October 31, 2008


Heyaa, I'm back again~
Mina just left for Philippines..
Again there isn't much excitement today or any other day, it's all study study, study and STUDY. Which is making me really crazzy.
Today is Calvin's birthday~
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAVIN-AH~!!!!Now i gotta go..I'm tired, i'll nap for a while...

October 30, 2008

crap test is here~

Yea first of all hi, after a very long time. HAHAHA x)) Not much stuff is going on, i got sick but that was nothing. We often stay back which really sucks. Second, Congratulations to the people who just HAD PMB. you are now officially FREEE.. Wahahaha and third exams are here.
I know...
I have to pass this exams or else i'm dead. x))
Next year by the way i am with the same people-classmate, teachers and same class. Only difference is it's not gonna say 1D it gonna be 2D. xD hahahha. Well anyway i have to start studying soon.

Okay i have to go now. I'm only at the computer lab. Oh yeah i forgot were gonna start having service to drive us home EVERYDAY. so yea, now i have to go. Not much time. ayts? ayt.. byeeee


October 19, 2008

Click Five ~

I don't know why, but suddenly i got close to CLICK FIVE, like a koala bear stuck to a tree. xP Ha ha.. I love the OLD CLICK FIVE..
` Eric Dill
` Joey Zehr
` Ben Romans
` Ethan Mentzer
` Joe Guese

But nooo, they had to replace Eric Dill.. Crapp~! What's the point of replacing him with Kyle something. No offense. I still Love Joey Zehr moree, eheheh....
Here's one song, dedicated to one and only. Sorry if the video looks lame what can i do. Wasn't my fault i didn't do that movie.


Hey girl
What's your name
I think I caught you looking my way
Do you wanna know
How to get me all to your own
Weekends work the best
I'll pick the place, you do the rest
Hey now
Don't be shy
But you got to keep me in line
Love at first sight
Never thought it could happen to me
But you made me believe

Kidnap my heart
Take me with you
Kidnap my heart
Make my dreams come true
Take me away cause falling in love
Ain't very far
Not far from the start
Kidnap my heart

Can you get me up
More fun that I can ever dream of
Could you tie me down
Can you keep me hanging around
I don't wanna be here to keep you company
Put your hand in mine
Better hold on tight for the ride
Love at first sight
Never thought in could happen to me
But you made me believe

Kidnap my heart
Take me with you
Kidnap my heart
Make my dreams come true
Take me away cause falling in love
Ain't very far
Not far from the start
Kidnap my heart

You've got to hold me tighter
Cause I'm a real fighter
Don't tear us apart

Love at first sight
Never thought in could happen to me
But you made me believe

Kidnap my heart
Take me with you
Kidnap my heart
Make my dreams come true
Take me away cause falling in love
Ain't very far
Not far from the start
Kidnap my heart

Kidnap my heart
Kidnap my heart....

October 14, 2008


It's me again, still here at mom's school and she's down there mixing something. xP
Today was an alright day. I wanna meet a new person, though i think it's impossible. He's in Chiaw Yuen, Christine and Chin's class. I think the name is Tiong Chong? I'm not sure.It's been a long day and i'm kind of tired now so, i have to go. Oh and it's Daddy Birthday..

Well Ciao, see you soon..

October 13, 2008


Ello, Ello. Long time no write, terribly sorry. School and stuff oh, and mostt importantly, i have no internet in the house. Hehe. EYH LIZ!! YOUR READING? THERE I UPDATED!!! VAMPIRE LADY! xP EHehe.

Nothing is currently happening; but past few days we did have teacher's day celebration at school. It was OK i guess. Kinda long but alright. I also attended the Sunday class, which was kinda fun. xD Now, humm.. I'm just studying cause exams are like coming but i'm still slacking off as always. Reading 'Slam' by Nick Hornby. It's kinda weird and cool at the same time.

Uhm, ok. I gotta go now. Buh-Bye!!
Till next time, if ever.

October 1, 2008


Which do you think is better?
` a homicide detective
` a nurse
` an interior designer
` an editor or..
` an advertiser

no seriously, choose one. If you were me which would you choose? It's just a question. Don't stress yourself. Okay, keep thinking.

It's probably my last day of internet. I'll have to wait FOREVER again to get internet, but if Mr. wong-chi-wong won't get pissed, maybe then we can use the computer lab. EHEHE xD, no offense though there connection sucks there. I'm posting alot of stuff so if it takes me another month at least i made alot of post.

Chaz made long distance call from Japan by the way. Our conversation went smoothly, you could say but for a few minutes only....-.-

'Hello, Good afternoon'
'Hi, May i please speak with Viel please?'
'This is she'
'uhm, yes?'
'uhm, who's this?'
'o-okay? thank you for calling?'
'HEY, it's me chaz..'
'yea, how are you?'
'I'm SUPER, and how are you? taking a visit here again?'
'Nah, can't school trips were postponed.'
'oh, that's too bad'
'well maybe next moth or next i don't know YEAR?'
'yea, so long..[ pretend to cry,*sniff sniff*]'


'Oh Chaz, i gotta go now..thanks for calling~'
'no prob, chat with you soon, yea?'
'Yea, toodles'

HAHA, yeap that was that..Well then, I have to go now..



Is it possible for a person to hate her friend but still be friends with that person? seriously. I hate this girl but i still talk to her. I know i shouldn't hate but i just can't take her anymore. *Deep Breath* Okay, hating is bad, okay. So i'm still here at mom's school and still sitting here. Doing.. I guess this.

I haven't been THE WACKY ME, haven't i? I don't feel like smiling or laughing. I'm not that enthusiastic nowadays, i always feel like i'm dying or something. And worst i keep thinking how the world would be without me? Wonderful i'm guessing. I have so many problems that i just can't handle very much anymore.

I need to see a psychiatrist maybe or talk to the counsler at school, the only thing is that she isn't very much help. I WISH DEANNA was here, she was the best psychiatrist. No one actually knew she was but now i guess it's safe to say, she's in London with her sister. He's not talking to me and my friends think i'm emo-crazy.

Just now when i was walking, i saw one of my friends at school and they were talking about me, they were really pissed at me. I could hear them saying my name and saying the word SHIT. I guess i couldn't face them cause they are my seniors. But who cares hahaha..xDD TO THE WORLD, CHEERS..xP

Weeird suurvey



What would you do if a hobo jumped out of the bushes and stole ur wallet?
`Well in reality, I'm broke and if i did have money..i'd chase him!

What would you do if you found out that you were adopted?

What would you Do if rudolph the red nosed reindeer showed up in ur yard?
`make it my pet. xP

do you like eggs?

how do you like ur eggs?
`really toasted like

wud u like to put pepper on ur eggs?

`because you asked me and i said no

that's nice....anyways...do you like cheese?

what if the cheese you were eating turned into a monkey butt?
`well that's a big IF, but that's just sick

would that disturb you?

`It's a freaking monkey ass, duh!

so when are you going to visit your fairy god mother?
`I dunno..

are you sure?
`yes,i am

so do you like potatoes?
`I think..

what kinda potaoes?
`Mashed potatoe

maybe u'd like ur potatoes with some mayonaise?
`hmm, maybe..

anyways...so what would you do if a penguin ate all your cheetos?
`it's okayy..xD

would you kick it?
`why would i?They're awesome.!!

do you agree that penguins are AWESOME!!! ?
`i just said that..

and so are monkey right?
`monkey's are ayt..xD

anyways...so how would you feel if you were molested by Micheal Jackson?
`uhh..grossed out..definetly grossed out..

y would you feel that way?
`because i feel that way..

are you sure?

`ask me again and your dead..

ok then....what do you do when the aliens come to suck out your brain?
`COOL, well in a fascinated way but if that was true,i'd run away..

so what do you think of Brittany spears?
`who's that?xP

do you like to dance in the rain with your swimsuit on?
`that's would be my NIGHTMARE!

do you also like to eat ham smothered in hot and spicy cow fetuses?
`no idea..

are you sure?

so what would you say if a stranger came up to you and grabbed your ass?
`haha, impossible..but disgusting..

would this upset you?
`no i'd be furious..

`cause i'm Viel..and i said so..xP

i see...
so how do you feel about chicken?
`I LOVE them..xD

what would you do if you found an elf in your bed at night?
`NO,what the heck..ask it to leave my house...