January 21, 2011

I'd catch a grenade for you but you won't do the same

what do you do when the world turns on you?

I've missed blogging, truly I have. You don't know how much different my life is whenever I don't spill out what I want to say. Or tell something or someone what I've been doing, especially if it's worth telling. I'm talkative, whatchu want? 


My classmate for 9 years, My friend for 9 years, My close friend for 9 years, My good friend for 9 years, My bestfriend for 9 years.. My sister forever.

Happy Belated Birthday Love!
you don't know how happy I am that you're my bestfriend. I could never ask for a better one cause you're all there is, you share my pain whenever you don't need to. you're always there when I need you and you're always you with me. you are everything a girl could ever wish for, you're the barbie doll that every little girl would want to play with. LOL- I love you a billion boob. :) And I wish you all the best. *can't wait for your 16th birthday* HEHEHE ;) god bless always.

this is why you must never give me a camera. I SNAP, I SNAP, I SNAP and YOU DAI. (A)

Stephanie's birthday was a bash even though there were some slight complications. Not with Stephanie but with me, you all know how emotional I get but I was hell as determined not to ruin her birthday party. 

After school..
We went to grab the things we were gonna wear for the party, my sleepover bag (meaning my clothes, toothbrush, underpants, etc.) those stuff. I had to run here and there to get the stuff I needed and thank god, I DID NOT SWEAT. Then we went to walk over to PB where Auntie was already waiting.

At Stephanie's house..
We lingered around the house, chit-chatted and took turns asking "which one should I wear? this? this? this? this?" LOL, didn't take forever of course. Then Stephanie took a shower cause she smelt, I'm kidding of course. :) She just wanted to look her best. Me and XJ didn't cause we're dirty like that- again, kidding. I didn't wanna spoil my hair since it looked really good at that time and I barely smelt bad. I would show you what XJ wore but I don't have a complete photo of it. Stephanie wore her forever 21 clothes. *asjfbadsjfahajdnc* she looked pretty as usual.

I ended up wearing this. with *cougheyelinercough*

Then at Gadong..
We were sent to Gadong. We hadn't eaten lunch yet so we decided to eat some light lunch (we're all trying not to gain so much weight) at McDonalds. I seriously hate the food there, there's nothing nice there. Except McFlurry. Keng was the first to arrive there, the only guy. When he arrived, I left- went to dad to grab some cash! :) DADDY IS LOVE.

After that, I ran back to McDonalds. Caught the girls eating and the dude just- watching. Then the rest just played on.
  • Went to The Mall to go wait for Kai Ti.
  • Met him around Giordano but he was just rushing to go take cash from Baiduri- yes, he has his own credit card. wtf right?
  • We went up to Food court cause Kai Ti hadn't eaten lunch and quote "I'm hungry". The boy took almost an hour thinking of what he wanted to eat and ended up eating Jollibee anyway.
  • While he ate Jollibee with Keng; me and XJ went to order waffle and double choclate shake. 
  • Stephanie went somewhere to meet the other while the 4 of us (Keng, Kai Ti, XJ and I) ate and.. talked.
  • Then Tien, Wui Min with Winnie and Lynne came.
  • Waited for Azim and Syafiq at SKH.
  • We went to the place where we were gonna play pool.
  • Syafiq texted said he wasn't gonna come. :(
  • Azim came.
  • Played pool for an hour or so? 
  • Z. texted that she wasn't gonna come. :(
  • Went to eat DQ- me, XJ and Keng didn't though.
  • Azim went to UNI to wait for us.
  • We went to UNI, gamed, vained in the photo booth.

sexy bitch?


ACT LIKE A BOSS. don't even know how to play!


That's when we went to KoKoKan (feels so poklen to put the K's on caps), we all sat and made ourselves comfortable. I had to get out of there for a while so I told them that I needed to get the receipt my mom needed- what good timing that was. I went with Azim and we poured out some serious shit there. We went back everyone was already eating dinner. It was quite.. quiet so I too was quiet. The food was great though, didn't eat much but I had a good taste. 

THE PARTY DIDN'T START AFTER.. Calvin Jong entered. I mean Dinner ended. Of course, me and Azim had to pump shit out so we made noise. Thank god for MTV too. The night went on, some serious and awkward shit happened to me. I'd rather not talk about it so yeah. 

Wui Min and Winnie.

Elva and Kai Ti.

Tien, Lynne, Alai, Auntie Dora.




look alike kan?


S & I

Stephanie and I slept at 1 something- we planned to stay up really late but it was a total fail. American Idol bore us but hey, the night was really productive. :) SO TODAY; 

  • we woke up @ 7am- I know right? early.
  • we slacked around.
  • ate breakfast.
  • chit-chatted on the bed.
  • took photos.
  • played with Sharks. BRUCE FROM NEMO! <3
  • showered.
  • waited for Auntie to come so.. we watched MTV for a while.
  • Left.
  • Ate lunch at Jaya food court.
  • Bought chocolates and stuff.
  • I left.
  • Went to Dad's.
  • Slept at the conference room.
  • Went to Auntie Vangie's house.
  • Home. 
Yup, that's pretty much all I did today. :) This is taking forever - sorry for blogging with so much words. D:

istillverymuchloveyoubutishouldn't. :(

dear ht,
i am truly sorry. i never meant to hurt you or anything- it wasn't you last night. seriously, i don't want us to drift away either. :( i really am. if i did anything wrong- i don't want things between us to change. i really am sorry. i wish you know that. :(
love you, really. sorry.
