May 31, 2011

love; a very special thing

(myhair,myhair,myhair. looks like crap)
It's been awhile. What's been going on with you guys?

There have been plenty of things happening with my life and right now I can't say they're all great but so far so good. 

Dad bought me a new phone, I know I wanted a Samsung Corby but I ended up with this. Why? because I found out that getting a phone that's touch screen is totally not so worth it. IF you're me, I mean. I suck at taking care of technology, I tend to drop it and lose it. So far, I'm happy with this phone and for those who are saying that it's a blackberry and that I'm copying Em Shams. I'm not, I just stuck with this phone cause it's not a flip, it's not a slide, it's not a touch screen.. it's just a phone where you press the damn buttons.

Let's see, what else do I have to blog about.. OH, right. Yesterday our class had to do one of those assembly presentation thing and we did, the principal told my mom (yes, she knows that my mom is.. my mom) that our performance was very good, it was simple but very good. I was so damn happy when my mom told me, I told the rest and they were happy too but I was still happier cause I'm the one who wrote the script and did the whole powerpoint but hey that doesn't mean I take all the credit. 

the script that I made for Keng, Stephy, Wui Min and supposedly XJ but she bailed. (mofoka)

Anyway.. yesterday, I also got Kwang hoe's, Lester's, Jackie's and Soon Ai's graduation photos. They look amazinggggg! :( and I'm really going to miss them. Their photos aren't the only photos I have though, I still have some in my wallet and some pending to give me theirs. 

the boys
(Soon Ai, Lester, Boon Keattttt, Maznan
Jackie, Kuoh Lien, Brandon & Muzzy)

the girls
(Flo, EJ and Kwang Hoe)

and this is what Jackie wrote behind his before he gave it to me. 
can't read it? sadlife for you.

he looks so adorable, doesn' he?
pretty smile I mean.

I can't believe they're graduating soon. I feel like crying when I think of it cause really, most of my friends are all seniors (not that I don't have friends in my year cause I do, just not as close as I am with the seniors) But oh well, at least I'm helping with the graduation and the prom. SPEAKING OF PROM, Empire is so aklshdlsnfasdjlkcdc. What is taking Flora so long to send me the new quotation. And I don't mean to rant about it here instead of the committee but why is everyone is such a hurry to plan everything? 6 months. Your minds can change, do you think for the next 6 months you'll want the same thing? Like now you don't want a DJ and then 2 months later you want one. 

but whatever, I'm gonna just do what I'm told.

Here, photo's I should've posted before.



my parents are so cool.

American Junk. HEHEHEHE (I'll tell you about it next time)

first photo in my phone.

Stephy drew on Jackson's test paper. 

all the phones we've broken. 

That's it for now. I'll try to come back with a better update as soon as I can. 

I don't know what to do anymore. I just want you to know what I feel.
cause I don't want to be forever pretending.
his birthday is coming. :l