April 4, 2010

Okay, maybe one last update for today.

Okay! I am officially bored and angry at "her" but I can't hate her cause it's Easter and I don't know. I just don't wanna hate her! D: ARGH! So pissed. :|

Friends are the bomb! They.make.me.so.gay! (:

Steph (:

Me: whatcha duin?
Stephy: Being gay.
Me: Noice :p

Twitter gayness with mina (:

mina: I miss @siaviel & her ching chong crew. HAHAHA! :p
me: HAHA, ching chong crew? I got kan? and I miss you too! :p
mina: yea got! like, a bunch of them
me: no lah! :p gilerr that's not my crew. I think? x))

I learnt something new today. (: I learnt that-- sometimes I get HTD.
Hyperness Typing Disorder. :p
OMG, I'm so gay today.
Sunday is awesome!
Best Easter ever!

So I hate Poklens :| but I speak almost like one. *dies* save me! D:

OKAY! So I'm suppose to upload pictures but image upload is kinda slow today. :() better luck tomorrow but i took a photo from Zannas' blog-- SO THANK CHU ZANNA! (:

I just love Chase and Edward. :D
Buuuut! I still "hy" green! (:

vee out again (: