August 11, 2010

Perfect lonely.

Life is to short for regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Forget those who didn't believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab with both hands. If It changes your life,
Let it.
Nobody said life would be easy. They just promised ;
That it would be worth it.

Goodluck on exams!

I know I'm not suppose to be blogging but Saturday is my test 2 and I really won't be able to be online anywhere. Plus, it's not like I'm committing a crime here... I admit mom would kill me if she saw me using her laptop while she was out for her aerobics. OH don't laugh, she goes to the gym eeveryday! so what? Don't be so immature.

... Oh my, my dog is barking while she's sleeping? wtf?

Anyway! I wanted to blog about the lunch thing with the wavin' flag and choir peeps but I'm on mom's laptop and most of the pictures are on my phone. :p Next time, next time.

I don't trust some people in my life lately. I don't know if it's a bad thing but I just can't trust them anymore. It makes me feel bad saying this but it's the truth and shit like I always say, the TRUTH fucking hurts.

...honestly, I don't mind you telling me how you truly feel about me. It'll hurt but I'll understand. Don't be such a fucking vagina and brave up.

Moving on, HAPPY PUASA! :D I admit no one is really happy when they're doing puasa but remember that you do it for a reason. (: kay? I seriously need to get out now. BAHAHAHA, mom might catch me.

Last thing.
Happy Birthday Nico!
I love you cousin and I miss you so much. ):


Muizz owes duh vee chocolates! (:
and also people, I'm sick and tired of the lies and the pain.


Perfect Lonely.
cause I don't belong to anyone and nobody belongs to me.

I'm waiting for you.