February 25, 2011

don't start, don't

Don't say things that can start a war

I woke up at 8am today just to go to school with mom, I didn't want to but I just couldn't say no. Mom had Ping Pong ECA so I had to go with her, I actually was suppose to have that chinese drama thing but I was just so lazy to wake up and my rib cage was acting up on me. I thought I was free to just stay home and have some fun with my tv but NO, I had to get up and go with mom. 

but it was okay. 

Though we it turned out mom didn't have any ECA today which was a complete fail, so me and mom just stayed in the staff room listening to Bills, Bills, Bills and Hey, Soul Sister by Glee. We pretty much did that till 11.30 then I strode off to find friends. WHUT? My ass was so painful so yeah.

I was gonna go to Darussalam Hall and XJ's timing was exact, she passed by the same time I went down the stairs- she was walking with Yvonne. I was like;


Then I went with her and Yvonne to the chinese activity room but I didn't stay with her, instead went back to the staff room. (Just to tell mom that I was gonna be in the chinese activity room) Anyway, I went back there and just sat around for awhile then Sean and Samuel came over to kacau us. 

They messed around with our shoes and shit...


Where was I? yeah then we hanged out outside the activity room and did some yamikaze shiznits where they boys would do jumping stunts on the stairs. YEAH, I'll post the video soon. :P 

Then mom messaged me that we had to go to Auntie's house, so I left and went off. The rest you don't really wanna know- just spent the 2-3 hours talking with my aunt, Reych and mom. Around 3.30 though we had to leave to send Nigel and Justin for Friday religious class so we did.

the heat. so painful. ugh

But I could stand it, I ain't scurred of heat. ;) but yeah, when we arrived the church Manny and the rest of the band peeps weren't there except Jomai and Mark but we didn't stay long to chitchat cause they were also busy playing basketball.

BTW XJ Jomai was making fun of you..

what to do?

Then as we were about to head back to my aunt's house, we saw the band people so we went in to like kacau them which we did for like 1 and a half  hours? I DUNNO. After that.. I don't remember, my mind blanked out and went hyper mode. WHAT TO DO?

you see it? I know you do. me and Irene saw this written on a bulletin board.. same handwriting as.. ;)
I'm not sure.
I shall investigate.

with love. I miss you.
