September 27, 2010

love is pain

I want to spend every moment with you.

Today was the longest day I've had so far, Physical Education wasn't bad, Nancy was in the mood which was good cause she didn't torture us into running! Then after that we had English which wasn't so bad cause it was only one period, he didn't let us do the presentation today cause we were wearing P.E t-shits. (:

We had only one period of Bahasa Melayu and the other period we went to the library, also had chinese period there so in total it was two periods which was awesome cause we didn't have to do anything but sit around and talk. :p Priya was the substitute though which was creepy. Then that's when we vained { me, tien, steph, wui min, irene and sin yi } we raped Azzam's laptop while he was at IRK. :3

The rest of the class wasn't that bad either, time flew fast. I like afternoon classes sometimes cause I get to see someone and someone and someone. Get what I mean? Of course you don't. :p After school, we had practice for the teachers day. It was short cause we started at 3pm but it was fun, really it was. My voice feels like cracking now, I think I shouted to much. There's rehearsal tomorrow, omg, at 9am and I'm so lazy to wake up. 

Also, today, we { me, tien, steph and xin jie }were talking to k about him changing alot. We didn't mean for it to be so serious for him but I think he did take it quite seriously. I texted him. "you're to worried about what we said. i hope you wouldn't. We didn't mean that the change you're becoming is bad but you can't change as in really into a new person. We're your friends and we love the k you are. (: and no matter what we're still gonna be your friend, just don't change alot or be gangsta. :b... etc."  that message was so damn long. :o

Uh, also today,  I found out something about M. It seems like M has a thing for K. I just think so, cause M has that look that tells me but I don't know. I'm never sure. I'd post the thing X said about LY but she might go ninja on me and kill me which is not a good thing at all. :p She said the cutest thing about him, he-he-he. Also found that Z no like Y. Well, who doesn't? I mean sometimes I don't like Y cause I don't know. :p 

Anyway, let's stop here. I don't remember the whole thing about today, I'm exhausted! Pictures ahead, mkay? (:  (NOT ACCORDINGLY) 

My wallpaper for 3 hours until my dad noticed it. 

During practice. (:

Down there, those are vain people. :p 
wui min, steph, irene, sin yi, tien and me. Oh, one photo with Alai. <3

How'd this get here? :o 
lol, mom taking photo of the dressed candy. 


during class in library. everyone is in one group. ._.

Lynne helping us take the photo.

that's that. fuck you. (: thanks for reading and or looking at the photos. <3

don't be stupid, I like you for who you are and who you're gonna be but I'm worried, someone will get to you before me. I just wish you'd notice, I care.
