June 18, 2011

I bleed and I breathe, no more


So I know that I've been more sentimental and emo than I usually am and seriously- I wish I knew I could explain it to you or even explain it in words. 

I'm sorry to the 5 people I pissed off yesterday.

I think that when school re-opens, I should be more quiet. I think that I've been having too much intake of the world, if you get what I mean. If you don't, it's for short for I need a little more time for myself. I think I've been having a hard time understanding myself, figuring out where I belong and what I'm suppose to be doing with my life. I guess that's why I've been so sentimental. I guess.

I really guess so.





convince me that I'm just sick and that this will all make sense when I get better.
