July 12, 2010

harsh truth IS better than comfortable lies.

Everyone is miserable, they just don't admit that.
They keep it as a secret, they pretend ; pretend that everything is okay.
But it's not, it's never going to be okay.
it's the harsh truth and it's better than the comfortable lies.

Nothing interesting today, during the morning until break time. I kept really quiet and everyone just kept... staring at me. --' Why is it whenever I'm quiet, you guys give me the look. NO, I'm not sick. NO, I'm not tired. NO, I'm not emo. YES, I'm depressed. That doesn't make sense does it? Oh well, since when have I ever made sense. There's no reason to start making sense now. (:

After school, I had to go and stay back for band. Did pretty much the same thing we always do in band. Play instruments. :p LAME! but yeah, fuck yourself Muizz for taking my phone twice! D: I don't fucking care about pictures in yer phone boob. I appreciate the photo's I have in my phone. --' YEAH, that's random.

Ignore that.

Teacher Anuar farted. HAHAHA! Like seriously farted in front of Jun Yu, Anastasya and Irene! I stood far far awaaaaaaaay. I knew he wasn't lying when he said "banar, banar" I just needed to freaking say that! It was funny but gross at the same time. BANAAR! --'

H is so duh hot. D:
A is so duh nice smell.
& Afy I need to get to use to your new hair. :b

They are such pretty people. (:
Jackson & Britt, I love <3

I'm out. Ungrounded by the way. (:
But I have time limit on using internet, screw it.
Still depressed and figure things out.
