September 22, 2011

I'm awesome, loljahaykay

Hai guise,

Today was one heck of a day. In my dictionary that means it was half good and half bad. Now you're asking yourself, nay, you're saying "why can't she say it straightforwardly?" WELL CAUSE I CAN

I keed.
I just wanna sound all cool. loljahaykahay

No seriously though, I don't know. I just yeah anyway I feel so damn uncool, the boys are so mean with their words. I wanna crey omfg what am I saying 

let me just
slap myself
o haiiii~ Muiz borrowed me his Infamous 2 PS3 game and that makes me happy. O yes it does. It so does. I can't wait to play it. Uh, yeah I don't know why I'm blogging when I have totally nothing to blog about. I'm sucha freaken tail. (Look below)

But I'm here already so I should just blog even though it's gonna be quite random. Class was totally quiet today. Prolly cause Stephy wasn't in class, I'm actually a loner you see. Without her, I'm a complete wallflower. I mean from my own perspective that's how it is. Plus the others (band people) weren't around so less noise. The others were yeah speaking ching chong so I don't really mix......yeah so racist

sou hamsem

I passed my POA (43.5 over 50) WUT I am so happy that I got that kind of mark. KT got higher than me which is..........not really surprising cause he's actually kind of smarter than I am when it comes to POA. This is why I'm always asking him to study more often and to not stop studying next year (but nooooo the idiot won't listen to me or to anyone else so idgaf anymore) 

I told Lai about me having confused mixed feelings for Potassium......again. He was laughing and telling me that it's kind of really like his relationship with....what should I call her, uh, I'm just gonna call her Amber (cause it suits her personality) yeah. He told me that I should focus on something else; "like a game" He just wants me to play LoL. Everyone is forcing me to play LoL, I know you guys like it but I'm not the type to play......through the computer, I'm a PS3 kind of person so yeah

I'm high class, bruh

So anyway, I don't know what to do about the whole "mixed feelings" topic but whatever going with the flow right here. On other news, I'm getting my tattoo tomorrow. I'm so excited but kind of having a hard time whether I should put it on my; 

back (pros: no one can see it. by no one, I mean Ivan. cons: "you have to wear more sundresses" -mom I DON'T WANNA WEAR SUNDRESSES WTF)

Or my shoulder. I'm kinda feeling the shoulder more, I don't know why. (pros: I don't have to wear a sundress, yayy! cons: Ivan can see it. I want it to go all the way to my neck though)

A Little help here?

By the way, the choral speaking thing is tomorrow and I'm hoping that it'll be a nice one. Otherwise, it'll be a waste of my morning. lol so jahat but yeah..........I'm gonna see her, ugh her, ugh pui pui pui. I bet she's gonna go and kambang to her friends and gossip. ADFGHFJJKL I hope I don't snap at her there yeah just complaining.

So here are the other photos. Enjoy. I look like crap lah

Cin, Me and Cal


Cal and Cin

Me and Ray


Barry and his shoes

I don't know why I do that, with the feet and all

Mom is taking forever to fix my Bershka Jersey jacket. :((((((((

People change, what do you expect.
x, vee