October 22, 2010

defy gravity

why do people you love become the reason you cry?

so much has changed. we've all changed and each day passes by much faster.

I have the utter craving for chips. Anything sour or salty but I can't eat anything sour or salty cause of my stomach. WEAK I TELL YOU. I haven't eaten anything sour in forever and I'm getting sick and tired (I can't believe I'm going to say this) sick and tired of eating sweet stuff. My throat literally hurts and I feel like I'm gaining more weight due to all the fatty contents of the food I eat. Bah, this is sounding so biology ish. 

I just got home and I feel so freaking sleepy but I still managed to gather up my strength to come here and well, randomly do this. I might not make sense half of the time so bare with me. 

I just got back from a night out with my sisturs and parents. We went to Gaydong to catch up and as usual we didn't plan on where we were going and what we were going to do. Hey, some things just never change. I've missed them really, it was fun even though the JIRMS sister and Turks weren't complete. ): I really, seriously miss the old times where we would all hang out at Coffee Bean. It's like our third home or something. (: Anyway, only Ate Jas, Ate Ivy, Ate Su were able to come since they're the only ones in Brunei. Nico came along cause he was with ate Su. 

I'm guessing you're like "WTF is she talking about?" Well, for starters JIRMS is another word for "germs" but in a very girly way. It represents Jasmine, Ivy, Rachel, Mae, Sarah and Su. The Turks are the guys plus me and Ate Steph. JIRMS and Turks are actually random group names that my parents made when they were like coordinators in church, if you don't get what I mean then neither do I.

Yuh, we went to Coffee Bean and did some catching up, laughed like fuck and made super chitchat. :)) 

I'll post more pictures tomorrow, though we don't really have so much. :p

School today was school, I love Thursdays. So you get what I'm trying to say. I had moments, great ones and really bad moments. Yuhzr. I'll see tomorrow if I can come on, I'm planning on devouring my books and studying. :3

I'd defy gravity for you.
