April 4, 2010

April (:

YARKS! It's April 4 and I haven't blogged in 3 DAYS! :o

Anyway, I got loads of shiz i was and wanted to blog but ya'know me. :p PEMAAALAAS. >.<
No worries though-- I'll try my best to blog everything I can remember since April 1. If not then I'll just randomly type stuff to fill in the blank. --- I'm not sure if that made sense but whatever. :)

No seriously, what day was April 1? :| I don't remember, maybe cause nothing happened on April one. All that happened was, Barry Lee came to class. *dies* and so did Stephy! YAAY!

SKIIIP the rest. :p

I think and I'm only guessing the dates; that April two was Friday. Yeah-- what happened on Friday? :3 lemme see.. NOPE, nothing happened on Friday. Slept and slept and OH SLEPT. :p

SATURDAY! I loved Saturday! well-- it was yesterday but Oh my gaahd! :D It was awesome. Family day kinda thing. :) So Let me break it down for you. I was suppose to stay back and meet Loui but yeah mom said we were gonna watch "how to train a dragon" (awesome movie!) and jalan jalan in the mall. :D I went home with dad and Nigel; hung around, watched "blood" (kinda good movie, i guess? o.0) then we went driving to Gaydong.

Waited for mom; but she and auntie Yani had some problems with the car-- so we went eating. :d ohh eating, nyummy stuff. *drools* JOKING ON THE DROOL! :p yeah we waited and ended up needing to pick her up. *dies* but yeah we did still watch "how to train a dragon" (again THE SHIZ!) HAHA! then yeah we did other stuff that involved family "personal" talks.

I don't know if that's in order. :|

Today was a long day. and it still is. I'm so tired and worn out that I don't even know if my sentence is right or WRONG?! ;p so weird kan? Anyway! We woke up really early today for mass.

Happy Easter! :)
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After mass we went to Yayasan to have Brunch. :) We ate at Foodzone, nyummy shiz. then we walked around cause we were to full, bought some stuff and then yeah saw some stuff. *yawns* AHAHAH and now I'm tired so I'll edit tomorrow okay. :D

Ihy Green. Still. :)

vee out :)