 year 9 Express you assigned, they were the ones who didn't arrange the line.... and you tell me that I was the one who did something wrong.

I don't hate her but seriously, why she gotta be like that? -_-

So yeah, that's what happened. I'd rather not talk about what really happened that night cause it just upsets me. Not cause that lady made everything seem bad but because I will seriously miss my seniors. Ethan and Angelina even told me not to cry cause it's not even my graduation, in my head I'm like. Screw you guys (in a non-offensive way). I mean c'mon, everyone in that room mattered alot to me.

I actually didn't cry until I saw Pretty smile and Z and the rest of the Express people and maybe some of the Science class. Mostly PS and Z. Uh yeah, that's yeah.

see. I really cried

Words I left unsaid that night.

Pretty smile, 
This seems really ridiculous right now. I really thought I was over you, that I wouldn't cry on your graduation night, that I wouldn't even feel hurt and that you leaving was nothing to me but I was wrong about everything. I wanted to say more than I did during your graduation night, to at least have one hug but I know if I did hug you I would never let you go. I knew that for sure. Slowly letting go of your hand, it felt as if someone shot my heart. It ached so much as I walked away, the tears I held back just came bursting out. The thought of never seeing your smile again, the thought of never getting to look you in the eyes and saying the right thing. I guess that's why I cried more. I just wanted you to know that I don't regret February, seeing you for the first time and meeting you because in a way, you really did change my life. I don't know how to explain it but you just did and everything I said to you in that message, I meant it all. I just wanted you to know that. I know I have to let go and forget you and one day I will but right now... I miss you I miss you I miss you, I really do. Give me time to let go and I really hope that one day, if fate allows it.. I want to see you again. Don't forget I existed..okay?

You have no idea how much it makes me feel to know that you're no longer coming around. To have none of your company every morning and every afternoon. To hear none of your voice. I wanna be honest and say that yeah there was a part of me that always hated you, not because I thought you were a bad person but because I felt intimidated. I know you already know what I mean by that. I guess I'll always feel slightly intimidated by you but always know that I love you more than I hate you and that my hate will always end up me forgiving you OH DEAR LORD WHAT AM I SAYING, I will miss you-- every bit of you (except when you're with Geek loljk......or am I) I hope you all the best in everything you do and I know we will see each other again but I just wanted you to know all this

To every other senior I've met this year,
Congratulations and I hope you all the best. I hope that one day- while I'm sitting in a coffee house or a bar or inside a shopping center, we'll see each other and say "omg how have you been?" or "hey! oh my gosh, long time no see" or something like that. What I mean is that I hope we all don't forget each other, you should all keep in touch and never forget the memories you all made. Kudos to everyone!

To every single one of you that I've wronged,
I'm sorry. Deeply I am. Sincerely I am. Always sorry and hope that one day you too can forgive me. 
Veena, I hate how much you've changed. I finally said it. I can tell that you've changed for the best but I hate how much you've changed and I want to honestly say that I've missed the old you but this doesn't mean that I hate you (maybe a little at times) but a tiny part of me will always still love you my old friend because that tiny part of me knows the real you or at least the old you . I hope you know that you're no longer a high school student, you no longer live in CHMS, you now live in the real world and the real world doesn't function and listen to what you want. You listen and function to what it wants. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for every wrong I've done and wish you all the best. Stop fighting with girls lol I get that you think they hate you and that you don't get well with them but now is the best chance for a fresh start, I think?
I don't know if that made sense, I feel like everything I wanna say is jumbled up. lol

So yeah, too much words? Oh well.
