July 28, 2008

Here again..

Heyss.here again so bored and doing nothing again.hahaha~ I'm at computer lab again with Maelloyd and Alif.Dang computer won't let me online and chat jeez~ Nothing much going on. Still same.Uhm were practicing for the English Month.

I have to do cadeterrss and sing alooo withthe gang.hahahah..~the gang.And that lah.Met new friends,Azim, Iman, Sean and Nick?--correct kah? hahaha..no idea.Yea that and were going to sing 'Tie a yellow ribbon in an old oak tree?' not sure haha~ yea but different version lah..

Then yea.nothing else gotta go now.xDD byess. until necxt time again..bye

July 23, 2008

Just this last time

Heyy again,it's been i have no idea when but yea here i am now.xD with Alif..loserr, Chinchin,Ate Melissa,Christine and Maelloyd with extra people Zhi onn and i forgot his name.hahahah..!!xD

So here i am now doing all this and that.Apperantly i still have no internet at home.hahaha xD,so i'm taking my only one and only chance now.hahahah xD i''m really bbored now.as in nothing to do.

No pictures to post today and yea,still pretty much nothing to do.Ahhh,nothing in life is interesting nowadays.well maybe not yours but mine.xDStill hanging on with this person..lol,and i have no idea what else to put here..dang it..

Class was kinda uhmm..to be honest still like any other days.Doing this and that.xDDToday's a very tiring,boring-quite and a little bit fascinating.hehehe.I hate this perso by the way..well not hate very much i just hate it sometimes the way he's doing all this stuff and all this things..grrrr~~!!nakakainis sya..so much taht i wanna pull his hair sometimes.

Well what can i do,it's liffe right.I miss church,i sometimes only get to go there on sundays and on activities-Graceee!!Can't wait for that by the way.hahaha xDD,we also miss Manuel,it's no fun without him nowadys..I wanna do something really fun and really bad..dang it..this really bad part doesn't seem to good for me though,i really can't do it..!!

Ano ba yan??wala magawa..i mean really nothing to do here.Seriously..!!I just cant stop though cause later i don't have internet again,i cna't sign in to see of this guy is online.AHHH..!!And alif sucks cause he knows and he is so dang irritating..!!

Ano pa ba?yun lang i think.nothing else no other story to tell.no other stuff to broadcast.so yea,that's all that's my story and i'm not sure when or how i'll be able to get back here.xDD so till next time for `veejayy..Ciao..

July 21, 2008

Tired to type

Hey sorry i didn't come yesterday, I was really tired to type because i just came back from padang and sunday school.xDD,Anyways this is how everything went out yesterday.

I woke up REALLY REALY EARLY because dad said i had to wake up on MY OWN to go to padang for my cadet thing.I woke up early when i heard the alarm clock.I ate breakfast which was honey stars with coco crunch and milk lah.Then straight to the shower i went.It was really really cold i mean freezing cold hahahah.xDD When i got prepared,when i say prepared i mean wore my uniform,pants,tudung and barret i stayed inside for a while.Lay down and ended up sleeping.

By the time i woke up it was nearly 7.oo and i was still laying down,when i finally got myself together i stood up and told my dad that we had to go,so then we left.I finally arrive at school and people were lined up like ants.xDD jokin' they were just lined up,i rushed to the cadet room cause i thought i eas either late or was left alone.Cause late means push-ups and pumping.hahahaha xDD.

When i got to the cadet room,woah was i suprised that they were actually sitting around talking and just walking around.hahahaha x).SO when i got closer enough i stood around waiting,changed my tudung style and fixed my hair AGAIN.Finally,i mean finally cikgu tai came and was really in a rush so then we had to walk and this yea.

When we arrive,it was sooo dang hot.We were really sweating like crazy..~!!Yea there was alot of other cadet's there too.We eventually didn't talk to them cause they were kinda weird.hahaha.x) yea then we sat around watched martial arts and this and that.xDD.Yea,i got to shake hand with Sultan to,hahahaha...~yea then we ate at lapau,which was so yummy hahhaha.~Yea after that again we shake hand with sultan then balik kamoung lah.When we finally arrived at school,we noticed only that shannon was missing and went all the way back there to get her.uhmm,I think that was when i left and went to church i think around 1.oo?:)

When i arrive at church,at first when i was aboyt to enter the parish hall,guess who i saw? the guy taht never i mean never goes to sunday school and i have no idea why.yea i saw Kienthly.hahahah xDD he was actually there.anyway the weird thing was when i came in everyone was still praying and i entered with my cadet uniform,everyone was either laughing or saluting.hahaha xDDI had to change after that and yea straight to class.

Class was the same anyway though teacher a bit cruel,we are always the one who(nics and me)always answer her questions and she expects us to zipp/...xPanyway after that was with tita connie and ate hannah.Yea we had few sharings and this and blahs.Had a few chat with HIM and yea till it got kinda ruin.xDD but yea he left kinda early so yea.Uhmm i think i also had chat with Sarah and Nica then Nica left and it was just Sarah and me,i kinda told her something bad.HEHEHE

And OMG,today is the last day of my internet so i'm not sure again when i'm able to d blog.:(wuahahahhahhahaha...anyways that's that.Picture of my cadet mates and my 'nics'hahahha

July 19, 2008

All the same days

Today,hummm let's see.Went to school as always,then when science period came we actually had relief so jalan2 lah,burengg wah.Anyway the gang lah went to toilet actually we just walk2,lolz.Then uhm when i w as about to go back i saw alif he was actully heading up to help for the medical check and well since i have nothing to do i went with him lah..yea we help around then break time came we went ahead and had our break so then we went to Christine and Chin2's class. Then went to the medical check up thingy again then helped agian which is really long story but so ngaleh to type it all.After that we headed back to class and attended lah..xDD.

After that was uhm well i had cadet meeting for tommorow.yea i'll be more ngaleh tommorow but sometimes it's quite worth it.hahahaha.Yea then after taht ate lunch at canteen with Maelloyd and Alif.I think after that we went and stayed at the clinic for a few while then we headed up to help AGAIN for the medical check up which was really so susah.hahaha..!!Yea but Chin,Chrysh and Chiaw Yuen wasn't there only Maelloyd and Alif lah thats all.We really had kinda fun you know.Uhm, few hours i think we headed down for a while which actually took sooo long mann.hahaha,many patients came..xDD we were so in a rush hahaha.Then we headed up again cause the nurse said the medical check up thing was over.

We went down again to the clinic and had fun lah,and Alif accidentaly found out something he wasn't suppose to find out.hahaha xDD yea we took photos and chatted but i still got angry kay girlfriend..xDD yea i post all the photos and one photo of me, chin2 and Alif.Sorry i had to put Alif's ugly face.Lolzz..xDDanfd i'm not postng some of the photo's.x))

July 17, 2008


Today was really a fine yet akward day.
The day started quite boring and looked like it was gonna be like any days,so i really just did my part like i always do everyday.Attended class and well studied.Soon after a while,around break time,I went to Chin and Alif with Shannon.When I went there Chin was really upset cause she lost hers and christine's note so then we tried to cheer her up.And we did after that was actually suppose to be the medical check up,which Alif was suppose to help out with Chin.But we haha..Extra lahh.hahaha!!so yea after that we went and help out the medical check up thingy.We also played Patintero.Hahaha..

After the whole patintero gaya asked us to go out cause she had to lock the room first.So yea we went to the clinic and hung around,talking chismis(gossips ) and this and that as always.I think soon after that we wanted to practice for the show Alif is making-caleed ` trip` (starring-tell you later)anyway we were gonna practice at the uhm behind the basketball court yea there.Then Alif got so pissed for I have no idea why reasons.Yea then we kinda hung around there too.hahaha!Then after awhile it was time to go eat lunch so yea,(i took a leave form by the way)and so i went up took my bags and went to canteen and ate lunch lerr. xD.Yea

Soon then we played `truth and dare` but chiaw yuen already went home so yea.hehe..it was really fun cause that's where everyone goes saying `AKWARD`hahaha.I have no idea why we kept saying it.hahaha!!Reychelle was there too.Uhm after that we went too the lecture room cause ALif was doing this Bahasa competition thingy so yea.Actually before it started(we were the first to arrive),we kinda played around hahaha..knowing si ALif he really will play around.Yea uhh..i tihnk after that whole thing we left for the kids medical check up and found this really cute kids hahaha.

Hahahah.Yea they're so cute especially Hazwan(the boy) the girls Lianna.Anyways after that was well clinic agaqin duhh.bu t christine left na so it was Chin,Maelloyd,Alif,Shadz and me. And of cour se lah Nurse Michelle and Gaya.We chatted for a while,Drama'd for a while and tehn cried a little.Yea.Unfortunately I had to go so,me and Chin headed to the waiting bench there and chatted about kayy.Yea after that back home lah and i passed by istana and all my cadet pals were there dang it,I shoul d've have went to school last monday,arhhh!!!

Cast and crew:Find out your own!lol..wait for the coming of TRIP..

July 16, 2008


Name:Viel Jeanine D. Sia
Nickname:Viel,Vee and VJ
School:Chung Hwa
Place of Birth:Philippines
About me: Chubby/Fat-(you decide),weird,fun?,bit/really annoying,
Short black hair,deep voice(What sarah said),starting
to be quite emo lately,cheerful,talkative and always
Likes:Ice-creams,Chocolates,Movies,Friendly friends/people,
Bears,Music,Photographs,Shiny things,Jolly people,
Pop-up books and monkeys.
Dislikes:Screeching sound(is that right?),Rude people,liars,too
girly people,people who judge people and cigarettes.

Music/songs:anything i find intresting.
Movie:I'm a movie addict.I watch anything.
School:Chung hwa, P.D.S(SMS),St. Georges
Actor: Joe Jonas, Carmine Giovinazzo and Jackie Chan(actually i can go on)
Actress:Anna Belknap and Demi Lovato?
Subject:Science ,English and Commerce(as long as i understand it)

Best Moment:Anything that is fine,that nothing bad happend to me.
Bad Moment:When he stoppped talking to me
Funniest moment:When Johnny King arrived and me and Kuya Uri pretended i was crying
So he wouldn't shake my hands.xD
Saddest Moment:Everyday can be a sad moment.

adore the most:God
the coolest:Karmina,Manuel,My parents,Khatleen,Kuya Xtian and Kuya Kim
Funniest:Manuel,Chin,Alif,Ryan,Jay-ar and Kienthly
emo:Brother Joven ;P but he's really cool too..
Nicest:Nathalie and Sarah.
Weirdest:Jm--since i dun noe him very well
can't forget: I never forget anyone.:P

Yeap..this is about it,Me..People might think this is akward but this is me.
I think it's prett y much it..lol xD..The end...

Not much

This is us,Actually Nigel,we were waiting for dad to pick us up and take us home lah.xP..hahaha.SO pretty much nothing is happening today
just hanging around doing homework and watching..so yea. B back soon..:)

July 15, 2008

All New..

Today,I decided to change my blog since i have
no other things to do but this.Well the result is
This it may not be perfect but I'm kinda new to the whole
Today's no different from the other days i've had,listening to music -(Jonas Brothers,Take a bow and Apologize)- watching, Reading and friendster-ing. Tomorrow's school day so i'm not really sure if i'm allowed to use the computer.I know all the thing i'v bee posting soehow is lame and crap but like my brother said again i have no sense of writting skills.what can i do?..

See basically, everything i dod today is no different from the others so the thing that i always say before i leave is gotta go..Lol xD,See you..

July 14, 2008

Talk 2 me fren..

this is for #8in' for he/she still doesn't talk to me..kasihian..:))..anyway again i posted this song..'sos' by the jonas brothers..hope you enjoy it.It's ayt..


Haixxx..nothing to do, i've been so realaxed lately..i didin't go schl. again


There's nothing to do right now..i've been on the internet for i have no idea days now..haven 't seen any of my friends..an d ii'm bored..

Ending up to be..

my blog is ending up to be a blog with more music..lol x]..my brother says i have no skill in writing so i tried this instead..welcome the jonas brothers..lol..

and there new album..

July 11, 2008


Today was not a really bad day...

Well i was at Police cadet today and once again was really exaushted(is that right?)yea it is..anyway, after that hang around at nurse's room for a while coz i was gonna get sent to church.

Apperantly, i ended up at Yayasan with my Barkadazz and well we hang around yea..took photo's we were like tourist.lol.Anyway,we also planned our movie which we will post at youtube but it's not yet started cause Alif still has mocks coming so yea.Don't worry i'll post it here once it's finish.(ONCE..)

Anyway we got free food too but it was too much, i mean many.hahaha.anyway i had a really really great time.Sorry the pic is kinda blur..

Ciao :)


Just passing byy..

This is me

This is me-Demi Lovato

I've always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream
Bright inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know
To let you know

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way

This is real, This is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me (this is me)
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Nice song..Lyrics also posted.Joe Jonas..

SOngs that are really intresting from Camp rock

I find this CAmp rock movie interesting since it's all about music..hahaahaha x] i enjoyed it even tho..it's kinda like high school musical it was still nice..so yea, it made me feel better...

I gotta find you-Joe Jonas

Everytime I think I’m closer to the heart
Of what it means to know just who I am
I think I’ve finally found a better place to start
But no one ever seems to understand

I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be you’re not that far?

You’re the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I’m singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You’re the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you
Oh yeah

You’re the remedy I’m searchin’ hard to find
To fix the puzzle that I see inside
Painting all my dreams the color of your smile
When I find you it will be alright

I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be you’re not that far?

You’re the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I’m singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You’re the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Been feeling lost
Cant find the words to say
Spendin’ all my time stuck in yesterday
Where you are is where I wanna be
Oh next to you, and you next to me
I need to find you

You’re the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I’m singing
I need to find you (I need to find you)
I gotta find you (yeah)
Your the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you(I gotta find you)

You’re the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I’m singing
I need to find you (I need to find you)
I gotta find you (I gotta find you)
Your the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you
I gotta find you…

July 10, 2008


Were watching this right now!!!woohoo!!It's really nice and i have no idea why i'm so happy about it..lol x]..Be right back later maybe..going to watch..

Fallin' Lyrics by Janno GIbbs

Fallin'-Janno Gibbs

ooh... yeah..

our litle conversation
are turning into little sweet sensation
and they're only getting sweeter everytime

our friendly get togethers
are turning into visions of forever
if i just believe this foolish heart of mine

i can't pretend
that i'm just a friend
'cause i'm thinking maybe we were meant to be

i think i'm fallin', fallin' in love with you
and i don't, i don't know what to do
i'm afraid you'd turn away
but i'll say it anyway

i think i'm fallin... for you
i'm fallin' for you...

whenever we're together
wishing that goodbyes would turn to never
'cause with you is where i'll always wanna be
whenever i'm beside you
all i really wanna do is hold you
no one else but you has meant this much to me

i cant pretend
that i'm just a friend
'cause i'm thinking maybe we were meant to be

repeat chorus 2x

coda 2:
i think i'm fallin'... for you
i'm fallin' for you
i'm fallin', i'm fallin' for you
i'm fallin', i'm fallin for you
and i don't know what to do, yeah
fallin', i'm fallin' for you

July 9, 2008


Life 's been pretty down nowadays..-------------->

Eversince no no..after m y last post..I've been pretty down..I tot everything was going to be uhm..fine??? but now i guess i was kinda wrong..#18 apparently hate s me..,ost of my friends a re ignoring me and my school studies have been qui te sucky..

What a year..kinda lame.I've been emo 2.tho it sucks..yea but not everything 's been that bad.Talked to Kuya??he's hair hai r is poofy..hahaha..yea, now i got internet lerr..hahhahaha..well gotta go for awhile...

July 5, 2008


Sorry only today was i able to online.hehe :),Anyway..we slept over at church for youth day,we ate barbeque--- If that's correct spelling..uhm..we had alot of fun and yea..it's a day i can't ever forget.Even tho it was for a while only..I also got to spend time with a certain friend and a certain someone.

This is uhm right now..Listening to Fallin'-Janno Gibbs (VERY NICE)..uhm and i just came from Kebajikan..after sports day, it was very tiring,had to stand in the heat oh i was a cadet pala and my uniform was really really thick!!hahaha..most of my friends were insulting me and calling me 'hajah' hahaha.. xD..and uhm..spent time with my girlfriend ALIF and my sCHOOLL BESTFRIENd..Stephanie and with Alif's new crush.Today was a very tiring day..and of all the people i told ----except mina..i told alif..*sigh*..and i told them something you all should not know..

That's all.. for today..