November 14, 2011

A post

So hello blogger. It's been ages since I last posted here and as always my reason remains the same and is a feeling that I can't control. Being lazy is quite reasonable, when the body doesn't wanna move-- it def. does not wanna move.
I actually have plenty of post but they're all gonna stay in my draft for let's say 4 years. I'm kidding............or am I no siriusly, I'd like to leave those post there for now. However, I will be posting the post for the seniors but that'll be most likely published between the 26th and 27th. 

So anyway, nothing is new. Everything's been the same-- normal teenager outings, normal teenager exams, normal teenager going to school, normal teenager getting involved with people she or he shouldn't be involved with. So you see, nothing is new, absolutely nothing. Though I have started on another "novel", I thought about it and I think writing is the only thing that can keep me sane. Among other things like tv and music and food. Yeah

My plans of being anti-social just doesn't work anymore, I think it's cause of the fact that I wasn't raised to ignore people and stuff. But anyway, aside from writing again-- Exams ended, the year is about to end and I feel excited for December holidays to begin. Nothing better than staying home, watching tv, enjoying family companies. Yup

Anyway, that's all I wanted to post and I don't know why I wanted to post those. I think this whole post is just crap and random but saying post is kinda fun if you actually try and say post more that one time. HA. So this is me saying that I'll be back, hopefully soon and back to blogging on my normal ways. Yup

Otherwise, I'm here.
