September 23, 2010

short updates, updates.


I hate that I can't find a blogskin that suits me! D: It's taking me forever so I decided to stick to with this for now. -.- I'm sorry, I'm lazy and dumb like that wah! And Ty came up with my link. 'veetahgen' as in the drink vitagen. :p

So I'm sorry for the lack of updates, I've been busy with stuff and I've been trying to finish reading my 'Eat, Pray, Love' book BUT I as usual, have no even fucking touch the book ever since school re-opened. WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU right? :o yeah, I'm dumb like that. (:

I can't update much on what's been happening, so lemme break it down for you. I have a feeling that X has a little feeling for H. S broke it with that dip shit of a guy X. I hate E. I'm working now, I don't like my work but I earn money. That's good enough for me. We're preforming 'Glee' for teacher's day annnnnd I (meaning S and me) joined prefect committee. A and I don't talk. 

Yuh, that's pretty much it. You don't get it? Neither do I.

Oh and I love you still K. I don't know why, I just do.

Something very funny about this picture.

Sorry, I forgot to rotate the picture and now, I'm... lazy. :3
HAH! Zimah so cute. xinZaii so shuai. :p

There's a few more days till xinZaii's birthday. (:
*evil laughs* gotta love it.

Z has sexy hair & I love mooncakes. Thanks xinZaii!

updates again soon.
