October 2, 2011

I'm a lesbian

Hai guise.

Before you say "ee, no photos." or "so many words *scroll through* I have photos, I just haven't uploaded them yet. ;)
So stay tuned in either facebook, twitter, here or in Narnia

I wasn't gonna blog today cause I'm in a very emotional state. I'd rather not talk about it cause it's boring and it's not worth talking about anymore. So yesterday (Saturday), I went out with the Lakias; (Me, Steph, XJ, Xue Yi, Kuih and Liang Yik) we went to watch Nasi Lemak 2.0 which is by the way a very recommended movie to watch. It won't make sense but it's really a not bad movie. Rating of 8/10.

I was at Gadong around 2PM. I can't really remember what we did, pretty much just ate and chit chatted and oh did some karaoke. Karaoke was really fun. "I Love The Way You Lei" The title said. HAHAHAHA S and XJ did most of the singing cause I was happily, note "happily" talking to Potassium.

No things do not end well but we'll get to why it doesn't end well

They sang 4 songs total; Love Story, Love The Way You Lie, Baby and some random ching chong song that I have never even heard of. After the whole thing we went Face Shop and tried to put eyeliner on XJ's eyes and that did not work out well.

Movie was around 4PM, the boys were late cause they went to CC while we were left in The Mall. So we went on ahead before the guys. They arrived 5 to 8 minutes after we entered. Like I said, the movie was worth watching, really funny and the songs weren't so bad themselves.

 It's actually what I'm listening to while blogging, so much rapping going on here

Anyway, after the movie. We felt cold so we went to Coffee Bean but didn't stay there for so long so we went on to send XJ to her "lestoran" cause the guys left earlier than us. Me and S walked back to The Mall to wait for my parents to pick us up. We bumped in to Melanie, Sarah and Steven which was totally cool cause it's been a long time since I saw them.

"Eh omg, your hair!" -Sar


"Yeah, I just noticed that I was a girl recently"

I didn't know what to say, I was like tongue tied. But S said she felt more awkward since she had no idea what to say and had to stand there doing nothing. Steve kept moving around, seriously that boy can't just stay still. Anyway our conversations consisted of "uh yeah" lol cause it felt really awkward, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, we're gonna go now cause uh yeah... THIS IS AWKWARD, I don't know what else to say. It's been so long!"

I said that and Mel said that's cause she never sees me in church anymore.
Then we left and Steve o Steve just had to say
"AWKWARD" and laughed

Then took us awhile to be picked up so we did window shopping and shiz. Ran back to XJ's shop to get S and her shampoo. Yeah after that I'm pretty blur.

Some angmo checked out S and her ass. Hawt dayum
Anyway, I'm just stalling so that you guys (if you're bored and actually bother to read this) will have something  to read.

Then we went on to Selera Babu to eat ambuyat with Jan-Jan, tita Yian, tita Cherry and her boyfriend. Took us awhile there. Doing what? Taking photos and chit-chatting. Yup, that's pretty much what we did. Plus the service there was kinda slow since it was like a house restaurant.

Then we (tita Yian, me, my parents, Nigel and S) went to Jerudong Park. We rode with tita Yian and may I just say we had a pretty awesome topic to talk about. ;) But that was also the time where I was just crying in the backseat. And tita Yian had songs that didn't really help me at all.

We arrived there and played some cool rides. Overall we took our time there till 11 something. Sent S home and just rushed with showering so I could "sleep".

I fast forwarded and skipped stuff, oh well you prolly didn't read. ha!

bored, here are photos.
National Youth Day, so lag. I know

October 2, 2011

It's bb brother's birthday. :) He's 13 now and basically he thinks that is a bad number.
All I want him to know is, if he ever stumbles upon this is that I love him no matter what. Even though I get so pissy at him and stuff.

Happy birthday also to XJ. Sweet 16 and no party. Nevermind, when you turn 18! I'll be like 19 so we can go drinking at Kuala Lurah! HAHAHAHAHA I know there are times where I seem like I hate you completely but that's just because I care. You won't fully understand now but someday you will.
Rasa Sayang~
I'm a bad friend. Bad everything. When my bestfriend was having a hard time, I was crying about a boy. And yesterday, about another. I feel like worthless whore. 

x, vee