November 18, 2009

Short only.

HEEEEY Bruuu's and Readeeers. ;p I'm sorry didn't blog yesterday, I was so tired and i was playing cafe world in facebook. In fact i actually forgot what i did yesterday ! how lame is that ? Anyway, I'm gonna keep it short today.

I didn't go to school today because I had to go and help mom with her graduation programme, i'm just helping out with the sounds and powerpoint. XD then, err... after the graduation thing i actually saw peyWen when she had to pick up her brother. I told this to everyone and they were all pissed cause peyWen said she was going to another country. -___________- eerkay whatever.

After that mom, Auntie Yani and I went to Serusop to i don't really know what we did. Shop for dress ? XDD Yeap, then we ate at Lamee... Couldn't take photos, was to busy eating. XP After Lamee we went to Chong Hock while waiting for Auntie Yani's husband to come. Then pretty much after that was here; at home. Doing internet. while i still can. :C

At home, i did alot of stuff. Chatted with vanz, tiong chong and C. asked him stuff then you know what, you don't have to know really. XD couldn't chat with S. cause she was all snobby. -__-, some friend really. Then yeap that's the day i had. Nothing fun nothing much.

see yahh tomorrow.

vibrations OUT.