October 1, 2008


Which do you think is better?
` a homicide detective
` a nurse
` an interior designer
` an editor or..
` an advertiser

no seriously, choose one. If you were me which would you choose? It's just a question. Don't stress yourself. Okay, keep thinking.

It's probably my last day of internet. I'll have to wait FOREVER again to get internet, but if Mr. wong-chi-wong won't get pissed, maybe then we can use the computer lab. EHEHE xD, no offense though there connection sucks there. I'm posting alot of stuff so if it takes me another month at least i made alot of post.

Chaz made long distance call from Japan by the way. Our conversation went smoothly, you could say but for a few minutes only....-.-

'Hello, Good afternoon'
'Hi, May i please speak with Viel please?'
'This is she'
'uhm, yes?'
'uhm, who's this?'
'o-okay? thank you for calling?'
'HEY, it's me chaz..'
'yea, how are you?'
'I'm SUPER, and how are you? taking a visit here again?'
'Nah, can't school trips were postponed.'
'oh, that's too bad'
'well maybe next moth or next i don't know YEAR?'
'yea, so long..[ pretend to cry,*sniff sniff*]'


'Oh Chaz, i gotta go now..thanks for calling~'
'no prob, chat with you soon, yea?'
'Yea, toodles'

HAHA, yeap that was that..Well then, I have to go now..
