I'm not going through this again. I hate it when things get complicated. ):
Oh fucking hell, trials are on the 14th!
Alot of good things happened today. I think? I don't really have the time to blog since I'm on dad's laptop. My laptop isn't working so well and I just wanted to make a short update and tell you guys that I'm going on hiatus. You won't really miss me much, you see me everywhere you go. NYAHAHAH! :3
By the way, I love Vee's post at her blog. (': Seriously, none of the things I say make sense. Also for more info about today, go to XINZAII's blog. <3
I love the trio that went botak. Afy, Khairul & Aaron. ((:
This blog is officially on HIATUS!
I'm waiting for your reply. I bet you fell asleep lav.
Signing out until next time,