September 26, 2010

Only one

I hate people who judge, that's why I hate me cause I'm always judging.

It's Sunday, I don't have much things that I did today. I just did my homeworks, watched Gossip Girl with mom and had a One Tree Hill marathon. I also realized that I lost my earphones! Agh, I need new ones again, shit. I'm always losing stuff nowadays.

Yuh, that's pretty much the things that happened today. It's Monday tomorrow, I'll probably have one then.And I'm not really angry about it being Monday tomorrow because one, I'm staying for practice. two, I get to see.. yknow. three, cause I say so.

 I love this photo, I love the people in it, I love her, I love him, I love the photographer, I love the location, I love what we're doing, I hate me.

You see it's like this, I don't know if I love you and I don't know if what I feel is real. I don't know if it's just my brain being stupid again. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I don't know what to do and how I'm gonna do it. I'm pretty messed up cause I pretty much don't know anything.

I don't know what I'm feeling and I don't know if it's worth it. I don't know anything at the moment but I don't know why either why I keep saying you're the one I want to marry and the one I want.

Yesterday I was asked 'why?' and I just said, because. I don't know how to answer any questions about you, I don't know why it has to be you and I don't know why it's you that makes me feel confused. I don't know why I haven't given up yet. I don't know if hoping for the impossible is good. I don't know why you're the only one now that makes me go crazy. It's been 5 months since then. It's been that long since I've been feeling like shit, like this. And all I can say is I DONT KNOW. :o

I only have one heart, one mind, one soul. Stop eating all of it away. But hear me out, you're the one I want to marry. Don't leave k?

So mom posted this in facebook today. I was like omgwtfnonononohowcanshewtflol! I screamed that seriously, no joke. She was laughing, laughing I tell you! Momma is so weird! D:

If you look at it, the first photo of the girl is actually me when I was 5 years old. That was my passport picture and the next one to it is also my passport picture. I have a bad teeth, then moving down, that's my primary 6 pictures. I'm so fot and my hair was shit! Whut? I have no sense of style okie? :p then the last one is my year 8 pictures. Spot the difference in all of the picture?

HAH! I don't know why I posted that. :p

Mirror was dirty. 

One more thing.
I don't have a childhood friend, I never had anyone to play with before. I only had my cousins when I was growing up. I didn't mind but I did however wanted a childhood friend. I have that dumb dream where I have a childhood friend and we'll grow up with each other and shiz. Then if it was a guy, I'd end up like the movies where the two bestfriends get married with each other. Nah, I don't have a childhood friend. Sadly.

Then I studied in Chung Hwa, I started at Primary 2. I thought I wouldn't want to be friends with any of the people there. Yeah, I was a bitch even then. :p As I grew up there, I considered friends in Primary 2 as childhood friends.

"She" has been my friend since primary 2. She's my bestfriend, my soul sister and the one I trust and the one I tell EVERYTHING to.I hide stuff sometimes, I admit that but I do that cause I have good reasons. I tell her that I'll slap her if she emo's which I would but not always. 

My point is, she'll never get that it hurts when she doesn't tell me the things she should and could. 
I haven't talked to you in 1 day and I'm like wtf? -.-

Got this from Em Shams blog, I hope she won't get angry! D:
the thing about girls. - guys should watch like for shiz.
Reblogged from her Em Shams.
I don't care if I'm not pretty.

yes, don't leave.
