July 21, 2008

Tired to type

Hey sorry i didn't come yesterday, I was really tired to type because i just came back from padang and sunday school.xDD,Anyways this is how everything went out yesterday.

I woke up REALLY REALY EARLY because dad said i had to wake up on MY OWN to go to padang for my cadet thing.I woke up early when i heard the alarm clock.I ate breakfast which was honey stars with coco crunch and milk lah.Then straight to the shower i went.It was really really cold i mean freezing cold hahahah.xDD When i got prepared,when i say prepared i mean wore my uniform,pants,tudung and barret i stayed inside for a while.Lay down and ended up sleeping.

By the time i woke up it was nearly 7.oo and i was still laying down,when i finally got myself together i stood up and told my dad that we had to go,so then we left.I finally arrive at school and people were lined up like ants.xDD jokin' they were just lined up,i rushed to the cadet room cause i thought i eas either late or was left alone.Cause late means push-ups and pumping.hahahaha xDD.

When i got to the cadet room,woah was i suprised that they were actually sitting around talking and just walking around.hahahaha x).SO when i got closer enough i stood around waiting,changed my tudung style and fixed my hair AGAIN.Finally,i mean finally cikgu tai came and was really in a rush so then we had to walk and this yea.

When we arrive,it was sooo dang hot.We were really sweating like crazy..~!!Yea there was alot of other cadet's there too.We eventually didn't talk to them cause they were kinda weird.hahaha.x) yea then we sat around watched martial arts and this and that.xDD.Yea,i got to shake hand with Sultan to,hahahaha...~yea then we ate at lapau,which was so yummy hahhaha.~Yea after that again we shake hand with sultan then balik kamoung lah.When we finally arrived at school,we noticed only that shannon was missing and went all the way back there to get her.uhmm,I think that was when i left and went to church i think around 1.oo?:)

When i arrive at church,at first when i was aboyt to enter the parish hall,guess who i saw? the guy taht never i mean never goes to sunday school and i have no idea why.yea i saw Kienthly.hahahah xDD he was actually there.anyway the weird thing was when i came in everyone was still praying and i entered with my cadet uniform,everyone was either laughing or saluting.hahaha xDDI had to change after that and yea straight to class.

Class was the same anyway though teacher a bit cruel,we are always the one who(nics and me)always answer her questions and she expects us to zipp/...xPanyway after that was with tita connie and ate hannah.Yea we had few sharings and this and blahs.Had a few chat with HIM and yea till it got kinda ruin.xDD but yea he left kinda early so yea.Uhmm i think i also had chat with Sarah and Nica then Nica left and it was just Sarah and me,i kinda told her something bad.HEHEHE

And OMG,today is the last day of my internet so i'm not sure again when i'm able to d blog.:(wuahahahhahhahaha...anyways that's that.Picture of my cadet mates and my 'nics'hahahha