January 27, 2011

CNY performance and Kat's Birthday

So, Happy Birthday to:
Em Shams; the sexiest blog user alive. the sassiest person I know. the awe-inspiring independent girl she always and is becoming to be. I wish her all the happiness she deserves.
Regina Lim; to the cutest blog user alive. the innocent yet wild girl she is. I've never met someone so cute and intelligent at the same time, she's so cute I could die. HEHEHE- I wish her all the love and happiness she deserves too.
and Belated to my baby cousin Katrina- who I can no longer call "baby" since.. well, she's 13 now. I loverrr and I wish her all that she deserves which is everything. 

CNY Performance.

keeping this short, sou fun.
we did two performances that day; one for the morning session and the other was for the afternoon session. let me just say, hands down- that we (express people) and I preferred the afternoon session better, maybe cause they're primary one students and they actually liked liked our performance. It was simply fun and I enjoyed it even though I was the only one who wasn't from Express and understood no chinese.

Katrina's Birthday.

one of the most fucking greatest day. 
at first I had a real bad day but then this made it all not matter. plenty happened and I know you don't wanna know shit about it so, I won't tell you shit about it. All you get is "one of the most fucking greatest day". Oh one thing though, XJ and Steph so totally have a crush on my cousin- don't deny shit man. 

That's pretty much for now. There are some photos my cousin hasn't uploaded yet- or might not upload but yeah, just saying it in cas-...


Today however, was slightly shit. I'm so fucking tired, my stomach hurts like shit and I'm so biploar right now. I can't stop thinking of guns and shooting someone. And by someone I mean ****. Oh my god, this is so annoying. I'm gonna shut up for now. Just have no mood to blog which you already know- ugh just shut shut shut shut up. I need booze. booze = wine. 
