November 30, 2009

raaanduum post.

Hey again Bruuu's and reader's. :) I just came back for no reason, just wanna post random stuff. :D Ehy before we get ahead of ourselves. Advance Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! I can't wait for it !! WOOHOO ! I'm at home now by the way. lol, now i totally have nothing to do ! REALLY saaaaaaad`~ eeee. XD Anyway, I'm still waiting for the phone i want which i might get. Err, around 36% I might get it. :( Huhuhu ! So yeah. This was the random stuffs that i wanted to post. :DD

SAX *i literally mean the person beside me, not my saxophone.* and me.
Lee Tae Min *Mine ONLY*
Jong Hyun Oppa. :D
Jong Hyun
Min Ho
Tae Min

Yeah, pretty much random stuff :DD ooh, I'm not going mall tomorrow instead i'll stay here :) maybe, my mom antah her :p crazy mameh atuu. then... apa lagi ? errr.. yeah nada sudah. Buhbaiii !
