February 2, 2011


oh shit, forever alone official month.

Yes, I know- I'm a day late with the whole "Hello February" thing but before you laugh and say.. (you're laughing right now aren't you? bitch. joking or am I?) and say "you were probably lazy as usual." I have reasons, really, I do. Actually yeah, I was kinda lazy BUT.. BUT I was also busy in you-know-where plus double time with research for Journalism Club.

Anyway, I don't have much to blog about- maybe tomorrow. yeah, tomorrow since it's Chinese New Year tomorrow. I'm still deciding whether to go to the open houses I was invited to.


(you watch to much gossip girl t.)
t: if two people in love were meant to be, they'll find there way back.
v: do you really believe that?
t: yes, I really do.
v: I don't.
t: yeah, well...