November 16, 2009

long day.


Hi guys, I'm am SOOO tired. why ? well for lots of reasons really but the main reason i think is SINYI dragging us everywhere in Gadong. XD That girl is kurrrr-azyy ! ;p but it's ok. I mean we did have fun though. Me, Karmina and Chiaw Fei. So this is the story of today.

We planned the day actually to watch a movie but then not enough time so we just walked and did other stuffs. :D I arrived there around 11.45am with my brother cause dad had to send us slightly early. The time we were suppose to meet was 12noon but yeahh. Anyway... we stayed at best eastern and just looked at books and sometimes even read it. heheheh ! it became our library`~ lol ;p then mina texted me that she was on her way... 20minutes later ! yahhh, we had to wait for her on the way for 20 minutes. HAHAHAHA ! gila kan ? before that though Alai arrived since we (Calvin Jong, Bryan, Eric Lee, Tommy and Xue Yi) were suppose to watch with her but then she went with some dude so we just let her be. So mina arrived, my brother got hungry so he hate jollibee first then he went running back to best eastern. That's when Chiaw Fei arrived, while Nigel was eating i mean. Mina bet me that i would speak chinese in front of my friends... I TRIED NOT TO but CALVINAA and ALAIIII kept talking in chinese !! eeeh !!

Damn, my story is messed up !

Who cares, so then we met up with Alai again, then I think Chiwa Fei got hungry so we went to chill. Had lots of fun, ordered drinks, made jokes, watched In My Life... really funny cause we were all laughing... XDD cause in the story John Lloyd Cruz and Luis Manzano is gay. lol ;D then after drinking and endless chit-chat SINYI wanted to buy a gift for Alai so we asked Calvin to take care and distract her. So then we ran to Classic touch. Me, Fei, Karmina, SINYI and Calvin Lai whom we saw after exiting the elevator.

SINYI: what should i get for Alai ?
Me: I don't know ? this ? *pointing at random stuffs*
Karmina: *talking about the mug that she gave as a gift, which broke before even being used.*
Fei and Calvin: *talking about something on the other side*
Me: you wanna buy box ?
Fei: No, I'm just looking at it.
*SINYI looking at the box too.*
Me: just give her the box la...
SINYI: -.- ?
Me: Just say, "ALAI, ahppy birthday !" then when she open she'll say "EHY ? why empty one ?" if she say that then you tell her so if it's your (SINYI) turn then she'll put something in that box and give it to you.
*they were all laughing including the sales lady.*
SINYI: Stupid la you viel !!

That's not how the story really went but something like that la... XD i'm also not sure. Then we went down for the other gift shop then SINYI didn't like any of it... AGAIN so someone told her to just go to euro classic at the centrepoint. so we used the elevator to go down. :D It was funny cause Fei was the one who stood beside the buttons where you have to choose which floor you want. We had to stop in EVERY FLOOR ! HAHAHA, everytime we stopped at everyfloor. Karmina would laugh and we's all just laugh and snort but soon many people started going in and for some reason SINYI was pulling my shirt cause she was... scared ?? LOL XD wth ? then finally we got off. FINALLY ! I HATE ELEVATORSSS ! -___________-''

Then we walked to Mcdonalds where SINYI saw some dude and started saying stuff in chinese *too fast for me* We waited for her to finish so when she finished we went out... I was like ladies first and mina banged the door... *lady with muscles !* HAHAHAH. XDD then while walking, SINYI was like speaking in chinese on the phone. Mina was like, you see even if they aren't angry they still talk like their angry ! Lol. we just laughed then SINYI stopped walking and said she had to go back to Mcdonalds so we followed her again. She just had to go to Mcdonals to take picture of some dude and I was her human sheild. I know i'm big and wide but that's just meaan. :D

After stalking the dude, we went to euro classic. It was fun going there cause we played with the stuff there ! It was weird there was this caterpillar jelly thingy and i was telling Mina to wear it around her neck but she wouldn't so i put it on mine and they just laughed. Again, SINYI didn't like anything there so we just left. HAIXX then went back to Mcdonalds and she did her stalker thing agian.. XP she took pictures behind me and Stalla too. OMFG`~ she left after that cause Chiaw Fei lapar again.. ;q she ordered some chicken thingy, mina oredered oreo Mcflurry and i ordered cornetto sundae. EHEHHE, we had to wait for a long time cause jam wahh. Banyak epol. XD

After ordering we went to foodcourt to eat. Then ast around for a while waiting for Fei to finish her gravy. >.< 20cents gravy. uh... oh, after she finished we checked out some wallets that she wanted, i saw Andy Chia by the way. hmm, barely recognize me. -________-, so many people don't even Argil didn't recognize me. So yeap, went to the Itouch shop, antah what Mina bought... then we went to buy the lollipop, Mina wanted the glowing lollipop but FINISH. wawa naman. 0_0 after that after that we watched.... TRAILERS. Chiaw Fei was tired and bored so we watched free show near the cinema stairs. EHEHEHE XPP then we all eventually go home but i didn't get home until 8pm. :D

Dad, Nigel and me still ate burger and dumplings. *yuuum* so lapar again.. -___-, yeah then we picked up mom and went home. Watched movie--------> Jennifer's Body. *hiaooo* LOL, Megan Fox is hoot ! :)) she totally is. Then while watching i chatted with Calvin Lai. I'd rather not talk about what we talked about. (n) never even wanna discuss it with anyone. After that it was lights out. We also did other stuffs but i had to cut some out cause it's too long. ;D

Can you guess what it is ?

Alai and me playinh with the toys at Best Eastern.

Mina says this looks like Mcdonald molesting the kid. >.<

Mina trying to hinde from the camera. :DD

Alai's drink, Fei's drink and Mina's drink. Mine was Orgasm Margarita. >.<

Calvin Lai hiding from the camera too.

Euro Classic. XD


that's that.
Until tomorrow.
Itellyou and nothing...

vibrations OUT.