November 29, 2009

Fine Day ♥

Hey Bruuu's and Readers :D
Warning: Long post and some were cut off.

Today is oneeee long day :) Good day but long day. So as usual I woke up really early; not really early maybe but 9 or 10am is early for me. lol ! So anyway, woke up did my chores then we really watched this goofy but really good movie where Sandra Bullock was the main character. :D It's so funny cause she was all hyper ! plus she was this totally walking encyclopedia ! XD It's called "All about Steve" the movie was really funny. I felt sleepy when i was watching it but then i woke up cause it was so funny :D

Then mom started watching vampire diaries (YES ! she watches that !) XD I'm serious she likes it, I think so does my dad. Anyway, while they were watching i felt kinda bored and sleepy so i slept for a while but dad kept bothering me -______-, my dad really. :) After that mom woke e up around 2 something i think ? I forgot, she asked me if i wanted to go or not to mall i mean. At first i was like "NO THANKS, NO ONE TO GO WITH." In the end i did cause she mentioned ice-cream XP Yahhh she did !

So we left for GayDong (Mina's word Xd) Mom was meeting up with Tita Inday and Dad was going to cut his hair so they dropped us off at McDonald then we went Mall. Err... I knew Calvin was around so i just stayed put in random places. i tried miss-calling him but turns out his phone had no battery -_____- SOT ! LOL ;p Joking Calvin ! So fortunately, When they were going down the escalator I sa them, I saw Bryan first :D My Bryan ! XD No laaaa. He's my grandson ?So yahhh, they saw me; I saw them. They called me, i think Siong Wei called me first. Antah ! XD Yahh, Fong gangsta five me. lol, gangsta five ? XDD Anyway, yeah. Siong Wei was gonna cut his hair at the essentials ? Forgot what it was called. So me and Nigel wandered around Mall first. Saw Manuel, his cousin and JM. He invited me to his birthday party. lol. Not sure though if I' going. XP Then after that, i went down again.

On my way down, I saw Calvin and the boys. Turns out again that the gay dude who does the hair still had some customers so we went around first. Then Bryan saw the glowing lollipop that Nigel was eating. He was like where did you buy that ? So kacau. *sigh* really that guy :)) Then we went to buy the lollipop; they bought.... ALOT ! Kekdao ! ;p After buying we went up again to check the salon thing but still had some customers *the same one* ARGHHH ! So we went down again ! lol XD Fong and Bryan went somewhere. We Hang around first, checking out wumen. LOL, guess whose idea it was ? Anyway, we got bored so we went up again !

-____________- still not done ! KNS`~

lol, then we just stayed put and played around. Talked for a really long time. XDD We talked about alooooooooot of things. Some funny, weird and some really i don't know how to describe Then, Calvin saw my phone (for fun) and he so my wallpaper was LEE TAEMIN. ♥♥♥ OMG ! He knew. I super ♥♥♥♥ TAEMIN ! HAHAHA, i'm still not sure if he has swine flu or not :( Hope not ! Huhuhuhu. :'( Then the rest was spent alone cause they all went to Cyber cafe. Buut i was happy that they didn't ditch me. I them and they meeeeee. awww`~ isn't that cool ? Such awesomeeersh boys. XDDD ehehehehe.

Then dad came and we bought the wireless thing and now we are all sharing internet. ♥ it ! XD coolio kan kan kan ? I'm so super hyper mahn ! xinJie is gonna watch Jeniffer's Body with the dudes tomorrow :'( I can't go though. saaad. Buut they will all watch Megan Fox (HOOOT !) M.S-ing. XDD No worries though; mom is gonna watch new moon with me on Tuesday (yess, I haven't watched it !) `````~ totally outdated. :C


Which should i go to ? I know ! to all of them !
1. Going with; Calvin, Bryan, Siong Wei, Fong, Sin Yi, Alai, Tommy, Z-z-zanna !
2. watch with Karmina ♥♥
3. Go to Manuels' Birthday at his house.

Yahh, my day is that. :DD Boring for you ? Fun for me, you weren't there. so... BITE ME !

vee ♥ SHINee (mostly TAEMIN)
P.S: Kuya, My books okies ?!