December 3, 2012

Har Har


It's been awhile since I last blogged and I realize I never did say I was going on a long hiatus. Nevertheless, I'm back and I'm ready to spread some lovin'. Before I begin, allow me to just say Merry Christmas to all of you. Tis the season to be jolly, so be jolly! I never expected 2012 to end this fast... I'm serious I never did. But I guess with what's been happening over the past few months, it's no surprise how time just flies by. Anyways, I really wish ya'll a merry Christmas and a blessed 2013. Albeit December is just beginning, I might as well.

Moving on, what has happened since my last post? Well, my last post was on January so... I'd say a lot. But you don't want to hear any of it. They're boring and so... lame. I'm serious. I think I am. But the highlight of my year would definitely be graduation... and maybe a tad of prom. 

Prom was eh. It wasn't the best but it was memorable enough. I guess when you're with the people you've been with for the past... what... 10 years? Yeah, things - no matter how much they suck - don't always suck. Bear with me here, I'm trying to sound all artistic and shit; consequently, I'm not doing a great job. Let me just... ultimate facepalm. I'm serious though, the committee had a hard time getting everyone to cooperate but that wasn't such a bad thing. It was only during the first half of the night but other than that eh. It was 50-50 okay. 

The after party wasn't bad either. It was quite eventful, really. Simon chugged down Chivas more than 10 times. I think. He's a monster, he did it to everyone. But I like him. He's totes cool. The rest of the night, or morning, was quite a win. But that's for me to know and for you to never find out. I swear, I hadn't chugged down liquor in a while so what I did when I got a little tipsy... should always remain with me. 

Then there was graduation night the following day. Tears tears tears and Chung Hwa Style. Those were definitely the highlights. Oh and A thinking the song Live Like We're Dying song, the one sung by Kris Allen, was a The Script song. That was epic. Overall, graduation was memorable. Despite the shitty way the organizer organized it. I won't name names because that would be rude and wrong. Then again, I won't ever have to see her. Okay no I actually will. 

So yeah, I'm no longer a high school student. After years of wishing I wasn't, here I am. It hasn't even been long yet and I'm actually already missing high school. I miss everyone. And I will continue to do so; especially, when I leave for Philippines. Which is not soon but also isn't far. I have a few months to spare so who knows what will happen right?

I seriously don't know what I will be doing. I wanted to find work but I'm a foreigner so that'll be hard for me to do. I should just work out... you know like prep myself for college. If I ever get into college. Or maybe go shopping (yes, a lot has definitely changed). I don't know yet. 

For now, I'm satisfied with going with the flow.

Anyways, here's a little message to juniors. If you guys ever stumble upon these blog post of mine. Depends on you whether you guys want to take the message or not. 

1. Don't bring money to school if you're on a diet. You'll still end up buying something knowing that you have money with you.
2. Don't ever not submit a homework or a classwork. You'll need the extra marks.
3. Don't ignore class duty. Clean you're damn class. It keeps your teacher quiet and not nagging AND you have a clean environment. I mean seriously who wants to study in a dirty place. You? Get your shit together.
4. Don't listen to your teacher when he/she tells you that you won't make it through high school or O level. If you have bad grades, I mean. If you guy have met Syafiq Maarof, he definitely told off those teachers by making it through high school. 
5. Study hard. Study smart. Keep your schedule rolling. By that I mean, balance your time. There's always time for fun, time for extracurricular activities and time for studying. It's important to study at all times though even when you don't feel like it.
6. "YOLO" is for stupid people. No offence. It isn't bad to say or feel yolo all the time but you can "YOLO" your head out when you're done with high school. Study, not always yolo around.
7. Stop acting like you're a damn gangster. I'll shove a wooden stick up your ass and let's see how gangster you are then. If you don't wanna be in school and would rather be a gangster - stop wasting your parents' money and just get out of school. 
8. Savor the moment you have with your friends, no matter how long you've know each other, be it 13 years, 10 years, 3 months, 1 week - savor the moment with your friends, savor high school. It won't be there forever, people will go someday.
9. Having a boyfriend/girlfriend in high school is okay. You wanna experience it, go ahead, once or twice should be okay. But if you've hit more than 5 or have dated pretty much every guy/girl in your year or in school... you have to stop. You're spending too much time and effort in building up these relationships that might not even last. You could have spent the time doing something much more worthwhile.
10. STOP SAYING I LOVE YOU to boyfriends/girlfriends or FOREVER when you don't know jack about what love and forever is OR if you don't mean it.
11. Wear your uniform with pride. No matter how much it makes you look uncool or no matter how much you think the school sucks... that uniform, you won't be wearing it after you graduate. So wear it with pride.
12. Don't
13. be
14. reckless
15. with
16. words.
17. Prove
18. teachers
19. they're
20. wrong

And that you can make it. I'll see you on the other side.

Capital V

PS: Photos soon!